Beasts of War pt 2

Draig along with his pets had traveled two weeks to meet the Iron Body Tribe, Kira was proudly carrying one of their decorations when they had made it to the walls of the city.

"Kira hand me our gifts" stated Draig as he held out his hand.

Kira obeyed and gave the pike to the Feratu who seemed to test its weight a bit before rearing his arm back launching the Pike along with its passenger into the city. It crashed forcefully into the ground displaying the leader of the Iron Body tribes troop, his decaying corpse barely holding together.

Screams were heard as fierce yells and howls rang out until a truly large Werewolf donning black fur along his beast form stood atop the wall to the city.

"Who dares to assault one of my noble tribesman" called the Wolf.

Marco repeated the words to Draig who smiled.

"Marco I am sure you know what I wish for you to do" stated the Feratu as he flexed his fingers hoping for bloodshed.

"The Heir of Feratu has come as your little pack of mongrels have delivered your message, we are here to answer your declaration of war. However my Master has found mercy in his heart and will give you a chance to join by choice or be enslaved and slaughtered as he sees fit" announced Marco with an arrogant face.

The wolf atop the wall seemed to be gobsmacked for a second, he hadn't thought this pack of strays would actually respond to his declaration of war. The fact they had arrived and he was unprepared had left him with a bad taste in his mouth, for too long had his tribe reigned supreme over the other tribes. He stared out and could recognize the tell tale signs of Venom Fang tribesman among the ranks of Draig's forces.

The wolf said nothing in response causing Marco to become agitated at the disrespect shown.

At least that was until he released a thunderous howl similar to that of Kira's upon facing Asagi, Marco looked to his Master with a questioning gaze.

"What is it" demanded Draig not understanding however Kira had his eyes fixed upon this wolf with Hatred shining brightly.

"Challenger's Howl" stated Kira interrupting Marco's response.

Draig chuckled before stepping forward however Kira stopped him.

"Master, allow me to fight this dog" snarled Kira refusing to take his eyes off of the Iron Body Tribe Leader.

Draig found this idea interesting so with a whimsical wave of his hand he allowed it.

"Kaisar, you dirty mutt. Get down here and face me, I have a favor to return" barked Kira as he stepped onto the clearing before the city alone.

"Kira? Your alive, how's that leg treating you" sneered Kaisar as he dropped the gates allowing for some of his forces to exit into the clearing while he dropped from the wall to the ground causing a crater.

"So kind of you to ask, why don't you come test it for yourself. I've been waiting to see you for a long time, you rotten fleabag" snarled Kira as he planted his weapon into the ground and continued walking forward flexing his body in preparation for the first strike causing the sounds of joints popping to be heard as he took on his beast form.

Kaisar smirked not realizing this was not the same Kira he had met all those years ago during the cleansing of Bloodlines. He took his sword from his back without wearing armor into the battle, he expected a quick and decisive victory though he did wonder why the Vampire hadn't come to fight him.

Seeing Kaisar's gaze flick towards Draig for a moment Kira smirked.

"Don't worry about him, Master just sees your likes to be beneath him. He fears that if he battled you your disgusting blood would make him sick or even worse give him some disease" barked Kira with a derogatory laugh.

Kaisar narrowed his eyes at that and made not that after he had gotten this Old wolf out of his way he would slay Draig brutally.

Just as he had prepared to act he found that Kira had disappeared leaving only a whirlwind in his place, smirking he rose his arm to block from the side however the force he was met with was far beyond his expectation as the arm was easily shattered from the blow shocking him to the core.

'What the Hell' thought Kaisar unable to believe it was already going down hill for him from the first strike.

"What's wrong pup can't fight with the Old man without a sneak attack" sneered Kira as he recounted Kaisar's assault.

The wolves at Kaisar's side began to mutter casting a few disgusted glances towards their leader, apparently they had been told differently.

"That's right, listen to my words. Kira, The Fanged Twister was not defeated in honorable battle. I was attacked while in the midst of battle by this mangy mutt" howled Kira causing the murmuring to become more prevalent.

"Silence you old Bastard, how dare you speak lies to my people. Can you not even accept defeat with the pride of a Wolf" started Kaisar but Kira interrupted him.

