Chapter 78: Fucking Gas Chamber Training (Part 1)

"Dormitory 3 Evening Personnel Report. Total of six. All present. That concludes the report!"

Joo-ran finished the briefing splendidly as the officer nodded, quite satisfied. This officer was the superior of the bulldog instructor from earlier.

"Was anyone injured?" the officer asked in a serious voice. The air was solemn. Everyone was careful not to breathe too loudly.

"No, Sir!"

"Good. But…" The officer looked at each of us, his face getting more confused by the minute.

Finally, he asked, "How did your eyes get so small?"


None of us could think up of a reply. I mean, it's true. Once you get rid of all of the eyeliner and mascara, your eyes do become smaller. The officer was probably shocked, but I bet the viewers would be more shocked than I. Of course, Heejin and I pretty much looked the same, since our faces were pretty in general.

"Sian, you look prettier without makeup."

"Thank you, Sir!" I said loudly.

"As for Soomin, why did your eyes get so dull?"