Chapter 05 - Carina's P.O.V. (5)

After our graduation ceremony, we went to a fancy restaurant. Christine's parents arrived yesterday from Texas and since I didn't have anyone to attend my graduation, they invited me to tag along with them.

"At last, you two graduated. Anyway, congratulations on being a cum laude Carina!" Mr Robert Lenard, Christine's father said happily and offered a toast.

"Thank you Mr Lenard." I replied.

"You know what Christine, you should be like Carina. She's so serious in everything she does that's why she excels. I can say that she will be successful one day considering how smart she is." Mrs Sandra Lenard, Christine's mom said.

"Mom, you don't need to compare me with Cari. I have my own personality and so is she. It's our big day today so the last thing I need is to be upset." She complained. Knowing her, she hates being compared to anyone. She's always the type who does whatever she wants. Unlike me, she's a very strong lady, she knows what she wants and how to get it. She's the type who always say what's in her mind. Totally opposite of me.

I remembered how we met when we were in high school. Our classmates always bullied me because of my outfits but she's always the one who stood up and protect me. She even punched a girl who deliberately hit me with a ball during our sports class and she even got a punishment from the school.

"Don't get us wrong darling, we just want to motivate you. She's your bestfriend and we know she's a good influence to you. All I'm saying is to get your act together. You are already an adult. You're about to start your career and we want you to be successful in your chosen career. You're our daughter and we're so proud of you and you know that. It's just that sometimes, we can't help but to worried about you. You are so stubborn and careless." Her father explained calmly and adoringly.

"Dad, you know me. I will never do anything that ruin my future, especially our name." She replied and hug her dad.

"Enough of this topic. We're here to celebrate. Let's eat, the food is getting cold." Mrs Lenard said and started eating.

"So Carina, I supposed you already found a job?" Mr Lenard inquired. In the tone of his voice, he was sure that I already have found one.

"Not yet Mr Lenard but I have few job interviews next week. I just hope I can land into a nice company."

"Yes. You're a smart girl and I'm sure you will be a great employee." He said assuring me.

"Yes, I'm sure you will. Anyway Christine, did you invite your cousins?"

"Yes mom. They'll going to be late because of work. Aunt and Ellie aren't going to make it because they're out of the country." Upon hearing this, excitement ran in my heart. I will see him again.

We talked about other things as time goes by. Christine's family is really nice. Sometimes, I get jealous of her because she has a great and loving family, not to mention they're rich. The only thing I craved for was to have a happy family. Even if we were not rich, at least we would have each other. That was always been my dream but now, I was alone. The sight of a happy family makes me envious, sometimes I want to pity myself. My mother was a great mom when she was alive and I never recall a moment that she hurts me. She was a very gentle and loving mother. The only thing that she failed to do was choosing the right man. I didn't have the privilege to meet my biological father but I always had this feeling of emptiness and the desire to find who he was.

Whenever, I asked my mother about him, she always avoided it. I didn't understand it then but as I grew up, I just assumed that maybe, he did something terrible to her that she didn't want to remember. We were almost finished eating When I caught a glimpse of a gorgeous lady approaching our table with a smile on her red lips. The air around her was like so magical that every guy at the restaurant was staring at her. She was like model. Even if I was not familiar with the designer stuffs, I could tell that she's wearing expensive clothing. Her stiletto accentuated her long beautiful legs. She was so graceful walking towards us. 'What a beautiful creature.' I whispered to myself.

"Good evening guys! Sorry we're late. Regan will be joining us shortly. He met an acquaintance outside the restaurant, you know what guys are. Even if they met by chance, they still manage to talk about businesses." She said as she went to Christine and her parents to greet them with a kiss. Then she looked at me quizzically.

"I believe this's the first time we met, I am Angela. Nice to meet you." She said and offered me her hands for a handshake. Her smile is so angelic.

"Ehermm... Nice to meet you too. My name is Carina." I replied and took my hand for a handshake. She appear to be nice young lady and her name suits her, not just in physical features but She also appear to be nice.

"She's my bestfriend. I believe I have already mentioned about her to you before. You just moved here so you never met her. We were friends since elementary. She was my classmate since high school." Christine explained to her cousin.

"I see. It's nice to meet you again, Carina and congratulations on your graduation."

"Thank you."

Angela sat on the empty seat next to me and started talking excitedly to her cousin. She opened her bag and brought out a small box with a ribbon around it.

"This is for you cousin. Congratulations on your graduation!" She gave Christine the small box.

"Oh! Thank you Ange! You're so sweet." Christine said and hugged her cousin. I could tell that they were so close to each other.

The pity I felt towards myself escalated as I watched them. I don't care about the gifts but I wish that my mom is beside me, together with me in this happy moment of my life but there's no use crying now. I already accepted that I am alone now and I need to be strong for myself. I heaved a sigh and tried my best to look happy. I don't want to ruin their happiness.

