Heritage and Origins

'It is a long story young mortal, a story from the times of Gods and Demons and Devils alike' started the Founder.

'I was once a human as well, I stood high above my peers regardless the field or subject I was unmatched and it had always been so. My parents said I was blessed and chosen by the Gods but I knew better, these gifts of mine were not a blessing but a curse.

As I grew older the difference between me and normal humans was made even more clear, where I could run without rest my counterparts would be wheezing and asking for rest. Where I could cleave a tree with one stroke most wouldn't be able to do it with a thousand, as my advantages became more apparent to them jealousy began to grow. However this would not be the cause of my change, as I said I was naturally ahead of any who would dare call themselves my colleague and it was because of this in those times of wars between the heavens and the abyss I was deployed.

I became something akin to a god of slaughter and as I continued to battle and wage war against those dark forces I found I was yet becoming even more powerful. As this happened I found that the amount of troops assigned under my charge grew smaller and smaller as they were assigned to different units until it was only me. A single man versus hoards of enemies' stated the Founder as he was lost in his memories.

Draig on the other hand was looking at the person before him with something akin to worship, who could dare to compete with someone who was honestly so amazing. A figure who could confidently face armies by themselves and still slay them until he was the last man standing.

'However even in the face of these odds I stood my ground and I triumphed, though unknown to me at the time as my power grew so did the fear among those who had blessed me.' the Founder paused for a moment as he recounted those times.

'The war was almost done, our side and had nearly wiped out those abominations. The Gods were to reveal themselves to fight those Devils who had ruled the abyss, that was the original plan at the beginning of the war but plans change.

The Gods had instead sent me in their stead to buy them the time they needed to enter this realm.' the Founder was clear with his disdain as he continued.

'I fought these Devils and for once in my life I felt the thrill of losing, but it was not these Devils that felled me. I still remember and I shall forever, that light that used to bring me warmth from it's grace was instead robbing the warmth from my body as my life began to fade.

The world around me began to narrow as my vision went to black but when I thought it was over and I would be able to rest my blade I felt a different type of warmth. It wasn't pleasant like that of the God's, no, it continued to get hotter until I was burning and as I burned. My flesh was purged of the God's light and it was replaced with something far beyond what they had given me.

When I opened my eyes for the first time I was not on that blood soaked battlefield any longer, instead I was greeted by the sight of a heavily scarred Devil. I recognized him as he had been one of my opponent's but it was clear he was not at his peak any longer.

He looked at me and stared for a long time before laughing as tears poured from his cold eyes.' continued the Founder

Draig by this point was enraptured with this man's story, it was so unreal even to him who was blessed with a system.

'He was crying tears of joy, he was the last of his fellows as he continued to explain to me. It was clear he was growing weaker as he spoke but he didn't care any longer. He told me of how they had been beaten by the Gods, how his brother's instead of dying in battle chose to retreat and instead preserve themselves in some manner. However while his counterparts had multiple assurance's he only had me. He told me this and he laughed and chuckled as the tears going down his face turned black, and that was when I realized what was different.

Staring at those black tears I felt my appetite become aroused.

Do you know what those tears were' asked the Founder

Draig couldn't even begin to fathom what was so special about a devil crying black tears.

'Devil's Blood, that was the first time I quenched my thirst was on that Devil. It was ultimately what lead to his demise but in the time he had left he told me of the things he done to me and he gave me one task, eliminate the Gods control of the world.

It was an easy choice to make, I spent my early years as a Vampire studying the things left behind by these devils and I found my answer after expanding my understanding of Magic. I would create a machine of sorts that would deliver abilities similar to being blessed by the Gods but for that I would have to cause those believers to become desperate.' the Founder started chuckling at this point with a dark smile.

'The Golden Age of Vampirism' muttered Draig causing the Founder's smile to grow.

'I started small by dominating those races the Gods would care nothing about and even delight in their slaughter. This was ultimately what lead to my success. While I was uniting the Dark forces, humans were waging war with one another in the name of their God' chuckled the Founder.

Draig widened his eyes at this point.

'I bathed in their blood and infected their children, I pillaged and I forced these sheep to forsake their Gods in the name of a False Prophet that would give them power without the need for prayer. This prophet transported a mysterious tool that the Gods could not fathom or break, humans came in by the thousands in the hopes of gaining the power to stop the reign of Darkness.

Without these people the Gods no longer had the power to attempt stepping onto this world, their temples became nothing but a memory and their offering's became air. Without the prayers of these people the Gods began to grow weaker and weaker until I found my opportunity.

Using the forbidden language of Feratu which I had derived from the Devil tongue, I cast their temples and thus their last bit of existence into the depths of the earth locked by a seal that would never be broken.

However this is not where the story ends, I continued to live and I had twelve sons shortly after the stripping the Gods of their might. These twelve sons were exactly like I was in my youth, gifted beyond the realms of the normal populace. Each of these sons inherited my blood and my power but it was alas the undoing of my family's unity, with each one inheriting only one of the Vampire bloodline traits they fell into constant fighting.

Who was stronger, which ability stood above the rest.

I watched these twelve sons and I felt myself grow sick by watching them fight for my throne, thus I corrected this mistake and using the Bloodmancer technique unique to the Feratu lineage I made a new child.

I believe you have met him.' chuckled the Founder

'Dracule' stated Draig as he understood a bit more of his old Servant.

'Indeed, Dracule was created using solely my blood but there was something different about him. He did not boast superior strength or superior speed, he however did inherit all the bloodline abilities of Feratu causing jealousy among his brothers.

It pained me to hear them forsake my name of Feratu but beyond this pain I felt anger at their disrespect. With this said, since they did not wish to carry my name I once again used the Bloodmancer ability to completely remove their hopes of awakening another of the Feratu ability and declared Dracule my heir and them to be branch family, their duty to serve the main branch.

It was at this time that they seemed to have realized the error of their ways but it was too late, they pleaded to take the name Feratu again but I rejected. Their expectation of mercy sickened me and thus I made my decision clear to them.

I declared them Aries, Altis, Craud, Dremin, Lotti, Vald, Thalik, Krone, Strom, Mitri, Bratu, Cercel. Each of these branches carries one Bloodline ability while those of Feratu hold them all, naturally they obeyed when faced with mine and Dracule's might and versatility and the Feratu branch prospered until the time my beloved creation became my downfall.

I believe you know it well' explained Dracule causing Draig's eyes to widen at what was being insinuated.

'The Class System' mumbled Draig

'Is that what it is called now, when I created it I had named it the Silent God.' chuckled the Founder once again before he fell silent.