The Fare(Dare)well party....

Punya was in the green room getting ready for the performance. Siri, Disha and Jyoti were helping her.

"Punya your hands are cold, are you nervous?" asked Disha.

"Kind of Disha...." said Punya.

"Why? you weren't feeling so in state level competition, but now?" asked Siri.

"I don't know the reason, If we're talking....I'll be late. Come on hurry up" said Punya.

"You're a free spirit, don't panic" said Jyoti and hugged her warmly.

All the four girls left the green room and headed towards the stage. Three of them wished Punya "All the best" and went down to sit among the audience.

Rajesh who was tuning his instruments, turned towards Punya and exclaimed "Marvelous, have you dressed up to kill everyone here?" he asked.

Punya just chuckled softly.

The announcement was made about her performance and the band musicians took their positions behind the covered screen. Punya stood with the mike, butterflies were flying in her tummy, heart was beating so loud that it could be heard if there was silence, she was trembling. She wasn't scared about her performance but was scared to look into Prakruth's eyes. All these days he was a friend but overnight he's the most important person in her life... In fact her life itself is him. As soon as the screen started opening, she closed her eyes tight. Audience started screaming, whistling and hooting looking at the team being revealed from behind the screen.

"Prakruth look there, Is she out of heavens?" asked Prajwal.

"She looks so alluring in that dark blue gown. If she was in beauty pageant competition, she would defeat Roshni so easily" said Rahul appreciating the beautiful Punya.

Prakruth looked at her awestruck, a long dark blue sleeveless gown of similar shade as his suit had perfectly fit her dazzling shape enhancing her fair skin to maximum, blue diamond long earrings hanging on till her nape, a diamond hair accessory to hold back her curls off her pretty face, blue eye shadow with long eyelashes and a killer charming smile. She had closed her eyes waiting for the audience to become silent.

She was shivering and whispered, "I love you Prakruth unconditionally and irrevocably." She opened her eyes, held the mike tight and said "Attention please" in her sweet voice, turning the whole auditorium into pin-drop silence. "This particular song is dedicated to my beloved inspiring senior, mentor, guide, the best outgoing student of this year and my closest friend for life - Mr. Prakruth.

Prakruth was astonished and held his head high as the whole auditorium turned towards him. Roshni who was two rows ahead of him exasperated grinding her teeth. The Audience again hooted and whistled as a response...and returned to silence when the background music started. It was followed by Punya singing....

The day we met,

Frozen I held my breath

Right from the start

I knew that I'd found a home for my heart

Beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave?

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

But watching you stand alone?

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One... step... closer.....

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything take away

What's standing in front of me

Every breath

Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more...

One step closer

One step closer (High Pitch)

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more.....

Screens closed as the background music was fading. The whole crowd went crazy and applauded for five long minutes. They felt like they just experienced a beautiful dream, her voice was sweet yet very sensual. The MC appreciated Punya's singing and gave out the formal vote of thanks.

Punya wobbled as she felt fatigue, breathless and Thrishul came to her rescue. He had rushed to stage as soon as she started singing. He was vexed but he was not supposed to open up in front of everyone in college. He helped Punya into the green room, gave her water and switched on the fan, opened the windows. Punya looked at him after relaxing, she could easily sense displeasure on his face. "What happened Thrishul?" she asked. He just turned his face away.

"You can yell at me, here you have privacy.." she said.

"Who am I to yell? It is your life and your decisions, why should I yell?" he asked.

"I know you're angry, let that come out"

"I'm not angry at you, I'm angry at myself. I couldn't match up to your expectations, it is my ill fate" he sighed.

"No, No Never think like that, the song was dedicated to him to antagonize Roshni, it has nothing to do with Prakruth. Trust me" she explained.

"What?" he exclaimed.

"Yes" she explained the instance where Roshni insulted her and this song was her revenge.

He let out a deep breath and started laughing. "You know my heart almost broke, you're a vengeful lady...OK OK I'll catch you later then, you change and come" he said and walked away.

"Punya what we heard is true or the feeling in the song was truth?" asked Siri.

"You guess, I'll be back in couple of minutes" said Punya and walked in.

Her phone was ringing when she came back, the call got cut before she could receive. A message came in immediately "Tomorrow morning I'll pick you up, you're spending whole day with me... Time and place you specify- Prakruth." A pleasant smile spread all over her face.