Chapter 30: Top Sexy Girl-Group

"Show us." Jia pleaded to me, wanting to see it for herself. I stood in front to face her.

"Just stay right there, okay?"

"Okay." Jia nodded obediently as a response.

"I promise I won't hurt you so don't move or cringe away, okay?"

"Got it," Jia said with another firm nod. Afterwards, I instantly jumped and aimed for Jia's left shoulder, using it as a leverage. I stepped on it and jumped off, spinning my body into a back flip. I landed gently on the tips of my feet and immediately flew into a tornado kick.

Applause immediately broke out afterwards.


Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!


"That was incredible!"

The VJs all exclaimed at once.

Jia was looking at me as if I'd just discovered fire. Was she falling in love with me? Probably not. Jia might be overly friendly with other girls, but she wasn't like that. Anyways…

"What do you think?"

"That was great!" Jia told me with both of her thumbs up.