A Compensation.

Prakruth called Punya over the phone that night, but she deliberately cut the call.... He tried her number again and again... She kept rejecting it. He nodded his head sideways and went to bed.

Next day morning, he woke up early... Got ready, finished feeding all his pets and took his car to Kadri. It was 8am when he reached Punya's house. He groomed his hair with his hand, corrected his collar and then rang the door bell, Narmada opened the door for him. When he went inside Varun was having breakfast with his parents. Punya and Rishi weren't found at the table. Prakruth was little disappointed.

"Hi Prakruth, what a pleasant surprise to see you here. Any emergency?" asked Varun.

"No Uncle, I wanted some animal feed for cattle and pets at farms. Hence I had been to city. As it has been very long since I met Punya, thought I would meet her. Only if you permit me to...." said Prakruth in a decent tone.

"She has become lazy, I think now she's taking bath. Sit down.. I'll call her" said Narmada.

"Ok Aunty" he said sitting down at the sofa.

"She's getting ready, have breakfast Prakruth" said Narmada.

"No Aunty, I had" lied Prakruth.

"Don't lie Prakruth, you must've left farm at 7. Who gave you breakfast so early?" asked Varun.

Prakruth bent his head... "Narmada give him the breakfast, he'll always hesitate" said Varun.

Prakruth chuckled and took the plate. When he was having the breakfast, Punya arrived. Narmada gave a plate to her and she sat at the dining table not even looking at Prakruth.

"Punya look who's here?" said her Grandfather.

"Oh the busy person is here... Hi Senior" said Punya sarcastically.

"Punya, he's doing a noble work. You shouldn't tease him like that" said Varun.

"Yeah noble people forget the promises they make... They say they like family life, for that they're striving hard but they're so busy that they forget simple things like their own birthday" said Punya.

Everyone got confused by her words but Prakruth understood what she meant. Gowri caught the last point, she asked "Who forgot their birthday??"

"Prakruth Ajji, today is his Birthday" she said.

"Oh is it.... Happy Birthday my boy...." said Varun and hugged him "I'll take care of work in the farm... You enjoy your day".

"Thanks Uncle" he said happily.

Varun waved a bye to everyone and left. Narmada went upstairs to wake up Rishi.

"Prakruth Wish you a very happy birthday, you have your breakfast properly. We're going to a relatives place... Call us for a party in your farmland" said Eshwar.

"Sure Ajja.... Hope you don't mind me calling you Ajja" asked Prakruth.

"No not at all... Bye" said Eshwar and left home with Gowri.

Punya was pretending to be busy eating.. Prakruth took his plate and joined her on the table. She didn't even look at him.

"Hi my angel" said Prakruth.

"...." no response from Punya.

"Why is my angel become angry bird??" he asked.


He got up from his seat and kissed her cheek for 10 long seconds, he sat back. She took a hand towel and wiped her cheeks.

"Punya don't do that... You know what I'm doing and what kept me busy.... Why are you so angry??" he asked.

She was chewing her food as if she never heard him.

"Baby I love you and you know all my ventures are related to both of us... You even appreciated my new work!!! Now what happened. I know I kept you waiting but it wasn't intentional. Trust me I also missed you" he pleaded.

"People who miss will at least make time to call... You don't keep phone, how will I contact you??" she scowled.

"I'm Sorry... It is my mistake that I didn't call you. You can punish me for this" he said.

"You would remember if I'm on your priority list... I'm not. So it is obvious that you forgot me" she said sadly and got up.

"You're my breath, how can you tell that??" he asked.

"Words are beautiful but actions aren't satisfying" she complained.

"What should I do now??" he asked.

"Come with me, let me punish you" said Punya "Amma I'm going out, will be back by evening" she screamed so Narmada could hear.

"Where should I go now?" asked Prakruth sitting in the driving seat.

"Mall in M G Road" she said fastening her seat belts.

"Ok ma'am" said Prakruth dramatically.

They headed to a mobile store in the mall. She selected a good mobile and handed over to him.

"Happy Birthday my busy senior" she said.

"Mobile to me??" he asked.

"Yeah my birthday present... This is basic necessity these days... Keep it. Come we'll buy a sim card" she said walking to the sim corner.

"What's your lucky number?" she asked.

"I don't know... I think I'm lucky to have you in my life" he said in a sweet voice.

"Mesmerizing words again" she chuckled.

She herself selected a number and said "I think this is lucky". They completed the procedure and came out.

"Ok drop me home" she said.

"What????!!!" he asked surprised.

"You're busy right... Go handle your work. I won't disturb" she said walking towards the car.

"Punya stop being rude... Enough dear. I apologized right. Forgive me" he asked.

"Ok can I drive?" she asked.

"By all means..." he handed over the key.

She sat in driving seat and fastened the belts, "I'm driving Volvo for first time" she said to Prakruth who sat next to her.

"I'm confident about your driving"

"You haven't seen me driving, how is it possible to believe me?"

"I trust you more than myself" he said pushing the hair behind her ears.

"LOL, I will drive well only if you don't disturb me" she said.

"How can't I?? I can't keep quiet when I'm with you" he kissed her cheeks....

"One more"

He kissed again.

"One more"

He chuckled yet he planted a kiss on her forehead.

"One more"

"You've gone mad... I can't go further. Then stopping myself will be a challenge. You'll hit me if I go ahead" he said.

"No, it is your birthday. I won't stop or scold... So go on" she said winking.

"No... I'm done" he said.

"Ok let me continue and treat my birthday boy" she said and pulled him by holding his collar, kissed him passionately all over his face and neck.

"Woah... That was eccentric. Now I know how much you missed me" he said laughing.

She left his collar and started the car "Where are we heading?" she asked.

"Pearl resort on the highway" he said winking.

"Do you have so much time?" she asked.

"Yeah whole day I'll spend with you"

"Oh Compensation for not meeting me all these days.... No need. My anger won't subside in a day" she frowned.

"Ok I'll be with you till you send me away" he said.

"That would be a whole life time" she said.

"I'm ready" he assured.

She chuckled and drove away.