Chapter 09 - Point Of Views (C)


The next morning, I arrived infront of the building at 8.45am. I was rushing to get into the elevator when I bumped into someone and my bag fell down.

"Sorry. I wasn't paying attention." The person apologized. As I was about to pick up my bag when my head bumped into his head again the same time as me while I was to pick up my bag.

"Ouch!" I touched my forehead and looked at the person infront of me. A handsome guy was smiling at me. He was wearing a black T-shirt that has tibal designs. His hand was touching the side of his head, in pain. I noticed that he had 2 ear piercings. He grinned when he noticed me staring at him and handed me my bag.

I am sorry again. Whoah..! That's hurt." He said laughingly. I blushed and didn't know what to say. He looks like an actor who just came out of the television station. He combed his brown hair with his hand and stared at me.

"Do you work here? I think I have never seen you before. What's your name?" He asked smiling, flashing his white teeth.

"Ahm.. yes. I just started yesterday. My name is Carina." I said awkwardly to him. He seemed like a nice and cool guy though.

"I see. I am Zandro. Nice to meet you Ms Carina. I think I'll see you soon. It's a shame I need to go now. I'm in a bit of hurry. See yah." He winked at me playfully and went out of the building. I was curious to who he was. 'What was he doing here early in the morning Anyway?'

I gasped when I realized that it was already 9.00am and I was still at the ground floor. I got nervous. It was just my second day and I was already late. I scurried to the elevator like a criminal who was being chased by the police. When I arrived at the 25th floor, I was already silently praying, hoping that our boss hasn't arrived yet.

I quickly went out of the elevator when it opened, rushing to my office. I had just put down my bag on my table when the door opened. I flinched when the door banged to the wall.

"Where the hell have you been? I'hv been calling you a couple of times on the intercom!" His thunderous voice was echoing inside the office and my body trembled of fear while his eyes were blazing towards me.

"I-I'm sorry sir. I-... something happened at the ground floor awhile ago that's why I was a little late." I apologized, didn't know how to react.

"Hmp..! Really? So are you telling me that flirting with someone was more important than your work instead of going straight here, you were held back there just to flirt with him?" My browse furrowed of what I have heard.

"I don't know what you are talking about sir." My voice barely came out of my mouth.

"Tell me Ms Westbay. Are you really serious about your job? It's just your second day and you are already late. Just tell me if you are not interested anymore so that I can find a replacement for you." I began to panic. I tried to brush off my fear and met his eyes.

"I am serious about my job sir. I assure you that it will never happen again." I assured him, trying to be brave.

He stared at me for few seconds and then began stepping closer to me. I got more nervous when I felt him nearer so I stepped backwards, trying to get away from him. He continued to approach me until I felt the edge of my office table on my butt. I couldn't take my eyes away from him. He stopped when he was just a few inches away from me. He was so tall that he was towering my small frame. I saw his jaw moved when he gritted his teeth. I shallowed the lump in my throat as his closeness got nearer and this made my knees weak too.

"Just make sure about that, Ms Westbay." He whispered sternly and then stood straight. I just nodded, couldn't find the words to say as my throat became dry.

"Tellme about my schedule for today." He said, as if nothing happened. His voice was already calm and fixed his necktie properly.

"Hmm.. You have a meeting with Mr Smith from Jameson Corp at 10.00am, then another meeting with the people from GQ Company at 11.30am, at 12.00pm you have another meeting with the president of the Sterling Holdings." He just nodded and then put the a paper bag on my table, which I haven't noticed until now.

"This is for you. You will need that for your work." He was about to leave when he stopped.

"Make sure that the things needed at the meeting were all prepared. I also sent you some paper works you need to work at today on your email. And, call my lawyer attorney, Santiago. Tell him that I need to see him today in my office at 4.00pm. I already registered his number there." He said pointing at the paper bag and went out of my office.



I heard a blaring sound and I opened my eyes irritably. I reached for my alarm and stopped it then continued sleeping. I was about to doze off again When I remembered that my cousin Zandro will be coming to the office at 8.30am. He insisted to meet me there for some unknown reason. He just got back from got world tour concert.

I got up from my bed swiftly and went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. It was already 8.40am. After I got dressed, I took my briefcase and car keys, then went out of the house without eating breakfast. Zandro was an impatient man and he was never wait for late people.

