Trembling hearts....

Jyoti's text: "Punya wants to talk to you. I'm taking her mother to Lakshmi temple nearby. I'll manage her for one hour... Enjoy!!!"

Prakruth's reply: "I'm angry at her, tell her I'm not interested to talk to her now"

Jyoti's text:"Don't spoil my efforts, please use this opportunity to clear your fights. It's my humble request"

Prakruth's reply: "Ok, I'll come downstairs in 10 minutes... You carry on"

Prakruth was in dilemma, whether to go or not. "Isn't it wrong to meet her when she's all alone in her room? What if I misuse the privacy? Do I have so much control over my senses? What if she proceeds? I think I can manage... But I must look presentable. Is this shirt ok? Or shall I change? It is ok... I'll use this perfume, it makes me feel so fresh..." he thought. He was whistling happily combing his hair. He locked his room as his coach wasn't there and walked towards the stairs. He skipped the stairs while jumping down in excitement.

When he reached Punya's room, he stopped. He thought again for 45 seconds, "Should I go in or not?" he exhaled deeply before he knocked at the door....

Punya was nervous too, her heart was pounding loud enough yet she opened the door slowly and ran inside.

Prakruth heard the door lock click and he pushed the door back. He went in and closed the door behind him to ensure privacy.

"Punya" he called as he couldn't see her anywhere. No response. He called her again.

A paper rocket came from behind the curtains and fell at his feet. He opened the paper which had the words "SORRY, I didn't mean it" in her beautiful handwriting.

He chuckled softly... But he cleared his throat and said infuriated "Apologize in front of me"

Hearing which Punya startled, she realized that he's very angry. She slowly came out, walking slowly with her head down. He felt very bad seeing that sad face of hers but he wanted to show he is still angry. On the other hand, her looks were ravishing... His heart was sinking deep and tempting him to do something naughty..... He controlled that urge.

"Oh he's still angry, his eyebrows are tangled and nose so red.. He won't forgive me this time" she thought. She walked close to him and said "Sorry, I didn't think that my words will hurt you.. I'll never call you Idiot". He continued to be silent.

"I didn't mean it, I couldn't receive your call as my mom was next to me. You kept calling me and that irritated me" she said

"Do I call you always?, do I flirt over the phone? Am I not responsible enough to understand what I am doing and what I shouldn't?" he asked.

"You're very mature person in that context, I'm apologetic about my behavior, please forgive me" she pleaded. He was silent again.

"Oh Punya, you've melted me already but I don't want to give up so early, what can I do?" he thought and turned away from her.

She came towards him and begged "Punish me for my mistake but don't kill me by your silence".

His lips didn't split... Her eyes welled up as she felt insulted and disregarded. She turned her face away and was about to walk... He held her hand.. "Punya" he called in a sugary coated sweet voice. She turned towards him and clasped him, "I can't take your silence, it kills me" she said crying.

He embraced her softly and said "I can't see you cry, it burns my heart. Sorry". He lifted her face with both his hands and wiped her tears.... She tightened her clasp and pulled him close rubbing her face in his chest. He was speechless. He closed his eyes, his hands slowly started feeling her body and his temptations bloomed up. When his hands touched bare skin of her waist, it ignited his senses.....he repulsively pushed her away softly. It was so random that she startled.

"Are you still angry?" she asked.

"No, not at all but if I continue like this... Something wrong might happen" he said

"What is that wrong?" she asked taunting him

"No... Punya, this dress of yours is good to see from far.... Very dangerous if I get closer" he walked away and sat in the couch.

Punya deciphered his feelings and her respect for him grew 100 times more. "If it was someone else they would've tried something dirty but my sweetheart, you're so composed and focused. I'm falling deeply in love with you" she said to herself. She wanted to be naughty and compliment his good nature so she proceeded towards him. She leaned over him putting her hands on either side of him over the couch and said "Oh let me check how dangerous??"

Prakruth got enticed by her behavior, "Punya, No... I'm quiet because I've some limitations, don't tempt me" he warned.

"Who has put limits on you? Come on be a man" she said in a seductive voice.

"Punya this doesn't suit you, you're losing your natural self by doing this... Stop" he chuckled.

"Why should I be so good always?? I can be bad too" she held his shirt and pulled him towards her. He resisted.

"Come on darling, we're in Shimla. Climate is so cold and romantic" she proceeded closer to his face, he turned towards left closing his eyes. She planted a sweet kiss on his cheeks and stood straight leaving his shirt.

"See how bold I'm" she said raising her eyebrows.

"You" he got up... She started running.

He chased her all over the room and caught her..he held her left hand tightly but she tried to tickle him with her right hand. He lost his balance and luckily fell on the bed, she fell into his arms as his grip on her left hand was very tight that pulled her to fall above him...

Their eyes met unveiling a dreamland of their own. Punya and Prakruth were free love birds in their own heaven, two innocent hearts were irrevocably and unconditionally in love with each other. The depth of their love confused the clock and it stopped ticking further.... The cool breeze which came by, stopped as it didn't want to disturb them... The night prayed the lord sun to take leave for a day... The tree at the window created soothing music by fluttering their leaves. The world around them created silent passionate environment to encourage the couple....

Punya and Prakruth didn't realize the minutes passing by, which they spent in each others arms... Prakruth's phone vibrated startling both of them. "Sorry Punya, I didn't mean it. It was a accident" he said and received the call.

He was busy explaining some farm work over the call and Punya was so involved that she didn't get away from him. After few minutes, he hung up and looked at her....

"Dear, what are you thinking?" he asked.

"Nothing serious, why?" she asked.

"It would be very kind of you if you get up and release me" he said in fake innocent tone.

Punya scowled "I won't!!!"

"You used to run away whenever I tried to get close... Now if you give me so much in one faint heart might fail" he said sarcastically.

His expressions made her frenzy.... "Is it?.... Let me see how will it fail?" she said and kissed all over his face.... and looked at him.

"That's all?? I thought you will kiss my neck my chest... " he teased staring at her.

"Stop you shameless" she scolded and pushed him away. Freed herself from his arms and said "Amma might come, go.... I need to change"

He got up from the bed and asked "Punya, you're bold girl right??"

"Yeah, you saw two incidents just now" she said proudly.

"Then change in front of me" he winked.

Her cheeks turned red immediately... "Naughtiness overloaded... Go" she said.

"Arre show me how bold you're" he asked.

She pushed him towards the door and said "Bye". He pulled her close holding by her bare waist and kissed on her forehead saying "Goodnight my angel..."

He opened the door and went upstairs. Punya closed the door and immediately changed her dress. She checked the room to remove any evidence of his existence but found none. His scent was still lingering on her body... She unwittingly uttered "I love you Prakruth" and chuckled.