Erradicating the Immortal Threat pt 2

Watching as Draig slowly came to and shook the cob webs from his head the Emperor couldn't help but find himself apalled by the memories he had seen.

Mostly due the actions of his children that went against everything he had known about them, he wasn't concerned with the actions Draig had done in the past as he was an Emperor. What ruler hadn't committed atrocities under their reign but even so the memories he had seen of his children acting so ruthlessly was a hard pill to swallow.

Draig finally was clear headed enough to act and he made his motion towards the Emperor but soon found himself halted in place beyond his bodies control which caused his eyes to widen in shock.

The emperor had placed his hand upon the hilt of his blade but his Avatar never manifested, this one simple action had been enough to use the abilities of his Avatar without the need to draw the blade.