Chapter 06 - Point Of Views (A)


My interview went smoothly. Even though I'm a little shy and awkward around people, I managed to answer all the questions right. I didn't allowed myself to mess up. I promised to myself to fight all my doubts to myself. Sooner or later, I will become a productive part of the society and I don't want my insecurities to hinder ny goals. I need to change and grow up.

The next few days, I was kept busy with job interviews. So far so good however every company that I went to, told me to wait for their calls. I often stayed home now because I didn't have anything to do. Christine's already busy and doesn't have any spare time to accompany me like before. Gian's also the same. I was about to open my laptop when I heard my phone rang. I picked up and saw an unknown number on the screen. I reluctantly answered.

"Hello. Who is this?"

"This is Attorney John Santiago. Is this Ms Carina Westbay?" The voice on the other line asked politely.

"Yes. How may I help you?"

"I have something to discuss with you about your house. My client wanted to talk this out with your mom but since she's already dead, we would like to talk with you. Do you think you have any spare time to meet me today or tomorrow?" I suddenly felt uneasy. I know there's problem because of his tone.

"Okay, I am available right now. What about we meet at 2.30pm this afternoon?"

He agreed and suggested that we meet at a restaurant which coincidentally not that far away from here. I became restless. I took a quick shower and dressed. It's still 30 minutes before our meeting time and I started to walk to the bus-stop. Our meeting place was just about 10 minutes drive.


"Hello Ms Westbay. It's nice to meet you." A middle man approached me and offered a handshake.

"It's nice to meet you too Attorney Santiago. So what did you want to discuss with me?" He heaved a sigh and took out some documents inside his briefcase.

"Your stepfather borrowed a large sum of money from my client and made your house as a collateral in case, he couldn't pay the money on time. Since he was in jail now, he couldn't pay anymore and my client decided to get the house as payment to his debt." I was shocked of what I heard. I'hv never heard about it from my mom or Jack? "What? Are you sure about that? That house was not my stepfather's house! It was my mom's! He couldn't do that!" I burst out angrily. What a bastard. He made our life miserable, killed my mom and now he had the guts to do this too! I gritted ny teeth angrily.

He looked at me sympathetically and handed me the documents. I read the documents and my body got numbed when I saw my mother's signature. She gave consent to Jack. The bastard borrowed 500,000.00 dollars. I felt like all my strength got drained out all of the sudden. I couldn't take it anymore and cried. I couldn't believe it. I knew that my mother would never do this to me on purpose. I was sure that Jack forced her to agree and signed the papers. Due to anger, I wanted to tear those documents away.

"Are you okay?" The lawyer asked me reluctantly and I nodded to him as an answer. There's nothing I can do about the situation. I felt helpless. That house was the only thing that my mom left me but now I realized that I will lose it also. I wiped my tears and looked at him as I calmed down.

"Is there any ways for me to get back this house. Can't you give me enough time to pay it?" I asked helplessly knowing that I was already at the lost. I don't have enough money to pay the debt and I still don't have a job. The money that my mother left me was roughly about 250,000.00 dollars. I wasn't planning to spend it yet but I couldn't just sit and do nothing.

"You can get back the house if you manage to pay the money. My boss is a very impatient man and he wants his money soonest possible. The deadline of payment is 3 months from now. If you can't pay it after 3 months, then we have no choice but to claim your house." He explained.

"You have my number, in case that you have the money, just give me a call and we'll set a meeting." He stood up, said his goodbye and left. I didn't know how long I remained seated on the same spot staring at the documents. I dried my eyes and sighed. There's no use crying over spilled milk. I need to find a way to pay back the amount owed. My memories of that house were not good ever since Jack entered our lives but I knew my mother would never want to sell it. She loved that house because it was her parent's house. She grew up there and so am I.



I checked on my watch irritating. It's already 8pm and I couldn't get a glimpse of my cousin, Christine. I agreed to meet her because she kept In bugging me to meet her. She's like a sister to me and just like Angela and Ellie. I spoilt her rotten. It's already 8.15pm when she finally arrived.

"Do you know what time is it, young lady? You are 45 minutes late!" I growled at her but she just smiled sweetly to me and kissed me on my cheek.

"C'mon Reg, don't be upset. I forgot about the time because there a lot of work at the office. Come on, let's order. I am already so hungry." She said, not caring of how irritate I was.


