Chapter 79: Fucking Gas Chamber Training (Part 2)


Jae-yoon stumbled out and began to take off her gas mask. Well, she tried to anyway. She was in such a hurry that she couldn't do it properly, making her struggle even more. None of the instructors even helped her. How cruel.

"You may not take off your mask!"

"Get up!"

"Go back into the chamber!"

The instructor kept shouting at her, but Jae-yoon wasn't listening. She finally managed to take the mask off and threw it to the ground. She took a few deep breaths and then, immediately started to cry.


Snot and tears continued to run down Jae-yoon's face as she sobbed. Her hair was tangled, and snot was everywhere. It was quite shocking to see.

"Is that what's going to happen to me…sniff sniff…" Heejin whispered next to me. By the look on her face, it was clear that she was imagining herself in Jae-yoon's position.

