Nations Established, Warrant for the Bloody Enchanter or 2

It didn't take long before Zarra and his associates had managed to establish themselves, though the awakened were starting to reveal there more sinister characteristics as time passed. Soon it was more like a village of monsters than a human society, everywhere one looked you could see oddities in the classing system.

Whether it be those with monster Classes or those with Sinister Classes, they were a common sight now. Zarra staring at the sight couldn't help but feel a bit of vindication.

'You all reflect your true selves now, monsters hidden in human skin.' thought Zarra with a sneer.

"We can officially consider our township established, the people are slowly coming to accept their new forms as other's learn to conceal their deformities. However there is some news that I think you would like to hear." teased the crimson armored giant.

"Spill it blood breath" shot Zarra as he despised the sing song teasing of his two allies.

"There's word of traveler matching your batty kid's looks in the forest heading north" chirped Jared the action going against his hulking form.

"Jared it's bratty, but was there anything else to match him to my brat" asked the Mage looking towards his friend who seemed to smiling if the glowing beam coming from his helm was anything to go by.

"Well there wasn't much really other than similar looks, but lighten up Bat brat seems like he is holding his own." laughed the Crimson giant but his demeanor grew serious causing Zarra to straighten his face.

"There's more?" asked Zarra his words carrying the endlessness of the abyss.

"We had one of our scouts return from the temple" reported Jared though his tone carried an edge.

"What happened" asked Zarra narrowing his eyes.

"Does your son bare the Blood Script" asked Jared suddenly causing Zarra's mouth to dry.

"Explain yourself Knight" demanded Zarra a cruel kind of madness getting stirred.

"Our scout returned but he was changed, he declared himself a champion of God and displayed feats that was far above his previous capability. I managed to only nick him with a full on swing, Grigory took the worst of it though." reported Jared with grit teeth but slowly turned to regret.

"What happened to Grigory" asked Zarra with widened eyes.

"That little bastard hit him with some potent light attack, the shit is eating at his essence even now after he has already switched three bodies. The healer's don't think he's gonna make it Zarra, Grigory of all people." reported Jared as his hands clenched unceasingly as if wishing to swing at the perpetrator right then.

Zarra fell to his seat as the information sunk in, however soon the lost look in his eyes disappeared as his face gave way to a snarl.

"I will fix Grigory, I only ask that you somehow find Draig before these Blights get to him" ordered Zarra as he appeared before the sickly Necromancer.

"Cough.... ha... did we get that little shit" asked Grigory his jolly flaming eyes growing dim as he spoke.

"We didn't, we are gonna need your help for that." stated Zarra as he looked down at the Necromancer with a calm face but the energy whipping around the mage was anything but calm.

"Ease up Zarra, everyone has a time. It just so happens mine is now" smiled the Necromancer until he looked up into Zarra's eyes.

"I didn't order you to die" continued Zarra straight faced as he spoke causing Grigory to feel his lifeless skin crawl.

"That's not something I can just decide Zarra" spoke Grigory quickly.

"I ordered you to assist me" stated Zarra as the village seemed to grow Dark and time seemed to slow down.

Grigory's form was moving slow enough it was as if he was standing still, in this slowed space the Dark mage moved gracefully as he lifted his hand swirling with dark energy.

"Where there is light there shall also be Darkness, Where the light shines brightest is where the shadows grow Darkest. Purge" whispered the mage as time seemed to catch up while the mage slammed the swirling ball of Dark energy into the Necromancer's chest.

"Now stop being lazy and get back to work" stated Zarra as he walked away from Grigory's widened eyes as the Necromancer's dried up tear ducts began to moisten.

'Zarra was I really worth it, if your willing to expend so much energy then what is it are we preparing for now' wondered the Necromancer as he saw the shadow of death hanging around the Mage's arm.

'To sacrifice your limb for me, how desperate are you' wondered the Necromancer.

The Dark mage however had different thought's on his mind.

'What do they want with Draig, he may be one of the few that possesses the Bloodscript but there are others far weaker than him' wondered the Mage as he tried to scratch an itch but looked down at his rapidly aging arm.

'Draig I need to find you, your not ready for the odds that are about to be placed against you' lamented the Mage