Chapter 07 - Point Of Views (B)


I opened my eyes and sprung out of bed realizing that the annoying sound was coming from my alarm clock. I quickly went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, took a bath and dressed up. Since this is my first day, I still don't have the uniform. Christine told me that uniform will be provided by the company and that is convenient for me. I selected my best outfit that I could find In my closet. I was about ready when I remembered my dream. My body felt hot and I brushed the thought away. 'Who was that guy anyway? What a sinful dream'. I shook my head and went out of my room.

Christine dropped me off infront of the building since their company is just half a mile away from Bayleaf Corporation. I stared at the building in awe. It was a beautiful glass building that radiates luxury and power. The architectural design amazed me. I walked into the building and went straight to the information area.

"Hello. I have an appointment with Mr Novell at 9am." She smiled at me professionally.

"What is your name, Miss?"

"I am Carina Westbay." She checked on her computer.

"You must be the new Executive Assistant? Do you have a valid ID with you?" I opened my bag and prayed that I didn't forget it. I felt relieved when I found it and gave it to her. She typed something on her company and gave the ID back to me.

"His office is located at the 2nd of the last floor."

"Thank you. Have a nice day." I said politely and went straight to the elevator. The interior design is also beautiful. There was a large red carpet on the clean white floor. The high ceiling was decorated with beautiful chanderliers. The ambiance was so welcoming. It was like that of an expensive hotel at first glance. 'What a nice building. I just hope working here will be about nice experience too'.

While I was Inside the elevator, I started to become nervous that I almost pressed the ground floor button and walk out of the building. But I know it's something that I couldn't do. For my sake, Christine asked her cousin a favor and even if I wasn't happy about it, I knew she was just trying to help me. Christine's just concern about my well-being and wanted to help me raise the money to get back our house which is the important thing for now, not my pride. My mind was battling between going back down or continued when I was interrupted by the sound 'ding' and the elevator door opened. I took a deep beath and went out. 'This is it. There's no turning back.'


I was greeted by a middle aged woman and guided me to the office of Mr Novell. She knocked the door and open it.

"She is here." She said to the man inside, Then I heard a familiar voice.

"Send her in." Upon hearing it, she smiled at me and motioned me to go in.


"Good morning Mr Novell. I-I am Carina Westbay." I cursed myself for stuttering a little. I saw him frowning at me, examining me from head to toe. His expression was unreadable and again, cold. 'Doesn't he get tired of that expressionless face of his?'

"Have a seat Ms Westbay. Good that you are not late. I am telling you now that I don't tolerate tardiness. My cousin is your bestfriend but that doesn't mean I cannot fire you when you can't meet my standard. I heard a lot of good stuff about you from her so I except a lot from you too. Anyway, as I said earlier, I am giving you 3 months trial period. I am going to observe your performance during this period and then decide if I will make you permanent or not. Is that clear?" He said to me formally, staring at me without a hint of any emotion.

" Yes sir. I understand." I said meekly and tried to meet his cold gaze. Then he continued his explanation.

"Good. Now, as my Executive Assistant, you are expected to maintain professionalism and composure under pressure. Of course, you are to provide me assistant. You are to handle incoming and outgoing communication, filing and clerical works. You are also incharge of scheduling meetings, maintaining filing systems and databases, document review and preparation and.possibly overseeing other staff such as making travel arrangement, etc.." I saw him opening the drawer of his desk and took out some documents.

"This is your contract for the next 3 months. The other pages explains your duties and responsibilities. Read it carefully before signing. Usually, I am not the one who do this for new employees but since I was the one who accepted you, I personally handle it." I nodded then took the contract and began reading it. There were 2 copies, 1 for me and 1 for the company. When I finished reading it, I was satisfied with what was written on it. I signed both copies and return the other copy to him.

"Okay. This is for today. You can start work tomorrow." He said dismissively and I stood up to get out of his office. As I was about to open the door when I heard him called me.

"Miss Westbay. As much as I hate tardiness and laziness, I also don't tolerate those kind of clothes here. I want my employees to look presentable at all times. Talk to Mrs Miller and ask her about your uniform." His voice full of distaste for my outfits. I felt humiliated and felt my cheeks became hot due to embarrassment. I opened my mouth to say something but couldn't find my voice. I just nodded at him and went out. 'What a jerk. He didn't need to go that far'.

I went straight to Mrs Miller's desk to ask about my uniform but I stopped on my tracks when I heard her talking to someone.

"Hey Mrs Miller, who was that girl a while ago? She looked like she's going to attend a church mass." I heard the younger girl said and laughed.

"Hey, you don't have to say it like that. She's the new EA of Mr N.." Mrs Miller replied to the girl. Then I saw someone approaching the two so I hid myself behind Mrs Miller's door.

