Tribal Conquest

Draig was not kind to Kira's people after leashing them, the women and older Wolves were working nonstop to gather Draig's material's with Marco giving regular reports on their progress. However those youthful Werewolves were being ran through the dirt by Kira as per Draig's orders, the old Wolf cursed himself feeling the current situation was his fault. The collar around his neck reminding him of his slip of judgement, many times during these few weeks hoping to rebuild any form of the relationship he had with the heir of Feratu but it was proven pointless.

As if reading his thought's Marco laughed heartily.

"What do you want pest" snarled Kira looking at the disgusting Pixie wannabe with anger.

"Oh nothing just passing by when I noticed that regretful look on your face again, I can't help but wonder what you thought would happen by double crossing the Master. He is Feratu, thus it is fate that he reclaims what was once theirs. Do you understand what I am saying" explained Marco becoming serious towards the end causing Kira to narrow his eyes.

"What do you mean 'reclaim what is his'" demanded Kira with a growl.

"Apparently new tricks aren't the only thing you can't teach old Dogs" sighed Marco shrugging his shoulders helplessly before flying away.

'Stupid Wolf, this is his world. We're just pieces on his chess board' thought Marco as he reported to the young Feratu.

"Master" chimed Marco trying to appear as presentable as possible only making his disgusting features more distinguishable.

Draig lifted his gaze from his journal that he received from Marco and looked to the little fatty.

"I assume that you have disturbed my leisure time for a good reason" asked Draig as he continued petting Kasa's head sitting on the ground at his side.

"Of course, Master. Here are the current number's on the gathered materials, also I have come to report the new Order of Dread Knights is coming along wonderfully through the use of Limit Breaker and Kira's guidance." stated Marco dropping to the floor to kneel before Draig causing a look of pleasure to pass through the Feratu, he truly liked this little goblin's attitude.

"Excellent, Marco inform Kira to send a message to the other tribes spread through these Plains. Tell them surrender or face annihilation, there are no other options." stated Draig as he brought forth his imps.

"Take them to the Materials and bring me a few of my pets without a class" commanded Draig sending the Little Blight off with his summons in tow.

"Tell me, do you find my actions despicable" asked Draig suddenly surprising Kasa as she looked for who he could be talking too.

She had become his lapdog so to speak, she would sit at his side while he enjoyed his leisure time looking through journals but he had never spoken to her during this time her collar was even different than the rest looking like a jeweled choker.

Draig quirked a brow at the lack of response, causing Kasa to react quickly.

"It's fair....." answered Kasa begrudgingly catching the Feratu's interest.

"Oh? Tell me why do you feel such a way" asked Draig as he subconsciously began petting the Wolf girl's head.

"It is the same as Asagi' taking over, you are the strongest Alpha. Your strength is your right to rule, it doesn't matter how you rule as long as you have the power to back you up" answered Kasa causing Draig to fall into silence for but a moment.

"Such a reason, ha ha. I like it, my power gives me the right" laughed the young Feratu loudly truly amused by the answer, it was so honest.

"Come girl, we're going for a walk" chuckled Draig putting down his journal, he had a reason for treating the Wolf girl a bit more generously. She had saw fit to bring him the black Blood of her own volition, this was a big help to him as it help to upgrade his Tome once again and was also key to his growth.

Kasa got up and followed and was surprised to see Marco in the distance with a few younger Werewolves she recognized as would be suitors, they looked exhausted as they drug themselves to Draig's place of residence.

"Alright mongrel's bow before your Master, or have you no manner's" yelled Marco causing Draig to raise a brow.

"I didn't say kneel, did I?" asked Draig staring down the little goblin.

Marco panicked and went to Draig's feet groveling for forgiveness without a threat.

"Master, forgive me! I knew not my wrong's please find mercy in your heart for your loyal translator" begged Marco making sure to not place himself too highly in front of the Feratu.

Draig waved him off before stepping before the group of young Wolves, he looked them up and down before nodding.

"You five are truly lucky, starting today you are taken from the troops. As of now you will be the craftsmen arming the Order" announced Draig causing the group to show a bit of gratitude in their eyes, their bodies having been broken and rebuilt so many times they felt their lust for battle dwindle to the point of nonexistence.

"Thank you, Master" answered the group in unison.

"You" called Draig pointing towards the middle one.

"Come forward and tell me your name" commanded Draig.

"Lykos" answered the Wolf

"Interesting, you will be in charge of this group. For your task of managing and reporting to Marco I will present to you one of my more favored skills" stated Draig causing the Lykos to widen his eyes.

"T-thank you Master" bowed Lykos causing the other four Wolves to look on in jealousy.

Draig produced a Blood Gem and tossed it to the ground before Lykos to which the Wolf garbled it down greedily before his eyes widened in shock.

"My eyes" cried Lykos

"Silence, now this is how you will determine whether their work is any good. Tell me what you see when you look at me and then turn to look at your fellow dogs" commanded Draig to which Lykos obeyed before looking upon Draig in fright.

