Chapter 10 - Point Of Views (D)


One month have passed quickly and I began to enjoy my work. Yes, he kept on throwing many tasks to me but I did my best to fulfill them. One thing that I noticed about him was he was the silent type. He doesn't like to be disturbed when he's working. The works was always stressful but the thing that make me irritated was the phone ringings, it kept on ringing and most of the calls were from the 'blocked list.' I was already out of alibis and beginning to wonder what they want from him.

I was busy typing something on the computer when the phone rang again. I heaved a frustrated sigh and answered politely.

"Hello, this is Bayleaf Corporation. How may I help you?"

"Tell your boss that I want to see him right now!" The girl said with an angry loud voice, as if I was a deaf person.

"May I know your name, ma'am?"

"Tell him, it's Tiffany!" She answered curtly. The name was familiar and when I checked the list, she was one of the 'unwanted people' of Mr Novell.

"Sorry Ms Tiffany but Mr Novell is quite busy now. I will make sure to deliver your message to him."

"Make sure you tell him if not I will go there personally," then she hang up.

I pressed the intercom to talk to Mr Novell.


"May I come in sir? I need to give you the report for the GQ Company project."

"Okay." I gathered all the papers and document, went straight to his office.


"Mr Romano Vargas cancelled the meeting with you. He said, he couldn't fly over here because of an important matter. The business deal is also off." I said after I gave him the reports.

"What?! Damn! He's really an eccentric person. Cancel all my meetings for the entire week next week. Get ready too, I need you to be with me. We need to fly to France next week." I was surprised of what I heard. Then I remembered its was Christine's birthday on next Wednesday.

"For how many days sir? Is it really necessary for me to come?" I asked reluctantly, hoping that I could still attend her birthday.

"I told you, it's for a week, so cancel all your plans or dates and of course, you are absolutely needed there as my EA." He answered dismissively and I didn't have the courage to ask another question.


"What?! You can't attend my birthday party?" Christine's voice was so disappointed. I just finished explaining to her about my flight to France with my boss.

"Sorry Tin. You know if I have another choice, I will be here for your birthday. But you know that it's for my job."

"That Reg! I hate him! I bet he didn't even remember about my birthday next week!" She got up from the settee, stomping her feet like a child. I hugged her from behind. I knew she was upset.

"I'm sorry Tin. I will make it up to you. Okay?"

"What else could I do? Your business trip was already finalized." Her voice mellowed but the disappointment was still there.


Monday morning. I woke up early because our flight would be 7.00am. Mr Novell told me I could wear casual clothes today, so I dressed the way I like it.

"What the hell are you wearing Cari?" I turned my head to see Christine who just came out of her room. She was already wearing her office uniform.

"Shut up. This is more comfortable. I will miss you though and your constant loud voice nagging about my outfits." I pouted and she laughed at me.

"Crazy. It's just a week. Anyway, look after Reg for me okay? He is so workaholic, he doesn't have time for himself anymore. Especially now that..." She stopped before she completed her sentence and that made me curious.

"What? Finish it." I encouraged her, wanting to know what it was about.

"Forget about it. Is Reg going to pick you up here?"

"Yes. Then we're going straight to the airport." I answered then I heard my phone ringing in my pocket. I frowned when I saw an unfamiliar number but I answered it.


"We're here." My heartbeat became fast erratic upon hearing his voice.

"Okay sir, I'm coming." Then I cut the call.

"Your cousin is here. I need to go. See you after a week. Enjoy your birthday. Love you." I said hugged her and she hugged me back.

"Thank you. Have a safe trip. I can't come to see you off, I need to prepare before going out." She said and kissed my cheek.


"Good morning sir." I greeted him and I noticed his expression became sour as he saw me.

"Good morning Ms Westbay. Let's go." He said with his usual cold demeanor. The drive to the airport was silent. When we arrived at the airport, the driver helped us with our luggages before taking off.

