Chapter 155: The Second Mission (Part 1)


The safety guard threw the lion down onto the ground.

Rumble rumble.

Everyone gathered around to look at it.

"What…what is this…" Areum said, finally being able to close his mouth.

"It's a lion. Can't you tell?" I said with a big smile. Areum's face was priceless. His usually wide shoulders were slumped in defeat as he stared.

"How did you catch him…"

"What do you mean how? I hit him."

Junho and Lobster Head immediately nodded in agreement. Hey, they actually saw the real thing.

"You hit it?!" Byung-hoon exclaimed, still looking on in disbelief.

"Yeah, well, it just happened. You can hear the full story from Mr. Yoo later. I want pork."

At that, everyone stared at me, clearly questioning whether I was even human. I, on the other hand, was staring at the warthog roasting so beautifully over the fire. It looked so good. I was so hungry.

"Oh, we can't eat the lion. We're going to give it to the locals. Otherwise, there could be problems."