The Fight....

Varun returned from office in couple of hours. He came and rested on the couch.

Narmada was surprised by his sudden arrival, she asked "Aren't you feeling well?".

He grabbed her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

She tried to get away from him but failed... she tried harder and pushed him away saying "What's wrong with you?? What if someone sees?!!"

"I'm kissing my wife... what does it have to do with others looking at me??" he winked.

"You're becoming naughtier day by day...."

He pulled her close and wrapped her in his arms "No dear, I'm not getting enough time for all of this" he kissed her cheeks.

"Oh now you realized, you know how boring the days are now.... You got multiple projects and you became too busy... I"m not blaming but I miss you too" said Narmada. He embraced her and she hid her face in his chest.

"No more boredom dear, I'm going to spend time with you"

"You're lying... I don't believe you" she said pinching his hand...

"Ouch no... Call everyone, I need to make an announcement"

"Tell me first, I'll call everyone later" she chuckled.

He himself called everyone in the house. She tried to move away, "Hey what happened, why are you going away??" He held her hand.

"Everyone are coming leave"

"They don't mind us sitting together, two of them brought us together and two of them came after we came together. They'll understand sit". He wrapped his arm around her waist and made her sit with him.

When everyone came, Varun started speaking..."I and Narmada have decided for a three days family trip. So please pack your bags and get ready. We're leaving tonight"

"Hurray" Rishi yelled. He held his hands for hi-fi with Punya and she responded. Grandparents were also happy with the decision.

"One more thing is Pavan and Thrishul are also joining us" said Narmada. Varun gave a look, "When did I tell that??" he whispered.

"Why is my brother missing all the fun when we go out and enjoy. We'll take him along" she insisted.

"OK ma'am as you order....." he winked. She pinched.

All the members packed their stuff and were gone for a three day long weekend trip. It brought the family together and their minds got refreshed. They clicked several photos and made a lot of memories.

Time elapsed and colleges started. Punya had her college commencing at 7 am in the morning and ending at 3.45 pm. Siri joined her in Agri college. Vedant and Thrishul joined medical whose college timings were different according to timetables accommodating theory and practical classes. Jyoti, Disha joined Architecture in the engineering college, in which Roshni had joined fashion technology and Prakruth was doing his BE second year. Tarak joined BHM as he was interested in hotel management. Everyone got busy with their own curriculum. Roshni used to stall Prakruth in her free time which made it unbearable to him.

One day, when Roshni sat with Prakruth and few of their friends in the campus.... Punya and Siri walked towards them.

"Hi Prakruth...." said Punya.

"Hi Punya, why did you come along?" he questioned.

"Prakruth, don't be so rude. Remember you both were a couple" said Siri.

"Were is past tense. Now we're not and who are you to speak??" asked Prakruth rudely.

"Prakruth enough is enough!!! You're not talking to me over phone, not replying to my texts, so I thought I'll meet you personally and sort the things between us" said Punya.

"There's nothing to sort Punya. We're done. I'm done with you. I can't be in relationship anymore" said Prakruth.

Punya took a deep breath. Her eyes pooled up. "Fine, alright....Can I know why? So that gives me an opportunity to rectify my mistakes and change"

"No....I want you to suffer thinking what your mistakes are. I don't want to reduce the agony for you"....

Roshni who was watching this drama from a long time.... Skeptically interrupted "That's insane...Prakruth. Why are you being so ruthless to sweet Punya??" asked Roshni sarcastically, "Can't see her cry" she clicked her tongue showing pity... Tell her you found more beautiful, more matured and a sensible girl in your life...." she smiled crookedly.

"Why should I explain myself to her?" said Prakruth turning away.

"Oops.... That's a face slap Punya darling.... do you know who that beautiful girl is?....It's me....Now go find a peaceful place and shed those tears. Don't fight to hold them back" she teased Punya.

Siri yelled "You... Shameless selfish woman" but she stopped as Punya held her hand pulling her back.

"Go take your friend and give her a bucket to fill the tears. Every dog dreams of becoming the king. You better know eligibility matters!!" Roshni went overboard to insult them. Her friends laughed at the two miserable girls.

Prakruth heart wrenched in pain...yet he controlled.

Punya walked away crying and sobbing. Siri followed her.

After they reached the parking area, Punya said "Bye, see you tomorrow" and rode away.....Siri felt very sad for her.

She called Disha, Jyoti and Vedant to fill in the details. They all felt sad for Punya.

That night, at Punya's residence.... Thrishul walked in to the terrace where Punya was standing looking at the sky. She seemed normal, which confused him. He expected her sobbing or sad.

"Hi Punya.... How was your day?" asked Thrishul.

"Well it was fine... How about you??" she asked.

"Was fine??? I'm sorry but I heard that you and Prakruth..... Sorry was filled in by Siri...." he intrigued.

Punya had totally forgotten about it, she stuttered... "Th.. Th. Thhhat... That was a small fight.... We'll be ok soon"

"Punya you know you can't lie to me. I know you from childhood.... Share na..." he asked.

"Well you know we're not in good terms from a while now" she said.

"The fights which started before our kodaikanal trip???" he asked.

"Yeah.... It's still going on... I don't blame anyone of us here. Misunderstandings are growing" she shrugged.

"Hmmm but he brought that plant on results day right....? I thought it was your patch up" he said doubting her words.

"Yes I also thought so but suddenly even that day we fought. So I didn't even offer him juice" she sighed.

"Why did you fight that day....?" he asked.

"Not now Thrishul. I don't want to discuss my relationship with you.... You're a med student now. You've enough stress. I will help you relieve it rather than increasing it"

"Will you??" asked Thrishul.

"Yeah what can I do now??" she asked.

"I wish to hear you play guitar" said Thrishul.

"Sure why not" she walked in to her drawing room and he followed her. There she played guitar. One after the other all her family members joined them to make it a musical night.