Busy days

College had reopened and days were hectic for Punya and Thrishul.

Prakruth's college was starting from July, he concentrated on his farm work, yet was missing her... it was very difficult to talk to her as she had college during the day and he didn't want to call her after reaching home. He thought it would trouble her in front of her parents. There were only text messages between them.

During the college hours.... At Mangalore Pre-university college...

"Hi Punya" said Thrishul and sat next to her in the classroom.

"Hi... Won't teachers object boys and girls sitting next to each other?" she asked.

"We're not the first people, Vedant and Tarak used to sit in first year itself. Look around dear" he said.

"Oh... I hadn't observed" she said looking around....

"There's a world apart from mobile and people in it" he said in a teasing tone.

She stared at him, he snatched her mobile... "This will stay with me for the day, you concentrate on the classes" he said.

"Oh no... I will concentrate, give me my phone" she said.

"Shshhh" he shooed her as the lecturer entered the class and switched off the phone.

As days passed, Thrishul tried to get close to her... Even Punya got comfortable with him as she felt he's better than others in the class. They were away from each other only when he went to play or to tuitions... They used to study together and eat together, spend whole day with each other.

"Hey Punya, did you see my record anywhere in the classroom?" asked Thrishul rushing into her study room.

"No I didn't see" she shrugged.

"I remember that Jyoti was looking at it, she must have given it to you" he said.

"I told you, I didn't see. Check my bag if you are so doubtful" she said.

"I'm not doubting you dear. I'm just asking you... Forget it. I'll check it out with others in our college" he said.

"Tarak and Jyoti were together. Ask Tarak, he might know" she said.

"Tarak doesn't write record himself, Siri writes it for him. So I don't think he has taken"

"Hmmm, anyway you can ask them tomorrow in college"

"I can't. Tomorrow is Saturday, he's going out with Siri. You know they're officially dating"

"Yeah I know. I better inform her to be safe" Punya took her phone to call.

"Punya don't spoil their moments... According to me, every moment in life is a lesson to be learnt. Good lessons give happiness and bad lessons give an experience" he said bending to get the phone but Punya didn't give him the phone.

"But I don't want any of my friends to have a bad experience like Disha" she sighed.

"That happened with a senior, my friend is quite responsible like me" he smiled.

"Let's see... But warning her is my duty" she tried calling Siri.

"Punya stop dear, you're spoiling their fun"

"What fun??" she said.

"The fun you're missing, allow me... I'll bring heavens at your feet"

"Seriously? What heavens??" she asked.

"I'm very sensitive and emotional guy, Punya. I love you from depth of my heart. I can get anything you desire at your fingertips. You just order" he said kneeling down.

She started laughing.

"I'm serious and you're laughing" he scowled.

"Sorry Thrishul. All my desires are fulfilled by my parents. You know that....what else should I ask you???"

"You may need to go somewhere where parents can't take you or explore a pub or attend a beach party.... For that you'll need me" he said taking her hand into his palm.

"Yes I may need you. I'll let you know now go search for your record"

"When I'm talking to you romantically, you'll push me away" he held her hand tightly.

"Hey Amma came... Leave" she said looking at the door. He panicked, left her hand and turned towards the door immediately. There was no one at the door. She chuckled.

"Oh this is not fair. You shouldn't be so rude to me" he said.

Narmada walked in to the door saying "Punya, see you've left a record between the newspaper".

"Aunty let me have a look" said Thrishul.

"No Amma, don't give. By the way, why did you check the newspaper bundle??" Punya frowned.

"This is my record, so you hid it under the newspaper?"

"No, you must've left on the table. Grandpa might have mixed with newspaper"

"Don't bring Grandpa into this, confess it is your prank" he said holding her ear.

"No I'm innocent" she said. He twisted her ears little.

"Amma, see ma, how rude he's. He left record carelessly at college. Now he's blaming me".

"Aunty her friend was looking at it, I thought anyways she's there, so she might bring it back safely. Now she's wasted all my time for searching" he blamed.

"As if I'm your secretary, will collect everything you leave behind" she said pushing his hand away.

"Your petty fights never end" said Narmada and walked away nodding her head sideways.

"You're not my secretary, my everything. My soul, my heart beat, my love, my dream...." he went on and on.

"My subordinate, my servant etc etc... Now go study...May be you'll waste your time" she said interrupting him.

"You shouldn't interrupt me when I'm speaking my feelings" he said.

"You don't have time for them, go study doctor Thrishul" she said pushing him away.

"Ok, tomorrow our classmates are planning for outing, if interested let me know" he said.

She just nodded.

"We're going hiking, camping and stuff like that. Call me" he said walking out to the hall.

"Where are you planning???" asked Varun who came into the house from work.

"Uncle up the mountain for hiking and camping. Tomorrow we don't have college, so we friends have planned. There are girls too in our team" he said.

"Oh well, if she's interested, you can take her. But be careful. Those places are little dangerous" he warned.

"Sure Uncle, I will" he said.

"Punya will you go?" asked Narmada.

"I'm not sure. Thought of going to farmland tomorrow" she said.

Anger swept on Thrishul's face as farmland visit means visit to Prakruth's farms too. He controlled his anger and asked her calmly "Every time you get holiday, you go there. This time please join us for a change".

"Yes baby, what he says is right. Next weekend you can go to the farm. Now you explore this trip" said Varun.

"Ok count me in" she agreed as her father insisted.

"Hurray. Thanks Uncle, thanks Aunty" said Thrishul and danced away.

Varun exhaled deeply and said "Little actions give a lot of happiness in single souls like him"

Punya started thinking about Thrishul.