Chapter 31: Top Sexy Girl-Group


Joong-hyun was pretty happy, considering that the person he beat was only a girl.

"Hmph! Meanie!"

Jia got up from her seat with a huff.

"Good job, Joong-hyun."

'Go to hell, you bastard.'

I was smiling on the outside, but teeming with anger on the inside.

"There's no losing in my book."

Joong-hyun laughed in his seat. He leaned back and waited for the next competitor.

"Yoo-jin, go."

At my command, Yoo-jin obediently sat in the chair and put her arm on the table.

"I'll apologize in advance for defeating you, Yoo-jin."

"I already gave up."

Yoo-jin truly did look defeated. It really didn't make sense for a guy and a girl to have an arm wrestling match. Whoever wrote that is an idiot.

"But what kind of…I mean, whose idea was it to have an arm wrestling match?" I asked. I really was curious.

"I did. Hehe," Jun-jin asked with a cheeky smile. Then, he added, "Don't feel bad if you lose, Sian. We're going to pay for ours no matter what."