Winning and Losing.

The next day Jyoti had direct entry to second round juniors singles as she was seeded player of midgets singles previously. Punya had to qualify first round with a north-east girl, she scored 15-11 points.

The second round matches were on the same day similar to boys singles. Prakruth was watching both the girls playing at the court with his coach. Jyoti qualified easily against a Haryana girl with 15-9 points. Unfortunately Punya lost to a Punjab girl in 12-15 points.

"Sorry Sir" said Punya to her coach panting.

"It is OK Punya, you made it till here that itself is great.... There's still a long way to go. There will be more tournaments in future" said the Coach to encourage her. Prakruth nodded in agreement to the coach words.

"Be positive Punya, your opponent was pretty strong" said Jyoti. Punya smiled seeing their support. "Amma, I'm sorry" she came to her mother.

Narmada hugged her and said "It is Ok, hereafter you can eat whatever you want, no diets"

"She has Mixed doubles on Saturday, don't forget ma'am" warned the coach.

Everyone started laughing.

"Jyoti, Good luck for finals... Come we'll finish lunch before that" said the coach.

Post lunch, Jyoti played against a Delhi girl. Jyoti was quick on her steps and had great command over the game, she fought with her opponent and qualified for All India Junior Ranking team. She came jumping happily and hugged Punya. Punya also hooted in happiness with her.

"Congratulations Jyoti" said the coach.

"Thanks Sir" she smiled. Coach rubbed her head in appreciation.

"Congratulations Jyoti, I'm proud of you" said Narmada.

"Thanks Aunty" said Jyoti.

"This invites for a treat junior, congrats" said Prakruth.

"You need to treat us first, yesterday you won senior" said Jyoti.

"Ok I will... Sir would you like to join us?" he asked his coach.

"No no, I'm busy tonight. You all relax for two days, we'll come back for mixed doubles and finals on Saturday" said the coach.

"Sure Sir" said Punya.

"Don't forget one hour practice in the morning and evening..." he ordered.

"We'll practice Sir" said Prakruth.

Everyone headed to the hotel to relax. They decided to stay at hotel tonight as two days they could spend for sight seeing and fun.

Later that night, Punya's phone started vibrating after dinner, Prakruth was calling her. She started searching haphazardly and located her phone on the bed between the sheets. She shut the sound immediately but Narmada caught her.

"What is that Punya?" she asked.

"Aunty, I called her mobile, we were searching her phone" lied Jyoti.

"Oh keep it visible, why do you always misplace it?" asked Narmada "Even in the house, she does that. Absent minded girl" she blamed.

Jyoti giggled. Punya pinched her softly. Jyoti pushed her hand away and continued laughing. "Amma, you shouldn't complain about your daughter" scowled Punya.

"Sorry baby but friends must know these, they'll help you remember and find things easily. Every time I can't be with you right?" asked Narmada.

"Yes Aunty, tell me more about her..."said Jyoti sitting next to Narmada on the bed." I'll give information to the needed" she added softly.

"What?!!" exclaimed Narmada.

"If I know more about her, I'll use the information when needed Aunty" said Jyoti.

Narmada started laughing.

Punya's phone started vibrating again, she held it tight in her hands and went out to the balcony.

"Hello my angel" said Prakruth.

"Idiot.... Why are you calling me again and again?" frowned Punya.

"Oh so bad of you!! You scold me unnecessarily I just wanted to tell tomorrow's plan" said Prakruth sadly.

"Sorry... Please tell me" she pleaded.

"No plans... Bye... This idiot doesn't want to talk to you" he hung up angrily.

She tried calling him and he kept rejecting it. She came inside and pulled Jyoti's hands... Jyoti was busy playing chess with Narmada.

"What?" asked Jyoti.

"Come for a minute, please"

"I'm busy, don't disturb" she shrugged.

"What's that Punya? You want to join?" asked Narmada.

"No Amma, I don't know this game....I want to talk to Jyoti for a moment please!"

"Secret from me?" asked Narmada.

"No Amma, nothing like that. Girlie talk so" said Punya.

"Aunty two minutes break" said Jyoti and went to the balcony.

"Tell what happened? Why are you troubling me?" asked Jyoti.

"Prakruth called me and I hurt him... Now I want to console him, he is not picking up the phone...what to do?"

"Go and talk to him.." said Jyoti.

"How?? He is not picking up my call"

"Do one thing, scream from here, he'll hear from there" she said sarcastically.

"Very Funny"

"Go to the terrace, I'll text him to come there" said Jyoti.

"Amma" said Punya in a worried tone.

"You want Amma also to come? Ok I'll inform her. Take her too" Jyoti teased.

"......" Punya made a sad expression.

"Wait let's do this way, I'll take her downstairs. You stay here."


"I'll text him, stupid" said Jyoti and went towards Narmada.

"Aunty, there is a big temple nearby. We'll go and come?" asked Jyoti

"Which temple?" asked Narmada

"Lakshmi temple.... It has a garden too"

"Ok we'll go but Punya can't come. It is her second day" said Narmada.

"I know so only I planned" thought Jyoti and said "She'll be safely here, we'll come back by dinner" she winked at Punya.

Punya smiled at her and kept trying Prakruth over the phone. He was rejecting it continuously.

Narmada went in to change to saree. Punya asked Jyoti "Did you text him?"

"Yeah he said he'll come downstairs in 10 minutes but he also told that he won't talk to you as he's angry at you....What did you do?" she asked.

"Petty fights" shrugged Punya.

Jyoti raised her eyebrows... She didn't talk as Narmada came by.

"Let's go?" asked Narmada.

"Yes Amma, come" said Jyoti and waved at Punya.

"Lock the door, don't open until we come. Be careful" instructed Jyoti walking past the door.

"Yeah be extra careful" winked Jyoti and closed the door behind her.

Punya just nodded and locked the door.

"Oh my goodness, I will be all alone in this room with him. That too in Shimla... These rooms are meant for couples" thought Punya. The very thought of privacy made her tremble in excitement and fear of what will happen made her nervous.

She looked at herself in the mirror "I'm looking shabby, let me change" she thought. She searched all her luggage and found a half sari... "I think Amma packed this, might be she wanted me to wear this to Vaishnavodevi temple. Let me wear this now. Prakruth adores me in this" she monologued. She dressed up and applied a light make up. When she was still busy in front of the mirror, someone knocked at the door. She shivered lightly.