Upon parking my car, I quickly got my things and went straight to the lobby. It was already 8.55am and I doubts if Zandro was still waiting for me. As I was about to enter the elevator, the other elevator opened. I caught the glimpse of my cousin Zandro in the other elevator and was about to call him when I saw him collide against someone, and that someone was Carina Westbay. Their heads bumped into each other when they bend-over to get the bag.

My brows creased when I noticed that She was blushing shyly. Zandro was staring at her and she was doing the same. I got irritated with her, felt a sudden rush inside my body but couldn't pin-point it. He stared at them for a moment and noticed they looked good together. My heartbeat was rapid, at the same time, feeling someone crushing on it. I heard the elevator opened again and I stepped inside. For a reason, I was angry at her. I felt like something was eating my heart out, I didn't like it at all. When I arrived in my office, I quickly sat down. My head suddenly hurts. I checked my wristwatch, it was already 9.07am. I pressed the intercom but there was no response from her side. I tried it twice, few times and nothing. I grew more irritated and went out of my office.

When I saw her almost running to her office, I followed. I could see the surprise look on her face when I scolded her. I was so angry at her for a reason I couldn't figure and accept. My body has this strange reaction towards this girl that I refuse to acknowledge. When I noticed her frightening reaction, I was taken aback a little and my voice suddenly mellowed. I wanted to comfort her and I knew she was trying hard not cry out.



I held into the edge of the table for support because I felt my knees were about to give in. I reached for the paper bag curiously and saw a rectangle box inside. I opened it and gasped When I realized that it was an iPhone 7. I quickly turned it on and searched the name of the lawyer, Attorney Santiago? 'Don't tell me..... Nah....'

When I saw the name Mr Santiago, I dialed it. There were 3 rings before He picked up the phone. My body turned rigid when I heard his voice.

"Hello..Attorney Santiago speaking, may I know who is this?" His voice sounded like Attorney John Santiago whom I met before.

"Yes Attorney, this is Carina Westbay, Mr Novell's EA. He just wants to inform you that he needs you to come to his office at 4.00pm." I explained it to him.

"What? Ms Westbay? I didn't know that you were Mr Novell's EA." He answered, sounded astounded.

"I just started yesterday. Hmm... Attorney, is he your client? I mean the one whom my stepfather owed money?" I asked hesitantly.

"I am sorry Ms Westbay but I am afraid I cannot comment about that. I hope you understand."

"I understand Attorney Santiago. Anyway, can you make it to my boss In the office at 4.00pm?"

"Yes, I will be there." He confirmed and said goodbye before cutting off the call. I was slightly confuse now. Attorney Santiago was the lawyer of my boss soit's possible that he was the one who loaned my stepfather money. I didn't know what to think now so I continued with my work before following my boss to attend meeting.

The meeting with Jameson Corp and GQ Company was a little boring for me. After I prepared the meeting room, I was just there to take note of the important highlights of the meeting. After meeting, it was already lunch time. I went to the cafeteria alone because Mrs Miller brought her own food, so she eat in the office

"Hey, can I join you guys?" I asked them and their laughter subside and looked at me.

"Sure. Join us." Pauline answered and motioned me to seat beside her.

We were in the middle of eating when Pauline asked me something.

"So, Carina, how is Mr N as a boss so far?" She said nonchalantly.

My eyes averted her gaze. I didn't want to tell them about what happened this morning. It was my fault that the boss got mad at me so I didn't want them to get the wrong idea. They already had the wrong impression on him and I don't want to add something to worsen it.

"I have nothing to say. He's very serious and a bit grumpy but I think he's just doing what he knows best for the company." I continued eating pretending, everything's fine.

"That's odd. All his past EA's were already complaining, if not crying in their 2nd day of work. Well, maybe he was just in a good mood today." They laughed as if that was a funny thing to say to your boss. I shook my head lightly to their expressions.

"So tell me. Have you seen the boss mad and scolding his employees?" I asked them. I was curious if they already had a bad experience with Mr Novell.

"Well, not really. But I can say that he's a total snob. Marie, his last EA was always telling me that he kept on giving her mountains of works. If she didn't finish it in time, he would bark at her, something like that."

"Well, maybe I just do my job properly and finish on time, so that I won't be receiving that kind of treatment." I said full of determination and they just chuckled.