Tribal Conquest pt2

It had been a few weeks since Draig's recent encounter with Asagi, he had been caught up in the moment and hadn't properly thought his actions through but luckily his enchanter class had been recorded allowing for him to enjoy playing with a few little gimmicks as he continued switching classes. However the call from the Heavens didn't ring out again, it served to give Draig food for thought but he was waiting on the response from the other tribes of Werewolves.

"Master, Master." came the rancid squeal showing the speaker to be Marco.

"What is it" started Draig until he caught the scent of Blood.

Dashing out and arriving at the gates he saw a small troop standing before the Gates with his scout strung up and gutted. Draig narrowed his eyes instantly.

"Are you the one who inspired this madness among these mutts and Strays" called the apparent leader, a large Werewolf with silver streaks in his fur.

"What if I am" chuckled Draig but inside he had already settled the fates of these fools.

"Then we return your messenger and declare our intentions of War" howled that Wolf but Draig was already clear of this fact.

"This is good, were you the one who killed my pet" asked Draig motioning to the scout hanging upon several pikes.

"What if I am" sneered that Wolf as he stared at this one he believed to mortal.

"Then you have settled your own Fate" stated Draig as his voice carried on the wind before his image appeared behind the Werewolf but there was something odd in his hand.

Upon closer inspection it could be seen that there was actually two thing's in his hands as the two Wolves holding the pikes fell to the ground, their faces frozen in shock as they had barely realized the way they had died.

This had taken their leader by surprise and a fair amount of fear, their tribe wasn't known for their speed but rather their powerful bodies which shouldn't be able to be pierced by normal weapons.

"Who are you" growled the Head Wolf.

"You dare question this Feratu" smirked Draig seeing the flinch that came upon mentioning his name.

"Your a damn leech and on top of that a con man, you think me to be a fool. Everyone knows that the Main branch is dead" snarled the Wolf.

"Ha Ha, I am very much alive you poor little mongrel" laughed Draig finding these dogs to be something as entertaining as Marco as of late.

"Kira, fetch my pet" called Draig causing a windstorm to burst forth next to him revealing Kira as soon as it dispersed.

"Master do you wish for us to take care of these mutts" growled Kira looking at his kin's broken body.

"No, they have taken something that belonged to me. They will understand my displeasure by my hands" stated Draig though the Wolf that had lead the troop was staring Kira with a submissive look.

"Why are you calling this bat Master, I can smell the purity of your blood from here" started the Leader but Draig chuckled as he began walking towards another member of the troop, it was not pleasant as the Leader watched his own men become paralyzed with fear as the Feratu stepped towards them.

"What are you mutts doing, attack" commanded the Head of the troops.

"They can't escape my gaze" chuckled Draig as his eyes gleamed mysteriously, he rarely used this ability because it had to be done covertly and a second prerequisite was a vulnerable state of mind. Draig knowing this decided to go for the shock and awe tactic by killing to of their kin without them being able to stop him which had rattled them enough to allow his Alluring Gaze to draw them in.

Draig pointed to finger's towards the wolves lined before him and let a crimson lightning fly from his finger tips, he had allowed many of his abilities to fall into disuse but with such an opportunity he should see if he was still as versatile as Dracule and the Founder had made him. Following his little practice came the agonized howls as their blood was set to boil and the Lightning danced across their frames until the scent of burnt hair plagued the air.

Draig chuckled at the simple defeat of these so called Alphas, he turned his gaze back to the one who had lead the charge however the latter's reaction to Draig was far different than before. Where as Draig had been a insignificant trifle he had grown into something of a giant, the weight of his stare enough to shake him to the core.

"What tribe are you from" asked Draig softly but his words struck this Wolf like the lightning he had witnessed.

"Lord, I descend from the Iron Body Wolves around a weeks travel from here." Started the Wolf as he refused to look the young Feratu in the eye.

"I-I can take you there" started the Wolf.

"Kira, you know the tribe he speaks of" asked Draig suddenly causing the Old wolf to nod in affirmation.

"Then I fail to see where your presence is required, you took something from me." started Draig his tone taking on a darker tone as he began to walk forward.

"W-wait do you mean that Wolf kin from before, I can take his place. I promise I am more capable than he was" panicked the head of the troop.

"I have no doubt that you are" answered Draig causing this wolf to look up excitedly but he saw no one in front of him.

Draig stood behind the head of the troop now and placed his foot upon his back, his claws seemed to shine in delight at the chance to taste blood once again as they slit the back of this Wolf's rib cage deep to the bone. However the young Feratu was not finished quite yet.

"Kira, have you thought about what your fate would have been if your people hadn't submitted" asked Draig suddenly causing the Old wolf to feel his heart begin to panic as he thought back to that ordeal, how broken he was, the closeness to death.

"It is something I had read about once when I was little, it was perhaps the only book I had for a long time. It wasn't very legible but what I could read depicted something I found to be sickening then but I find oh so very suitable now." elaborated Draig as he reached his hands into the cuts upon this Wolf's back and began pulling causing the sounds of bones breaking to ring out in the silent atmosphere.

The sight was something truly sickening but none of those watching turned away as they too wondered about the Feratu's words but the moment they saw the outcome they began gagging however it wasn't them experiencing the worst of it.

This head of those Troops found his organs caged by his ribs be crushed against his spine as the Feratu pulled his now broken ribs through the slits in his back. It was done so callously and easily that he couldn't even howl out before he felt the crushing suffocation on his lungs, Draig didn't stop and with a final pull he completely squashed the Werewolf's entrails.

"String him and the other's up, they wished to send me a message so allow me to respond in a way they understand" commanded Draig as he walked by Kasa and rubbed her head with his bloodied hands.

"Come, I wish to enjoy some leisure time before the slaughter" ordered Draig causing Kira to look at the two with a bit of scrutiny.

'He wouldn't' thought the Old wolf but he couldn't deny that Kasa reeked of the Young Feratu's scent but unknown to him this came from being kept in an abode that had Draig's scent all over.

'Perhaps a chance' thought Kira entertaining the thought before shaking his head, his planning had done enough already.

With those thought's passing Kira called for his pack to help him string up those that had come as a threat and he held nothing back as he repeated Draig's actions on them and went as far as slitting their stomachs and slinging their entrails all around the branched pikes like a morbid set of Christmas lights.

"Be as brutal as possible, we are trying to send a message" barked Kira as he sat on the side after planting his pike.

'I'll ask Kasa' thought Kira unable to shake the thought from before.