'This is impossible' thought Lykos as he took a more submissive position on the ground but remembering Draig's words immediately looked at his fellows and truly felt the awe inspiring might of Draig and his abilities.

"Do you understand what I expect of you now" asked Draig as he dropped four more Blood Gems on the ground.

"Yes Master, I will see to it everything is done as you wish" admitted Lykos.

"Good then pass these to your brethren, as for you four. I expect you to follow this one's commands, you report to him." with that said Draig told Marco to take them to the Imps so they could begin their work.

Kasa stood at the side and wondered what it was Lykos had seen with his new eyes but she didn't dare ask in Draig's presence.

"Come Kasa, it's time to see my favorite pet" chuckled Draig causing Kasa a bit of happiness, she knew when Draig said this he usually referred to Kira.

As the duo walked through the village the Villagers would stare before ducking their heads back into their work, Draig nodded in approval. He was finding that his dogs had come to understand their role.

Eventually they made it to the training ground where Kira was damn near killing any Wolf that came near him sending broken bodies flying as they lit up in a purple Haze. His attention was brought to Draig with a sharp whistle.

"Master" answered Kira

"Do you forget your daughter" asked Draig though you could see the smile in his eyes as he heard the address.

"Hello sweetheart" smiled Kira wishing to hug the girl.

"Hi Daddy" smiled Kasa though it was weak as she felt the guilt mount against her.

"Kira, I assume Marco told you of my command." asked Draig as looked to the ravenous looking Wolves who continued to fight amidst themselves while Kira was answering him.

"Indeed Lord, I have sent the scouts to do this task. Is there more you wish done Lord" asked Kira looking down.

"Very good. I am pleased by what I have seen today, allow my other pets to rest along with yourself." stated Draig as he turned his back to the Old wolf.

"Truly" asked Kira in surprise.

"Yes, however do not mistake my kindness for weakness. I have no qualms finishing what I started... Do I make myself clear" asked Draig turning a harsh gaze to the Old wolf out the corner of his eye.

"Of course Master, I would never betray such kindness" answered Kira before realizing his slip of the tongue which had caused Draig to chuckle.

"I assume you mean a second time" laughed the Feratu walking away with Kasa in tow.

"You enjoy the festivities, I will be spending time by myself today. I smell a fox" laughed Draig as he sought out the pest.

Kasa was confused what was so special about a fox until she her thought's went somewhere they shouldn't have causing her to light up with a blush believing this 'Fox' to be a woman.

'I'm coming, you bastard' thought Draig as he tested his Blood Hardening ability from the Altis, it was a skill similar to the the Blood smith but inherently different as it was stronger than the armor he formed using the latter ability.

Draig was smiling as he he sped forward and became mist disappearing from view, in the distance a familiar fox eared figure watched him with curiosity.

'Where are you going little Feratu, I still haven't finished mirroring your abilities' chuckled Asagi not realizing the change in wind carried his scent far, the only thing keeping Kira and the rest from detecting it was they had grown used to it.

Asagi waited for Draig to pop back into his view but the hair's on the back of his neck stood on end as he ducked.

"Found you" smiled Draig as he pulled a large chunk of wood from his hand before using the blood to form a ghastly set of claws shining with red glimmers.

Asagi stared in horror at having been found so quickly, unlike before this was his real body and it was quite lacking in comparison to most other Dark races. This in mind he turned to run but found himself lifted by roots before Draig came once again with excitement, he truly wished to skin this fox.

Seeing the situation Asagi used one of the many abilities he had copied and formed a wind blade which he quickly followed with an illusion which was his races specialty.

Draig chuckled as he heard a gasp before it turned to a shout.

"Not so fast Fox" laughed Draig as his mosquitoes had formed a sort of wall.

Asagi hearing the call became even more surprised at being found out as a Fox.

'Run, gotta run' thought the Fox as he decided to use his most dangerous skill.

'Lunar Ripple' thought Asagi as his form began to duplicate and shoot off in different directions causing Draig to narrow his eyes but his appraisal couldn't decipher the real Asagi.

"That's fine Fox, if you wish to play this game then so be it" laughed Draig as he dropped his own blood into his Tome before producing a blood Gem.

'Class change successful' came the call from the heavens.

"I believe it was Lunar Ripple" called Draig causing Asagi to flush white as the Young Feratu separated into multiple versions of himself reminiscent of the Fox.

'How did he copy me, that's not possible' cursed Asagi internally before sinking into the ground using another stolen ability allowing for his escape.

Draig's copies tracked down their respective targets and eliminated them, the young Feratu finding that the Fox had escaped again became enraged once again but before his anger could boil over his insects brought him the Fox's blood.

'I forgot the Tome had evolved' thought Draig as the drop was placed into the book bringing of the Kitsune race's Blood Traits.

"It seems I will have to go back and refill my Tome at some point" chuckled Draig thinking of the Elves and other creature's he had seen in the Beast Lands.