Heritage and Origins: Burning Mortalility

Draig's mind was reeling from the information he had gained from the Founder, the Class system was actually created by the Founder. The thing that allowed humans to fight monsters to this day was given by the first Vampire.

'I never told any of my sons about me creating the Silent God, it was for the greater good that a balance was maintained so I went in secret to fix the Silent God to prevent a Dark being from ever being able to access it. Only with the blood of Feratu could this be changed, though over time a few "accidents" did occur after this. An example being the birth of Legendary blessings, I still couldn't tell you what caused this or those damnable Classes to come into being especially that accursed Enchantress' cursed the Founder.

Draig coughed lightly without saying anything in response.

'Now that I have explained our beginning I will tell you another secret' stated the Founder as his mouth moved but Draig couldn't hear any of the words.

'I'm sorry could you say that again, I couldn't hear you' stated Draig as he tried to figure it out,

'They will come to you when the time is right' stated the Founder as he began walking towards Draig with purpose.

Fearing another strike Draig tried to back up but the grasp of someone who could defeat Gods was inescapable. Draig closed his eyes in preparation but felt a mere prick on his forehead before something horrifying started happening a familiar mark appeared on Draig's chest and started to become ash.

'A Dark mage trying to stop the natural order, how quaint' stated the founder as Zarra's rune was burned away completely and Draig's blood began to boil.

'Consider it a gift' mumbled the founder as he became transparent and his energy bolted into Draig's body speeding the burning of his Blood.

Draig's ocean like eyes flooded with their familiar crimson and he tore at his clothes as he began to sweat, his claws regained their edge as he gouged his own chest trying to release the burning liquid. If it was only this it wouldn't be much but as his back arched his sleek figure rippled like worms under his skin, soon his muscles bulked slightly. Draig roared out and burst forth with an energy similar to before but innately different at the core.

Draig's eyes shot open and realized that process was no dream as he was still burning, his blood steaming from the slowly closing wounds on his chest. Releasing another roar his power burst out again but this time it was heard by all.

Soon his breathing came under control and he released a turbid breath filled with red mist, his slightly darkening hair faded back to it's silver hue and his power back Draig stepped out of the hole with malice written in his eyes.

'The Founder may have painted his ways as pacifistic and free of malice but no one can hide their hatred from me' thought Draig as he clicked his pen and it took on the form of a cane.

The moment it first hit the ground it was like thunder as it rang out, the ground torn asunder like the earth wished to birth another wonder for the world to marvel at. However the figure with the cane walked calmly as if he feared not time nor death, he had been in listening to the founder the whole night it seemed as the first signs of the sun could be seen peeking over the trees.

In the Village Kira and the others wearing the rings wheezed haphazardly as they were soaked in sweat.

'Forgive me Master' thought Kira as he laid on top of the rooftop his body still covered in sweat from the entire ordeal.

Struggling to get up Kira dropped from the rooftop clumsily, his vision was hazy as his body had still not recovered from the shock of the burning ring. He couldn't even muster the speed he was known for as he leaned against a nearby wall for support.

'I can't even transform' thought Kira as he realized he had no weapon but his gaze did land on a woodcutter's axe.

"Must redeem myself, for sake of my family" puffed Kira dragging the woodcutter's axe behind him as he continued to walk unsteadily.

He found his targets still curled up and breathing heavily on the ground, he knew all three of these men. He had watched them grow up with Kasa, in his eyes they were nothing but pups but if it came down his pup or these pups.... it was no question at all.

"You dare attack my Master after he has bestowed us with powers we could only have dreamed about" yelled out Kira causing the attention to brought to them.

Those who had also experienced the burning began putting the events of last night together and came to one conclusion, it was the trio's fault.

Those who had been celebrating at the suspected death of Draig began to tremble, if Kira was still acting in his Master's interest then didn't that mean the Heir of Feratu lived.

"W-wait, please. Uncle Kira, we would never disrespect you or Lord Draig" cried the Leader of the assault.

"Sato.... Last night I saw you three do it with my own eyes, did you not think it odd his scent trail changed so suddenly" stated Kira as he hefted the axe onto his shoulder with labored breath.

The trio's eyes widened in realization before they began to plead.

"Uncle Kira, please spare me. I won't do it again, I'll do anything. I'll be his pet please" cried Sato as he clawed at the ground trying to get to Kira's feet, he was truly scared of death and he knew what his failed murder attempt would mean.

His comrades who had taken part spat out similar pleas and mercy's but it seemed they were falling on deaf ears.

Sato seemed to have found a light as his eyes brightened back up.

"Uncle Kira please listen, I know you smelled as well as I did last night. I thought a Human had tried to take the Master's life. Please I beg you see reason" continued Sato but Kira was no fool.

"Sato, please have some pride" responded Kira weakly

"Uncle, it wasn't me. I was forced by these two" cried Sato one more time pointing at his fellow would be assassins.

Kira could bare it no longer, as he swung the axe with all the might he could manage to try and give Sato a quick death. The Young man found the blade plunged into the side of his neck loosely, the axe hadn't managed to break into his neck very far and merely caused him to suffer as blood flooded his airway. Kira couldn't bare to look so he closed his eyes and swung again only to hear more gurgling, the old Wolf swung again and then again until the gurgling stopped.

The two who had acted with Sato cried but stopped begging for their lives, they realized their was no escape from this fate. With that in mind they straightened their forms and looked straight ahead the fear they had shown before was still present in their eyes but they found the will to look death in the eyes courageously.

Kira seeing this couldn't help but let a few tears escape, he was proud to see these two even as they were clearly terrified could calm down and accept it silently.

Kira found his grip become weaker and could barely hold the axe as he lifted it again to silence these two young Wolves, they could no longer be pups with the attitude they were displaying now. With another swing Kira kept his eyes closed and he heard a mere grunt and mentally apologized for not aiming.

Opening his eyes and gazing through the tears Kira found his strength and swung with so much might a windstorm was kicked up and it was without fail that two heads rolled to the ground.

Kira dropped to his knees and howled out loudly in anguish, he never wanted to be this type of person. It was why he tried to reason first, there were few exceptions to his ways but when it came to his own kind he would always try to reason. Today there was no reasoning and because of that, three Werewolves he watched grow up had died by his hand.