Love bites

"Baby talk to me properly" pleaded Prakruth.

Punya was driving the car seriously.... She drove silently till they reached the pearl resort.

"I told Sorry... I mean it" said Prakruth.

"I didn't know college heartthrob, cold hearted, egoistic, self esteemed boy would apologize so many times to a girl" she said getting down from the car.

"That's how I'm to the outside world darling... But I'm myself - my true self in front of you"

She nodded sideways and walked in.

"Oh no, this isn't fair... I won't come in, till you speak" he said.

"Ok I'm going alone.... The place on the cliff is very calm and quiet" she said walking away.

"I will stay here.... Relax and come back" he said in anger.

She looked at him and he looked serious. So she walked back to him and pulled him by holding his hand into the resort. He was smiling behind her while she murmured words of anger. They reached the cliff and sat under a tree.

Prakruth sat with his back rested on the trunk of the tree. Punya sat away from him.

"Dear I'm sorry... Stop firing me" he said

He handed a chocolate, she didn't touch. He handed a white rose flower, she didn't take it. He took a small pocket size teddy bear and took it close to her face. He made bear do the kissing gestures on her face. She scowled and said "I want the living bear to kiss and apologize".

"You know in college, I thought you were daredevil and would slap me if I approached you for romance. But now you trigger me so much... I get scared" said Prakruth.

"What else you thought???" she asked curiously.

"I was confident that you would love me till I saw you beat those guys in the field. But after that I was devastated. Men should provide women with financial support, physical security and great companionship but you had everything. I wondered why would you accept me? Moreover you had such adoring cousin too. I almost lost hopes when farewell dates were announced" he said.

"Finance yes, Dad gives me. Physically I'm strong yes but I will need help when threat is dangerous. What about great companionship?? I felt only you can give.. My heart would race higher and higher telling me that it is comfortable only with you" she said and came close to him.

"My heart would pound when you came closer..." he held his hand on his chest.

"Is it??? let me see...." said Punya and placed her head on his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her and his heart started beating fast as he felt overwhelmed by her gesture. She chuckled.... "OMG, your heart is racing like mine" she said. He only smiled.

"Prakruth, I've heard boys speaking about girls in all possible filthy words.. Have you ever done that??" she asked.

"What kind of filthy words?" he asked.

"About the body parts, referring them to accessories and assets...." she said.

"Never, I won't allow anyone speak about girls to me or in my presence" he said.

"Wow.... So cute" she pinched his cheeks and planted a kiss on his cheeks.

He blushed by her gesture. "Awww... I never knew boys were so shy" she said.

"What do you know about boys??" he asked curiously.

"My friends also have boyfriends, they tell how their boyfriends purposefully touch them, kiss them and try all tricks to get physical with them... But you don't do so" she shrugged.

"We've whole life to do all that" he said.

She nodded and asked "Not even a birthday kiss huh?"

"You gave me just now" he said.

She got rid of his arms and sat properly "Is that enough for your birthday?" she asked curiously.

"Yes... Why?"

"Why did you bring me to deserted peaceful place like this??"

"To sit and talk our hearts out"

"That's it.. Not to do anything else with me??"

"What else Punya??"

"Nothing leave"

"Hey tell na..." he held her chin and turned towards him.

She held his hand and bent her head "A smooch at least" she said shyly.

He burst out laughing.... "College daredevil is blushing" he said laughing.

She made a teasing face and looked away.

"Punya, you're still minor. Bringing you out like this itself is an offensive act. If I have to kiss you, I need your parents permission. I don't want to break their belief in you and me. So I came home to meet you. Didn't call you out hideously" he explained.

"Will you kiss me when I'm major??" she asked.

"Why are you so obsessed with that now?? Friends might have glorified but trust me... Getting physical is addictive. It is safe till we don't know the taste of it. Once we know, we will keep wanting it" he said in a threatening tone.

"Ok will not ask again" she apologized.

Cool breeze swept towards both of them as Sun hid behind the clouds... Punya lifted her head and saw the surroundings...

"It is so beautiful here" said Punya.

"Not as beautiful as you" he said.

"Oh... I thought you didn't have guts to express in front of me"

"Who told you? I expressed first through the letter but lot of misunderstandings kept us away. Don't doubt my guts"

"When I didn't respond to the letter, you should've come and asked me"

"I had given option in the letter dear, accept and continue as my love or reject and stay away. I thought you chose second"

"Oh what if I had really taken second option. Would you forget me and find a new girl??" she teased.

"Never.... I love you and only you...Forever."

"Then if I had rejected you???" she exclaimed.

"Hmmm I would stay single lifelong in your memories" he said.

"You say but won't... I know men"

"Don't generalize Punya... You know my sincerity and commitment" he said.

"I don't know, prove it" she said.

"Look into my eyes... You'll know how addicted I'm to you" he said.

"No. That won't work... Try something else" she said.

"How???" he asked.

She remained silent as her brain was giving her 'n' number of ideas. She simply smiled and said "I was joking"

"Never see my love as joke Punya" he said seriously.

"Ok... I love you so much.... Happy birthday darling... I won't hurt you today...." said Punya and kissed him by wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Only today huh.... That means you'll hurt me tomorrow??" he winked.

She bit his neck and said "See I hurt you today too"

"You're an animal.... It hurts" he said.

"I thought you were aggressive but my bad luck" she said.

"Wait for the right time... You'll know who's aggressive" he said.

She chuckled....