The Tournament

When Punya arrived in Shimla, she was astonished. Though it had ice covered mountains, it wasn't that cold.

"Oh!! it is sunny here" said Jyoti in disappointment.

"You expected a snowfall in Summer?" asked Narmada.

"At least the cold Amma" said Punya.

Narmada chuckled..."The tournament organizers have selected Shimla in April because it is apt for the game. Not too cold not too hot" said the coach who was walking behind them.

Punya and Jyoti looked at each other disappointed. They headed to the hotel to fresh up and have breakfast. At 10 they were at the venue.

Tournament had levels of selection for five days for under-19 championships. Prakruth was participating in boys singles and mixed doubles with Punya. Punya and Jyoti were participating in girls singles as single entries.

"Senior, these two days in the middle of the timetable we're free right?" asked Jyoti looking at the program list.

"Yeah, if you girls can play girls doubles then we'll be free only on one day" said the coach.

Prakruth giggled.

"No, Sir... we've not enrolled our names in that" said Punya.

Coach just nodded and walked inside the office room.

The stadium was crowded to watch the matches which were scheduled. Today boys singles matches were to be conducted, followed by girls singles tomorrow. Mixed doubles were on the last day after two days of boys doubles and girls doubles.

"Punya your match is tomorrow Right?" asked Narmada.

"Yes Amma, and one more on last day" said Punya.

"All the best Prakruth for your match" said Narmada turning to him.

"Thanks Aunty, hope you will watch me play..."

"Yes we will. I'm here to support all three of you... not only my daughter. We can go to hotel after your match together" said Narmada.

"That's so sweet Aunty" said Prakruth and headed towards the players room.

Narmada took the two girls to the gallery where their seats were reserved. His match was at no.6 , he won the match in 14-21 points and qualified for second round easily. He waved at the crowd politely.

Coach appreciated "Nice game Prakruth, second round is opposite a seeded player. Good luck".

"Thanks Sir" said Prakruth, Coach started explaining some tips and tricks for the next game.

At 11am Prakruth easily defeated Tamil Nadu seeded junior with 21-12 points and reached Finals. Coach was extremely happy. They all headed to the hotel for lunch.

Punya was worried about her game tomorrow, she was thinking deeply. "Punya eat" said Narmada. She just nodded. Prakruth observed that she was distracted, he wanted to talk to her but he had to wait.

He had his final match against a Assam boy, it was a tough fight for him but he was vigorous in his attack and won the game with 18-21 points. He qualified for All India Junior Ranking Junior men's team with a prize money.

Coach ran and hugged him happily. "Tonight I'll party hard" he said overwhelmed with his performance.

Later that day at 5 pm, Prakruth came and knocked at Narmada's room. Punya and Jyoti were in the same room. "Aunty would you like to join us for a outing. You can walk around the park, we will go cycling" said Prakruth.

"No, Prakruth I'm tired. I've head ache too. Your coach is coming?" asked Narmada.

"Yes Aunty, he wants us to warm up by cycling"

"Then you can take these girls, I'll rest a bit" said Narmada.

He instructed girls to come down and went back. Punya and Jyoti came down in 15 minutes, Prakruth was waiting in the hotel lounge. Punya wore a yellow frock and Jyoti was in jeans and T shirt. "Where is the coach?" asked Jyoti.

"He is out with his friends, I think he has a party tonight" said Prakruth.

"You lied to her mom then?" asked Jyoti.

"Yeah or else will she send both of you? If you're not OK in coming you both can go back" said Prakruth.

"No No it is fine, we'll go" said Punya.

"What about you, Jyoti? If you feel you're cheating you can stay back" said Prakruth.

"It is boring to stay inside, I'm coming"

Prakruth and Punya chuckled. He hired a car to nearby Tani-Jubber lake which had cycling and best for evening walk.

"There are not many people here" said Jyoti when they got down from the car.

"This lake attracts it's tourists only when it is frozen. Now it is kind of abandoned" said the Driver and left.

"Senior hire only one cycle, you both talk privately till I return" said Jyoti.

"Hey Jyoti" Punya chased her.

Prakruth chuckled softly and he spoke to the cycle hiring person and got a cycle.

"You both need some privacy so I will go cycling first" said Jyoti.

"Jyoti" scowled Punya "Why didn't you take two more cycles? we could also go" she asked Prakruth

"I'm tired, I can't cycle now" said Prakruth.

"OK, let me go" said Punya and walked a little away.

"Someone was afraid to see me stand alone, now they're ready to go...." he rolled his eyes.

She looked at him and chuckled...."That was a song" she said.

"So you don't mean it? You don't love me so much?" he asked.

She just nodded a yes... "Then come with me" he put his arms around her and took her inside the park. They sat against a tree on the green lawn.

"Such a nice weather, I expected Snow but yet it is fine" said Punya.

"If it was snowing, I should've carried thermals to protect you from cold" said Prakruth.

"I think I'm not so weak" scowled Punya.

"Who was trembling in the flight as temperature went down later in the midnight. I covered you with the blanket but even then you were shivering. Do you remember that you pulled me closer and hid your face in my jacket?" he asked.

"No, I didn't do so" she blushed.

"Yeah may be I was dreaming" he said in a teasing tone

Sun was about to set in the west lowering the temperature to 16°C. She started trembling as the cold breeze blew past her.

"Will my dream come true now?" he asked seeing her tremble.

She chuckled softly. The yellow floral print frock was fitting her so well that her features were clearly mark-able, she had made a pony of her hair which spread on her back, her fair arms and leg below the knee were shining due to sunlight, orange light of sun had lit up her beautiful face, her pink lips were so tantalizing that made Prakruth mad. He embraced her warmly rubbing her bare arm. She didn't resist which encouraged him.

"Punya, can I kiss you?" he asked. She gasped and moved a little away from his embrace.

"Only if you permit or else I won't force" he said looking into her eyes.

She was bewildered to allow or not. He could sense the confusion and wanted to drop the plan but suddenly she said "You can".

He started laughing. She was defiantly blushing while looking down. He lifted her face in his hand and kissed her on the left cheek by turning her face to left.

She gave a eccentric look.... "I like your dimple the most so I kissed it" he shrugged.

She hit her head softly, she had expected something more.

"Punya are you scared of tomorrow's match?" he asked.

"Yeah kind of nervous" she said.

"Why...because it is nationals?"

"Yeah there are many who are strong out there, people will laugh at me if I lose" she said sadly.

"Come on, be a sport. Forget all the expectations, forget the winning or losing, just play for the game. Remember people who love you will love you whether you win or lose and the people who hate you will hate you for anything you do. Don't think about them just live for yourself" he advised.

"Do you think I'm good at the game?" she asked.

"You're great at it. Just focus and be confident. Trust yourself. Will you?"

"Yeah, I will". He embraced her warmly passing all the positivity in him.

"Can we go? Jyoti will search for us" he said softly.

"Yeah" she got up brushing her dress.

They headed towards the walking track and Jyoti came cycling towards the pathway.

"Punya, are you ready to go?" she asked as she halted.

"Yeah" said Punya taking the cycle from her.

Punya rode away. Jyoti asked Prakruth "You both were only walking here all this time?"

"Yeah, what did you expect?" asked Prakruth.

"Nothing" shrugged Jyoti drinking water. "Boring couple, if I was in such a romantic weather, I would warm myself up" thought Jyoti. Prakruth chuckled softly as he read her expressions.