Eradicating the Immortal Threat

The trip to the Capital had taken dramatically less time than previously due to Draig's ability to combine his Mana with the Deva Energy within his body that he had carefully been cultivating as compared to before when he thought his cultivation was fine as it was. During his vulenerable state he had learned that he still carried fear within his heart, that he was nothing more than a slightly stronger mortal before the power of the Deva.

'More powerful I am at my peak the more stronger I will be when I am low' thought Draig carefully as the gates came into view.

'Two weeks this time, I thought it would be more impressive but this is my limit for now I suppose. . . .' thought Draig as he stepped through the gates of the city only to be quickly apprehended by a Deva Unit.

'What the hell. . .' wondered Draig when he was quickly surrounded.

"What is the meaning of this" demanded Draig.