"What's up guys? I heard that the new EA just arrived. What does she looked like?" the other girl inquired.

"She looks like a nice young lady to me. Anyway, where did you hear about that? You really have super power when it comes to gossips, do you?" Mrs Miller ask the new comer, shaking her head.

"Come on Mrs Miller. I am just curious. Anyway, how many months do you think she can handle boss?" The new comer said, smirking and clicking her tongue. 'What did she mean by that?'

I was about to come out and talk to them when I heard the other lady respond.

"I think 1 month, I will bet my lunch money for that." She said laughing.

"No, I think 2 weeks."

"Well, I think 1 week. I will also bet my lunch money for that." They laughed all together this time and then 2 girls left. I got scared all of a sudden. 'Is it really wise for me to work in this company?' From the way that the three ladies talked, I could tell that Mr Novell was a difficult boss to handle. 'No! Maybe they are just making fun of me.' I tried to convinced myself that it would be alright.

"Hrmm... Excuse me Mrs Miller. Mr Novell instructed me to ask you about my uniform." She lifted her head from what she was doing and looked at me.

"Ah.. yes. I think I have the size here from our stock. Wait, I'll go and check it out." She asked me about my size and then left for a minute. When she returned, she has two pairs of office uniforms.

"I think this size will do. If you want you can try it to be sure." I examined the uniforms. "It's okay Mrs Miller. I think this size will do. Thank you."

She shrugged her shoulders and sat down on her chair "Okay. it's up to you."

I said goodbye and went out of the building. My mind wandered about my meeting awhile ago with Mr Novell. He was a very different man when he was working than seeing him together with his relatives. 'Is he really that kind of a demon boss that the other employees are betting on how many days that I could handle him? No. I must get it together. This's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I mustn't let it go to waste'.


"Hey Tin. How much do you know about your cousin? I mean, how is he as a boss?" I asked her. We were in her room watching a TV series. She looked at me quizzically.

"Why do you ask?" I told her about the incident at his office awhile ago, about the 3 employees betting on me. Upon hearing it, she laughed but I could tell that she also became uneasy.

"Hmmm.. Cari. I don't know about the opinions of other people but as his cousin, I can assured you that he's a good man. Maybe, he's a little bit on the strict and cold side but I know he meant well. He just doesn't want any inconvenience. You know, he has a lot of responsibilities. His father is already dead so he's doing everything to take care of their business." She explained.

"Okay I understand. I'll just ignore what I heard."


I was running like crazy to get to the bus-stop on time. I was wearing heels and my feet were killing me. I woke up a little late and Christine couldn't drop me off at work because her work starts at 8am today because of an important meeting. As for me, my works starts at 9am. I was about to cross the pedestrian lane when I saw the bus passed by. I ran my ass off and shouted at the driver but he didn't hear me. 'OMG! I'm going to be dead.' The next bus will be 11 minutes.

When I arrived infront of the building, Its already 8.55am. I tried to do my best to catch up to the elevator but it's already full. I went to the other side which was luckily empty. I was about to press the close button when someone quickly entered. It was him. I held my breath. Suddenly, I felt the air around us turned thicker that it became hard to breath. 'What's with him'? I held my breath. He wasn't a scary looking guy even though he never smiles to other people but he's really intimidating.

"G-Good morning Sir." 'What's with me, always stuttering infront of him?' He stared at me for a second, his blue eyes staring at me intently.

"Good morning." He said and stood straight. He fixed his necktie and checked his wristwatch. Until we reached his office, nobody talked.



I was driving irritably because of my headache. I went out with Bryan last night and we kept on drinking until I couldn't lift a finger. I couldn't even remember how I got home. Upon parking my car at the.building's VIP parking lot, I went straight to the reception area and asked something to the receptionist. Then I caught a familiar sight entering the building. My lips parted a little upon seeing her. She was wearing the company's uniform but I couldn't deny how beautiful and sexy she looks in it. Her curly hair was tied into a pony tail. Her hair swaying with her hips as she walk by. She made this simple uniform looked like a sexy outfit, her curves were on the right places. I couldn't deny the fact that she affected me. 'What? No!' I shook my head and brushed off the unwanted thoughts in my head. I saw the other elevators already packed with employees, and when I saw She entered the other elevator, I ran to catch up with her.

When we were together in the elevator, I studied her from my peripheral vision. I'hv never noticed it before but she had an angelic face. Her beauty is innocent She just had a light makeup on and didn't need to put on heavy makeup because she didn't need to. She has long eyes lashes that looked so beautiful everytime she blinked her eyes. My eyes went down to her lips and I gasped a bit. She has a full kissable lips. Her red lipstick accentuated her white complexion, its looks so sexy. He suddenly have the urge to... 'No! You don't have the right to think about other women anymore!'