Awards and Photos....

The Auditorium of the college was decorated like a beautiful bride. College authorities were busy with the arrangements for Prize distribution. Seniors were dressed up well in their favorite attire. Most of the guys were seen wearing suits and some were in formals.... Girls wore ethnic wear, designer wear, gowns and saris. Juniors had no dress code, they were in formals and casuals.

"Hey dude, our campus is looking so colorful" said Tarak.

"Yeah dude, so awesome. Tell me who is looking more beautiful today?" asked Thrishul.

"Roshni" said Vedant and Tarak together.

"Yeah I also would vote her, she's looking stunning in her baby pink colored semi-transparent saree. Did you see she has a tattoo on her back near the strap line?" asked Thrishul.

"No... How did you see?" asked Vedant.

"She was playing with her straight hair and I got a glimpse of it" he chuckled.

"I was concentrating on her small jingling golden gazette on her belly button... Dude it was so sensual. I won't be able to sleep tonight" said Tarak.

Thrishul hooted in excitement.

Siri hit Tarak on his head and said "No other better work? Keep admiring girls" she scolded.

"Eyes are meant to see, girls dress up like divas just to impress guys like us" he winked.

"Yeah" said Thrishul "No, not really" he changed as soon as he saw Punya.

"He's right, we girls dress up to impress some guys not everyone" said Punya.

"But Punya you are so casual today, why?" asked Thrishul.

"I'll get ready for my program, can't wear that and walk around" she shrugged.

"Ok, I will wait for it" he faked a smile.

"No, no, keep yourself entertained by watching seniors, don't wait for me" she laughed and walked away.

The Award program started.

An invocation song by Siri, this time...followed by Director's speech, chief guest and some dignitaries speech for one long hour. They all wished the outgoing students a bright future ahead and gave inspiring words out of their experience. Then college principal called out the awards according to the categories.

Academics category

Best outgoing student - Prakruth

Best outgoing student Electronics - Dikshith

Best Science Records - Prajwal

Arts and Cultural category

Best drama actor - Rahul

Best background score - Rajesh

Classical singer state level - Punya

Folk singer state level - Siri

Sports category

Best point guard basketball - Thrishul

Best center player basketball - Tarak.

Best power forward basketball - Rajesh.

Women's single titles for badminton - Jyoti. Men's single titles for badminton - Prakruth. Mixed doubles titles - Punya and Prakruth.

When the awards were being announced, students were walking up to the stage and receiving the award from the chief guest. Photos were clicked by the photographer continuously. When Punya and Prakruth were on the stage together, they stood opposite to each other and guest held the cup between them, six hands were covering the cup making it look messy in the photo. Hence photographer called the duo away and made them stand together holding the cup at the center so college symbol, title inscribed on the cup was properly visible and was clicking the photos.

The principal on the stage started announcing again now Special category...

Beauty pageant - Miss Campus of the year - Ms. Roshni... She walked elegantly towards the stage, before climbing the stairs she said to the photographer "Sir, I think you will miss the most beautiful creation of God, if you would like to spend more time here" and walked up.

Prakruth was enraged, Punya held his hand and nodded sideways smiling. They walked to their respective seats. Photographer went to click her photos. Roshni received the award and waved at the audience gracefully. Whistles, hoots and applauds filled the auditorium. Roshni was a ravishing beauty, sculpted face, long eye lashes, cute lips, apt make up, perfect structure and walking style. She posed in different poses to the camera. The artificial sweetness on the face could be seen by only few but many guys heart melt like ice to her stunning beauty and structure.

Punya was happily watching Prakruth from her place, he wore a dark blue three piece suit with a diamond broach. The coldness on his face had taken a break as today was last day with his present batch mates. He was talking to everyone who greeted. Punya was observing his every movement unaware of the things happening on the stage. Thrishul came and said "Punya, next program is mine"

"Oh... Ok Aaall ttthe bbbest" she stuttered.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Nothing I was thinking something else, perform well" said Punya sending him away.

She concentrated on Thrishul's drama and was laughing at every joke... Now Prakruth was silently staring at her and he was enjoying the way she was laughing. He pulled Prajwal close and said "You know what, today Punya helped me correct this tie..."

"Oh is it?.. Ok we'll talk later. Drama is good, don't disturb" said Prajwal.

"Oh ok Enjoy" he said and looked towards to Punya again.

Prakruth wasn't expressive but when the topic is related to Punya, he would talk for hours but he opened up only to Prajwal.

After the drama, lunch was announced. Students scattered away from the auditorium to the food catering area.

Prakruth caught Punya staring at him. Their eyes met but this time she didn't look away, she continued to stare at him. He blushed as he felt shy and embarrassed, so he looked away smiling.

"Oye, what happened?" asked Prajwal.

"Slowly look at Punya, is she looking at me?" he asked.

Prajwal tilted his head slowly and looked at Punya, she was staring at Prakruth perpetually. Prajwal gasped, "Dude what's that look, so uninterrupted like she'll eat you up. What happened to her?" he whispered in excitement.

"I don't know... But it is a pleasure to watch" he chuckled.

"Seriously dude, did you propose her or sent someone to tell her?"

"You're here with me and Rahul is busy with Jyoti there, who else will go and tell?" asked Prakruth.

Prajwal gave a confused look. He just shrugged his shoulders.

Jyoti came running to Punya and Siri, "Guys guess what happened just now?"

"What?" asked Siri.

"Rahul, our senior Rahul proposed me" said Jyoti in excitement.

"Congratulations" said Punya.

"Punya are you gone mad? You're congratulating her? Remember how much you shouted on Disha that day now you congratulate???" asked Siri.

"Have I ever scolded you for having a relationship with Tarak?" asked Punya.

"No but you warm me to be careful because Tarak is flirting type. I always follow that" said Siri.

"Exactly, similarly I had given caution to Disha, she exceeded and created problems in her relationship. They're a good couple but they rushed without thinking about future and career. That is the reason I scolded her badly but now they're happy again. Time heals everything..." said Punya.

"So Punya what do you say about Rahul?" asked Jyoti.

"Rahul is a humorous person, not so serious type but I haven't seen him flirting for fun so you can consider him. Carefully understand him and then follow your heart, don't take my words as final. Remember not to neglect your studies for any hurdle which may arise later" said Punya.

"Thanks Punya, anyway I have told him that I need time to think so I can make proper decisions" said Jyoti.

"Punya, we've to rehearse again and you need time to change too... Come fast" Rajesh said in a tensed tone.

"Here I come" said Punya and walked to the classroom where her band was waiting for her. She gave instructions and they followed, she sang with the band and it perfectly blended with the music. Everyone applauded happily.

"How's it senior?" she asked Rajesh.

"This song is easy for us on music but singing on stage might take your breath away, especially higher notes. Are you sure you want to sing this?" asked Rajesh.

"Yes Rajesh, the wanting of someone is haunting me so much that I need this song to express..." she said.

"All the best Punya, we'll support you" said the guitarist, others repeated. Rajesh said "We'll work as a team, I wish you success and I admire your enthusiasm and courage."

"Thanks" she bowed at all of them.

"Well who's that someone?" he asked.

"I can't tell now" she chuckled softly.

"Ok now go quickly change, it is 4pm already, our turn is at 4.45.... Hurry up" said Rajesh.

"Ok, I'll join you in 15 minutes" said Punya and walked towards green room.