My heart jumped when I heard a familiar voice.

"Good evening everyone. I hope I am not late for the celebration of your graduation, my dear cousin." The baritone voice said. I looked up to his direction and I saw him again, Mr Regan Novell. Just like before, he was so dashingly handsome. His eyes landed on mine and we stared to each other for a couple of seconds Then nodded to me before he sat down next to Angela. I realized, he was the male version of Angela.

"You're already so late Reg but I appreciate that you're here. I thought you couldn't come, knowing how busy you're."

"How could I not come? I couldn't attend your graduation so I made sure to come here no matter what. I don't want to hear your whining for the next 3 yrs of my life." He teased Christine. He pulled a rectangle small box from his pocket business suit and hand it to his cousin.

"Here's my gift to my favorite cousin. Congratulations on your graduation." He said smirking to her. Christine took the small box and opened it. Her eyes lit up when she saw what's inside.. A key.

"Don't tell me..." She took the key and stared at her cousin Reg expectantly.

"Yes it is. But I am warning you Christine. Use it wisely." He said firmly.

While they were busy talking, I took the opportunity to watch Regan carefully. Compared to when I first met him at the club, he was soft looking now as if the heavy air around him before disappeared. He even smiles now and this new side of him took my breath away. Christine happily went to her cousin and hugged him.

"Don't you think that's so extravagant Regan? You know how Christine is. She's so hard-headed and careless sometimes." Mrs Lenard said with concern vividly written on her face.

"It's ok Aunt Sandra. Even if she's so naughty, I know she can take care of herself. She won't do anything to harm herself, If not, I will recall it. Understand Chris?" He said formally and Christine nodded. Still in her own world, Christine happily gazing at the key.

"So, where's the car Reg?" She asked nonchalantly to her cousin.

"It's already at your house." He answered simply and called the waiter to tell his and Angela's order.

Since the arrival of the siblings, the atmosphere became happier. Although Regan hadn't spoken much, Angela and Christine had been dominating the conversation. Me, I was just listening to their conversation, contented with just watching them. After we finished our meal, we decided to go home. Regan and his sister said their goodbyes to us and we went our separate ways. I rode together with Christine and her parents.


It's Monday and I woke up early for my first job interview of the week. After getting dressed, I put on some make-up since I need to look professional and pleasing to the eyes of the interviewers. I took out the things in my bag and re-checked the things that I needed to bring to make sure I don't forget anythings. When everything was in order, I went out of my room. I was a little surprised when I saw Christine already eating her breakfast. It's just 6.30am. She usually wakes up late because she never even cared about setting her alarm clock.

"Good morning Tin! I think this's a big miracle. What happened to you? What did you eat last night that caused you to wake up this early?" I teased her and sat on the chair next to her.

"Shh.... I will pretend that I didn't hear you said that. Today is Monday and I need to get my act together. I will start my training slash work in our company. I don't want to be late on my first day. That would be disastrous." She replied and continued eating her breakfast.

"OMG..! Where's my bestfriend? I think I'm talking to a totally different person now and I think I'm going crazy!" I said with an exaggerated tone. It's true that this's the first time that she acted this way and it's quite surprising on my part. Even her parents are still not up yet.

I heard her laughed and stopped eating.

"C'mon Cari! Don't make me remember the old me. I mean this's still me but my parents were right. I need to straighten my ways. I am already an adult and I want to start practicing how to be a professional and matured lady. I don't want our employees to think I am good for nothing but a spoiled brat. I don't want them to think that I could work there because we own the company. I want to show them how a hard worker I am and I deserve to be there." I can sense a little bit of bitterness in her voice but more towards determination.

"Tin, you are who you are. You don't need to change for others but change for your own self. Change because you want to change. I know you're a very brave lady and I know you can do better in everythings that you dob. Sometimes laziness consumes you but I know that when you really try, you can accomplish anythings." I encouraged her.

"Thank you. You really know what to say to put me at ease." She hugged me and then looked at her watch.

"Oh my God. I need to go. I must be there at 8am. It's already 7am. Good luck on your job interview!" She drank coffee, took her bag and attache case Then scurried out of the house. I continued eating my breakfast. I made a quick glance on my cellphone to check the time, it's 7.15am. I still have at least 45 minutes before my bus arrived, so I turned on the TV near the dining table and watch the morning news. My heart jumped a little when I saw Regan's picture being shown on the television.

"One of the most illegible bachelor in the country is this month's cover of a famous magazine. Mr Regan Novell is a young billionaire who managed to run their family corporation when he was just 23 years old. Now, he made their company landed at the top 5 companies in the world...."

He clearly is the best, a young genius who has everything that he wanted. I didn't know that he was this amazing. I meant I know he's rich but not that rich. I can't believe he has all these responsibilities at such a young age.