"If it's a lie then come at me, my injury from that year is just a memory. I am no longer the cripple that you made me, come pup. Show us that you have the strength defeat me honorably" spat Kira as he dropped into an odd stance causing Draig to stare oddly while those among Kira's people began to chatter excitedly.

"Marco what are they going on about down there" asked Draig as he hadn't understood a word of the Werewolf Dialect.

"This large Black Wolf had apparently crippled Kira at some point during a battle, though from what Kira claims it was through dishonorable means" explained Marco as he now made sure to pay extra attention in case the young Feratu asked again.

Kaisar hearing Kira's words felt his bravado weaken but he had made the challenge himself, if he were to submit to Kira it would only prove the Old wolf right and cause him to be ousted from his own tribe.

"If that's what you wish Old man" smirked Kaisar trying to stabilize his position among his people.

He charged forward expecting Kira to dodge but the Old wolf did no such thing, instead he met the blow with one of his own.

Kaisar didn't hesitate upon seeing this, he redoubled his effort and started raining blows upon Kira before finally aiming at that leg he had crippled back then hoping to call Kira's bluff. Kira smirked in this moment as he flexed his leg and listened, Kaisar's leg made a groaning sound as it made contact causing him to recoil in pain.

"Its so sad to see one of my noble kin act so disgracefully" started Kira as he spun once leaving gashes across Kaisar's body.

"I aimed to be a role model for pups like you" another spin and Kaisar was knocked into the air his body spinning from the strike.

"But somehow mongrels like you seem to worm their way in" snarled Kira as he spun dramatically faster causing the wind to kick up as a deep gash appeared in Kaisar's body.

"It ruins all the work that us Old men have done to build a good image for us" growled Kira as he spun once again causing boom to be heard as the wind broke around his strike carving out a chunk of flesh.

"What is this battle style he is using" asked Draig with a bit of interest as he was still unsure of the image he had seen during the wind burst.

"I am unsure as well Master" stated Marco having seen nothing.

"It ruins the reputation of all Wolf Kin" roared Kira as his next spin created a tornado that drilled into Kaisar ripping multiple chunks that became disgusting mush as it flew through the air.

"And that really pisses me off" howled Kira as his form seemed to grow green as the purple haze of Limit breaker mixed with the glow giving off a divine feel to it as he seemed to disappear into the wind as a twister kicked up and multiple howls were heard.

Draig smirked as he confirmed what he had seen was no illusion, wolves. A whole pack of them constructed of wind were tearing into Kaisar relentlessly like he was some kind wounded prey.

"Fang and Claw, Wind's rupture" howled Kira as Kaisar suddenly seemed to be bursting leaving a bloody mess to be slung about raining onto the battle field before it was ground by the fierce winds becoming nothing but dust to be carried away.

Kira seemed to reappear standing where he had been before but he was breathing raggedly, it seemed he wasn't as strong as he thought.

'Damn, I'm getting old' thought the Old wolf as he gulped the air down, he hadn't fought using his style in far too long. It was something that had once made him the Leader of the Whirlwind Wolf Tribe but that was before they were purged, him and Kasa were all that remained of this noble line.

Draig smiled with a dark satisfaction as he felt his blood pump.

'Where was this when we fought' thought Draig with a chuckle promising to get a real fight from the wolf.

The Iron Body Wolves who had been watching were in awe of Kira's power, it was like seeing a legend reborn before their very eyes.

Soon a chant began to take place as they saw the rebirth of the Fanged Twister, a horrible cyclone that would reign destruction on all who would harm Wolf kin.

"Fang" came the calm chant but soon it began to build as they became howls.

They wouldn't react like this normally after a defeat but their leader had been a fraud and had drug this Noble Wolf's name through the mud.

"Kira" called Draig

Kira smiled expecting some kind of praise but instead he met cold eyes causing him to nearly flinch.

"Do you look down on me" stated Draig with a deadly gaze.

"Of course not Master" answered Kira confused to where this was coming from.

"Then fight me" stated Draig as he threw his jacket to Marco.

"Why" barked Kira in shock.

"Fight me like the monster you are, or die like a dog on my path to power" snarled Draig as his eyes narrowed and his claws flexed.

"Master what is the meaning of this" demanded Kira as he took a step backwards.

"The meaning? You don't get to ask such things, I said fight me. That means you fight me as if your life depends on it" growled Draig his excitement clear from the look in those narrowed orbs.