We were at the middle of eating and Christine kept on blabbering about her day. As a response, I just kept on nodding to her.

"Hey Chris, you didn't call me here just to listen about your day, right?" I asked her and wiped my mouth with a table napkin.

"Yeah. You know me too well cousin!" She teased and continued.

"Is it true that you sacked your Executive Assistant the other day? Did you find another replacement yet?" I frowned at her. She never had any interest of asking what's happened in my company.

"Where did you hear that? Yes, I fired her because she's always late if she's not absent. I can't tolerate this kind of unprofessionalism attitude in my company. Why do you ask anyway?"

"Well, I want to ask a favor from you. I want to recommend my best friend for the position..." I interrupted her before she finished speaking.

"Recommend? Do you have any idea...." my litany was interrupted by her.

"Just hear me out first Reg. You already met her during our dinner, remember? She's a very smart girl and I know she's capable. Just give her a chance."

"This is the first time you ask me a favor, let alone for the sake of another person. What do I get out of this Chris?" I challenged my cousin. Not sure myself what to think about what she just asked me.

"Well, like I said, she's smart and capable person. I'm sure that you'll going to be impressed by her. Come on Reg, just try her out. I assure you, you won't regret it." I stared at my cousin. Seeing, she's really serious about it and I leaned on my back to my chair.. thinking.

"Okay. Because you asked for it, I accept her. But if I won't be impress by her within 3 months, I will find another one, clear?" Upon hearing it, she happily hugged me.

"I knew it! Thanks Reg! You're the best." I rolled my eyes. She always manage to make me agreed and say yes to her antics.

"Tell her to start on Monday."



"Hey girl! Guess what?" I looked at Christine who just barged into my room. She sat on my bed.

She looked happy. I stared at her curiously.

"What?" I inquired and sat beside her.

"Well, I found you a job!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"What are you talking about? How did that happen?"

"I talked to my cousin Reg and recommended you to work in his company." I scowled at her. I stood up and paced on the floor.

"Why did you do that Tin? What will he think of me? That I am not capable finding myself a job and that's why you suggested me to him?" I asked her exasperatedly.

"Hey! Don't get me wrong. I know you are capable enough of finding a nice job but I also know that you really need the money right now. You refused my financial help so I thought I help you in finding a job." She approached me and held my hand.

"I know you meant no harm. It's not just I am not comfortable about it. What would Mr Novell think of me?"

"Don't think about it. Just prove to him that you deserve the spot. He just agreed to give you 3 months to show him what you're capable of. Make me proud." I smiled at her uncomfortably. I knew Bayleaf Corporation is a very accomplished company and I would be so happy to work there but I began to hesitate at the thought that I got accepted because my bestfriend is the CEO's cousin.

I was tossing and turning on my bed. Tomorrow, I will start my work at Bayleaf Corporation and now I can't sleep. There's an image that kept floating inside my head and I don't want to admit who it was. I am nervous about tomorrow but a little bit excited too, working in the biggest corporations in the worlds. The image slowly became vivid that it materialized. Mr Regan Novell's handsome face, his masculine physique, his cold gaze towards her and....

'He forcefully pulled me into his powerful embrace and held my eyes for a seductive and intense gaze. His blue eyes smoldering with desire. He cupped my face with his warm hands and his forehead touched mine, still holding my gaze. I could feel his hot breath fanning my face. I felt my knees trembled and became weak. I held my breath when he slowly angled his head to kiss me. I closed my eyes, anticipating his lips to mine. Then I felt the first brush of his lips on mine. Then he repeatedly did it, brushing lightly, as if urging me to open my mouth to his onslaught. When I didn't do it, he bit on my lower lip playfully, forcing me to surrender to him. My find became fuzzy and I groaned, opening up to him. His hand descended to the back of my neck, while the other was at the side of my head as he deepened the kiss. I was already lost of what he was doing to me and I responded willingly, imitating him. My hand gasped his silky hair, playing with it. Then I felt his hand teasingly touching my left breast in a circular motion and I moaned in delight. I was so aroused of what's happening. I opened my eyes and stared at his face but I can't see anything because of a blinding light that suddenly spread throughout the surroundings. I was about to shout for his name when I heard an irritating sound....