Professional courses......

"Dad, Dad.... where are you?" screamed Punya standing in the hallway.

"Coming baby.... What's happened??" ran towards the hall holding his shaving brush.

"Look I got my results" said Punya excitedly.

"You got your results last week right??!!" said Narmada who was arranging for the breakfast at the dining table.

"That's PU results, this is CET results" said Punya pointing at the laptop screen.

Both Varun and Narmada looked at the screen. She had scored enough marks which declared her eligibility for Agricultural seat. Punya was jumping out of joy.

"Congratulations Punya" said a voice from the main door.

"Prakruth, what a pleasant surprise to see you. Welcome" said Varun.

Prakruth walked in and handed over a potted plant which had beautiful red flowers to Punya.

"Thank you Senior" said Punya. Prakruth raised his eyebrows surprised.

"What's this plant???" asked Narmada.

"It's a bonsai plant Aunty.... To the future agriculturist" replied Prakruth.

"Prakruth please be seated, I'll finish my shaving. Have to rush to office" said Varun and headed towards the room, he stopped at the door and said "Congratulations my baby" before proceeding.

"So where will your college be now??" asked Narmada.

"That I'll know after counseling mom" replied Punya.

"Ok I'll get Rishi from upstairs, give some coffee to Prakruth" said Narmada and headed upstairs.

Punya approached Prakruth and held his hand pulling him away... "Hey what are you doing?" asked Prakruth.

"I'm punishing you for going away so many days" said Punya walking to her room.

"No no not here, your parents might come around" said Prakruth.

"I know what to tell them, come" said Punya. She pushed him on her bed and closed the door behind her.

"Punya you've behaving like an animal"

"No... I'm a monster" said Punya pouncing on him. She held his collar and kissed all over his face... When she was about to kiss his lips.. He put his hand over the mouth.

"Why....?" asked Punya.

"Punya I want our first lip lock to be a life time memory... So please postpone it" he said.

Punya sighed and slept on his chest. He rubbed along her back and ran his fingers through her hair.

"Do you know how much I missed you??" asked Punya.

"Yeah I'm getting to know" he chuckled.

"So you didn't miss me??" she asked.

"I did..."

"How much...?"

"Six lakhs, ninety one thousand and two hundred times"

"Uffff what's that now?"

"Seconds I was away from you" he kissed on her forehead.

"Oh my God.... So what will you do for compensation??"

"You tell my angel" he smiled.

"Hmmm how about spending so many seconds with me continuously??" she winked.

"That will be possible only after marriage" said Prakruth.

"No.... I can't wait so much" said Punya

"Will you be able to come out.... Will your parents agree???" asked Prakruth.

"That's your headache... Not mine... It is your punishment... So you plan..." said Punya shrugging.

"Let me finish my semester exams, then I will get some peace of mind.... After that we'll plan"

"When is your exams??"

"June 15th onwards"

"Ok... Agreed"

"Hmmm can we go out now.... I don't want to get caught by your parents..."

"Ok go" said Punya hugging him tightly.

"Punya how can I move if you are adhered to me like this??" he chuckled.

"I don't want to leave you" she made a sad face.

"Punya listen to me... I'll come again... So not now" said Prakruth. "Mom will search for you now" he threatened.

She left him and he rushed to the door... When he opened the door, no one were at sight. He walked fast and sat on the couch, holding the magazine. He was silently panting for breath.

"Oh oh... Hi my boy" said Eshwar who walked in from pooja room.

"Hello Grandpa..." he said and bent at his feet. Eshwar blessed him and asked "You belong to old school my boy.... Come on give me a hug like present generation will do... ha ha ha" said Eshwar laughing. Both of them hugged.

Narmada came down with Rishi... "Did Punya give you coffee or no?" she asked.

"Aunty, I don't drink coffee or tea" said Prakruth.

"She could've offered you juice.... Where's she? Punya..." Narmada called out.

"I'm here mom" she replied from her room.

"See Aunty I've come from such a distance that too early in the morning... She's shut herself in her room rather than talking to me" he complained.

"I asked what he wants, he said peace of mind... So I left him alone" said Punya.

Eshwar burst out laughing hearing this....

Narmada made a grunting face and turned towards Prakruth and invited him... "Come let's have breakfast... Ignore her"

"You'll be killed if you ignore me" murmured Punya so softly that only he could hear. He grinned looking at her.

Whole family had breakfast happily and Prakruth felt privileged to be a part of such lovely family.

Thrishul had got medical seat in Manipal Medical college, Punya enrolled in Mangalore Agricultural University at Ullal for BSc Ag course. After few weeks colleges started... New Campus, new friends, new experiences were yet to come. Both Punya and Thrishul were excited about the courses they had joined.

"University is 10 kms away from our house" said Narmada worried.

"Mom, University bus has picking point on the main road.... I'll take the bus. Don't worry" said Punya.

"Or if you want a car, I'll get you one baby" said Varun.

"No Dad.... I'm okay with bus. I can make new friends and rest while coming rather than driving after exhausting classes." said Punya.

"Hmmm ok.... When is the college starting....???" he asked.

"It's on July 1st. I'll go to farms till then" said Punya.

"Alone... No..." said Narmada.

"No we're going with her..." said her grandparents together.

"When are you leaving??" asked Narmada to the In laws.

"Today afternoon... Send back the car from office" said Eshwar.

"Ok I'll send... Enjoy yourself" said Varun.

"Thanks Dad...." said Punya.

"Anything for you baby..." said Varun.

"Your dad will do anything for you... But I have to stay at home always...." smirked Narmada.

Varun felt sense of guilt for neglecting his wife... So he said "Punya you're not going anywhere...."

"Dad you just agreed" asked Punya.

"I disagree now. I'm going to office now so don't disturb me" he shook his head.

"Why are you stopping them from going Varun??" asked Narmada.

"I'll tell after coming from office" said Varun and walked out.

"Dad... DADDY...." screamed Punya... But he drove away in his car.