Chapter 156: The Second Mission (Part 2)

The destination was Fug Mi River.

"Wait, what's the name?"

Fug…Mi…Fug Mi…Fuck Me…haha. Get it?

"Fug that's funny," Byung-hoon snickered. Then, a second later, he became serious again.

"So…where do we go?"

"I think we go this way," Junho said, looking at the map. He pointed off somewhere in the distance, but there was nothing there. Just an endless clearing of grass.

"Are you sure?"

"Let's try it at least."

"Alright. Let's go."

Without a second thought, Byung-hoon led the way and we all followed. We had no idea if it was the right way or not. We were just going.

"What if we get lost?" Miyeon said, clinging herself next to me, as always. At first, I rather liked it. But after a while, things started to get smelly. That is, Miyeon's body was starting to smell. Particularly in the underarm area. It was bad.
