Beasts of War

Draig had begun to train seriously since his encounter with the Aries members, his movements had become something similar to a chaotic dance as he punished the surrounding forest mercilessly. However he felt he lacked any true experience from this, only having gotten used to the speed he had acquired through the Whirlwind Sprint Bloodline Trait.

Kira arrived before Draig in a kneel as per their relationship revealing none of the casualness from the day the Feratu had broken the fever.

"Is it time" asked Draig as he turned to look at the Old Wolf.

"The moment has indeed arrived Master" informed Kira his sight towards the ground.

It had been a month since Draig's fever broke, during this time their preparations for war had been completed as they did not possess many soldiers however through the use of the Bloodscript it didn't matter as their strength as a whole outranked many of the other tribes. This was the calculation made by Draig, the simple fact behind it being that it was impossible for any tribe to have a whole militia of Awakened on their side.

That said Draig was confident that it would be easy, he had originally only needed a fighting force so he could gather the other Vials however now he would need these soldiers of his to grow and become more experienced. The likes of the Aries would easily be able to compete with their people having decades and some even a century's worth of battle experience on top of which they each possessed their own Tome.

Draig could only do so much but he would first need to build his forces as he had other agendas before he faced the other Branch families such as awaken their abilities, currently only four had been awoken. Those being the Bloodscript, Alluring Gaze, Bloodsmith, and the Blood Hardening, with no sign of another ability awakening the Feratu wished to return to the human realm and mimic the founder in a way. He felt after he had dealt with the pests that had bothered him in these Dark plains he would return while leaving these Wolves to continue gathering resources while also establishing his domain.

"Master" called Kira as the two stood at the gates in front of their troops.

"Yes Kira" answered Draig looking over his pack of attack dogs with a neutral gaze.

"Perhaps a few words for the troops morale, many of them are too young to have experienced battle yet" stated Kira while elaborating causing the Feratu to nod.

"Attention my dear pets. This Feratu has never fought a war before, meaning that I have never lost a war. That said, I don't intend to start today. You will kill, you will slaughter, you will bring me victory" stated Draig normally but to these younger Wolves it resounded like thunder.

Draig turned around as the Wolves transformed into their beast forms, Draig raised his leg before he was gone in a little burst of wind signaling his pets to follow. Howls rang out and the clanking of armor clear as little gems deposited in their weapons shined dangerously.

It was a sight like an Overlord attacking the heavens as even the clouds seemed to split before them as if giving permission. Draig instinctively brought his mist to form around him truly painting the image as only dark shadows with gleaming eyes could be seen.

It took them but two days to see their targets, it seemed they had long since made camp from their village in order to prevent it from being ravaged.

'Smarter than I thought' chuckled Draig as he pointed his index finger towards the group with a small black ball on the tip.

"Burn" smiled Draig as the Black ball shot forward quickly while expanding revealing the flames surrounding the Black ball, this was his warning shot.

Staring at his handiwork Draig offered the ultimatum to them once again before he set his pets upon them. Flying forward Marco cleared his throat before yelling out in the Werewolf Dialect.

"The Heir of Feratu has arrived. He is feeling generous and will once again give you a chance, join him now or you will all be killed and your kin enslaved" announced the little trifle.

Those Wolves looked around as if searching for someone until their eyes fell upon a burning corpse that was much larger than the rest. Soon their eyes fell upon Draig with Kira by his side.

It was a simple choice for them who had lost their Alpha, if even Kira's Alpha like presence had submitted.

Soon Draig was smirking as he collared his new pets, the village was pillaged and raided as there were still a few who wished to resist but it was to Draig's surprise that this so called village was far more advanced then Kira's causing him to look towards the Old Wolf.

"A promise for survival" stated Kira seeing the questioning look.

Draig had the tribesman who were not in battle and merely civilians be escorted back to their village after being collared while their spots were taken by some of their new recruits.

Draig smiled cruelly as he burnt the remnants of the tribes city to the ground with any supplies and materials being sent back with the civilian captives.

Draig then looked towards Kira so he could lead the way, nodding Kira began to march in a direction Northwest of their current location.

"These should be the direction of those Iron Bodied Wolves" explained Kira with hate in his eyes.

Draig nodded and looked at the decorations he had brought.

"Was there any luck finding the vial" asked Draig with greed in his eyes.

"There was no vial, however there are interesting abilities among them, they are after all Venom Fang Wolves" stated Kira causing Draig's eyes to shine with hunger.

Kira knew Draig well by this point, he knew the Feratu would be furious after not having found the vial so he had already looked into some of their new recruits finding Werewolf specific classes which would cease Draig's anger. That said, he had blood taken from those captives and stored for this moment.

"Excellent Kira, bring them to me when we make camp for the night" ordered Draig his anger actually not ceased but rather placated for the moment.

'Hopefully this will not be a repeat occurrence' thought the Feratu as he laid down in the tent his pets had set for him ready to enjoy his slumber.