The Forgotten Letter

Punya came home and shut herself in her room. "Why am I angry at Roshni? Is it because she loves him or because I love him? When I'm not clear about my feelings, why did I get irritated? Is it because I don't know what Prakruth feels? Why does she come and confuse me? Did Prakruth tell her that he loves me and not her? May be... Yes. She is not able to digest, so she's troubling me. I'll ask him what he told her, then I can get a clarity" thought Punya and called Prakruth but his phone was not reachable, irritating her more, she threw her bag and all the things possible in anger, throughout the room. "How dare she teases me? What does she think about herself - Damsel... Idiotic painted doll. Arrrgghh... I'm not a loser" screamed Punya.

"What happened Punya?" Narmada knocked at the door.

"Amma please don't disturb me" she yelled.

Narmada walked away murmuring "Let Varun come, he's better at handling her bad mood".

Punya went to the washroom and splashed her face continuously with cold water. She came out wiping her face with a towel and sat on the bed relaxing and breathing heavily.

"I think I like him, I run to him as soon as I enter college. Studies have been just a reason to meet him lately, he too sneaks opportunities to meet whenever possible. Might be that closeness triggered Roshni. Prakruth is a admirable person, topper of the college, national level badminton player, rich and affluent background on top it he has smart, handsome and charming looks that every girl wants. But are they enough for me to fall for him, No...!!! I need to know that he loves me and only me, then I may consider" thought Punya.

"Shut up" said a voice.

She gasped as she was alone and this was strange "Who's that?" asked Punya.

"I'm your inner conscious" said the voice.

"Why have you come out?"

"To reveal what I feel about Prakruth"

"What do you feel?"

"I like his looks, his deep voice, his brown eyes and his charming smile. His expressions, his way of talking, his dressing style, etc etc. He looks so cute when he chuckles. I admire his game in the court, his teaching in the library, the way he cares about you, he looks at you as if he's gonna kiss you and even I want to kiss him but you hide me inside."

"Oh oh oh stop, you're going wild"

"Yes I'm very crazy about him, why don't you reveal that to him?"

"I'm confused, what if he rejects me?"

"So you need confirmation from him?"


"I can't help in this, Sorry" her conscious vanished.

She threw her towel on the floor agitated.... It fell making all the other things on the floor fly away revealing a cover from her bag. Punya picked up the cover and turned it over, it had Prakruth's signature at the corner. She opened the cover and started reading the letter.

"Dear Punya,

I don't know how to start, please forgive me if there are any mistakes here.

I seriously do not know why you hate me.. It hurts me very badly because I've a very good attachment with you. You have made me addicted to extraordinary care and affection but suddenly one day you say "I hate you", imagine what would've happened to me hearing that.

You know I try to meet you everyday at least once, just to see the light in your jet black eyes. It is like sunshine to me, when you smile charmingly it brings festival of lights to me. I have built hundreds and thousands of dreams with you, I want to call your name out loud breathlessly on a mountain and hear it echo everywhere.... I want to walk with you in drizzling rain under an umbrella holding you tight in my arms...on a endless road. Embrace you and protect you from all the evil in this whole world.

Many of my countless inner feelings start dancing in your presence. I feel like I'm falling into your clutch, very easily and effortlessly. You're like the shore for my ocean of feelings. Please stay with me, my life support... I know you complete me and my life, if you walk away, it is like you take my breath away.

You have become the vital air for my breath, the final destination which I would like to reach out with determination and LOVE. This half soul of mine doesn't need anything apart from your Love.... Endless love guaranteed forever.

I don't expect a reply to this letter. If you feel these are crazy and I'm out of my mind, just ignore and continue friendship. I will never open up again. Never ever again.

- Yours Prakruth.

Punya was in tears of joy... She folded back the letter and put it in the cover. She wiped her tears and made a solid decision, she called up Rajesh, the main musician.

"Hi Rajesh, Punya here"

"Hello Punya tell me how are you?"

"Fine, I have decided to change the song for the program"

"What?!!!" he gasped. "Are you nuts? Tomorrow is our farewell, now at 8pm you want to change the song, you're literally mad" he shouted.

"Relax, I know. But this is crucial. I need this change. Think it is like emergency and you can save my life with this"

"But how will everyone practice?"

"I'll send the track to everyone of our team, you are main person. If you can manage, everything will fall into place. I'll see that our program will be at the end before vote of thanks. So we'll get time to practice"

"You're risking dude... Now I can believe the fact that you're stone hearted evil according to everyone in college" said Rajesh.

She chuckled "Trust me and help me please" said Punya.

"Ok send the track, I'll catch you later" he hung up.

Punya was smiling confidently as she knew her plans will work.

She opened her phone gallery and took out Prakruth's photo and started speaking "Idiot you love me so much but never revealed. Mistake is mine, I shouted on you, I ignored you and big one is not reading this letter before. You might have thought that I'm ignorant about it and you continued as a friend. You've great patience sweetie. I appreciate your controlling capacity, you've so many romantic dreams about me but never tried to touch my finger forcefully. Thank God, I read this letter or else imagine what would happen. I would lose chance to understand and express myself."

Knock knock knock.....

She shut her phone and opened the door.

"Hi darling, can I come in?" asked her father Varun.

"Appa two minutes please, I'll come out myself" she said.

"OK" he returned.

She cleaned up the whole room and kept back her things properly. She was wandering on cloud nine, the highest level of happiness.

"Appa tell me", she came and sat on the couch.

Varun who was watching TV, switched it off and asked "How are you darling? Any problem in college?"

"No not at all Appa, why?"

"Don't take it as a complaint, Nammu told you were shouting when you came home"

"Oh.. that is because I'm organizing farewell programs tomorrow, I had some arguments with friends so I was bit angry. Now everything is solved. See I'm the most luckiest person in this whole world" she stood up and took couple of swirls with wide hands. Varun felt happy...

"Sorry Amma, I didn't talk to you properly. I shouldn't have behaved like that. Sorry" she went and hugged her mother.

"It is ok.. It happens. Mood swings are common at this age" said Narmada.

"Love you Amma" said Punya kissing Narmada's cheeks.

"Darling you're trespassing" commented Varun.

"This property belongs to me too" said Punya. All the family members started laughing.