I was quite surprised, instead of going to the the passenger's departure area, we headed to another different path. Then I realized that we were flying off using Bayleaf Corp's private plane. Well, talking about flying with the one of the wealthiest businessmen. Hmm...


Mr Novell was sitting across my chair. I felt a little uneasy. He kept on inspecting me and I could see the disapproval in his eyes as he looked at me.

When the plane started moving, I suddenly felt nervous. This was not my first time flying but it felt 'like the first' everytime. I was always afraid of flying and my mother was always there to comfort me. It was my first time flying without her. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. My hand clutched the arms of my chair when I felt the plane started taking off.

"Are you okay? You look pale." Mr Novell asked. His voice has a tinge of concern.

"I-I am afraid of flying." I answered with a trembling voice. My eyes were still closed tightly. 'Mom...

"It's okay now. The plane is already on the cruise phase." He said but my mind wandered somewhere else.

Times like this that I remembered my mother. She was always there comforting me whenever I was afraid of something. I couldn't hold the tears from my eyes upon remembering my mom.

Then I felt someone sit next to me. He held my hand and when I opened my eyes, I could see he was really worried and concerned. Before I could stop myself, I hugged him. My face was on his chest. I felt him tensed for a second before he encircled his arms around me.

"Stop crying for Christ's sake!" I heard him whispered sternly in my ear. I let go of him but my tears kept fallingn I was fine now that the plane was steadily flying but when I felt the pain and memory of my mother's death, I needed to cried out to lessen it from my heart.

I saw him clenched his teeth and the next thing I know was his hands cupped the sides of my face and pulled me over for a kiss.



My heart was thumping like crazy when I saw her coming out of my cousin's house. I was so pissed off of myself because I couldn't control this feelings inside me everytimes I was near her. I tried my best to be civil with her, act professionally as I could but I am falling miserably. I couldn't understand myself. I don't even know anythings about her aside from being my EA and my cousin's bestfriend.

I was mad at her because of her outfit. 'What is she thinking wearing that kind of outfit? If I didn't see her wearing sexy outfit at the club before, I would think she's really the innocent type. Is she playing prude?'


I was observing her when we were on the plane and I couldn't help noticing her temblings hands. Her hands were gripping the arms of the chair tightly like seeking for a support. I furrowed at her when I caught a sight of her tears fell from her eyes. I didn't know what came over me. I went to her side and comfort her. When she hugged me, I got surprised a little but when I felt her soft body against mine, I couldn't help but to embrace her back. Her body felt so right against me.

The right reasoning left my head as I wrapped her into my arms. Her tears were like a knife stabbing my heart and I felt the urge to stop those tears. I clenched my teeth in irritation. I couldn't comprehend what was happening to me. To think that I shouldn't let myself go deeper into this. I stared at her crying face as I hated the sight of tears. This was my second time comforting her like this. I hoped this would be the last because for some unknown reason, it felt so difficult for me seeing her like this again. I felt her loosened her hug then let go of me. Then I saw her bite her lower lip to control her sobs and that broke my seld-control. I cupped her face and kissed her. Her soft lips were warm and sweet. I was like a starving lion attacking my prey. She gasped and her body went still. She put her hands on my chest to push me away but I bit her lower lip lightly, seeking for response from her. She moaned and kissed me back with equal fervor.

We were already lost in our own world when someone cleared their thoat. I let go of her briefly like I was burnt and sit properly, pretending to fix my necktie. I looked at Carina through the corner of my eyes and I saw her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. I cleared my thoat and looked at the stewardess infront of us.

"What do you want?" I asked with my usual business like tone.

"Sorry to disturb you sir but I just want to asked if you want something to drink or eat " She said politely but with an uncomfortable smile on her lips.

"Eherm.. I want a glass of champagne. What about you, Ms Westbay?" I said as if nothing had just transpired between us.

N-No. It's okay. I will pass." Her voice was faint. The stewardess left to get my drink. I went back to my original chair, across her and opened my MacBook, pretending to be busy.