Chapter 07 - Our House?!


I woke up as I felt someone touching my cheek. Then I felt something soft touched my lips. I opened my eyes and saw Regan's face next to mine. I gasped as I realized he just kissed me. I tried getting up but he prevented me from doing so by placing his hand on my shoulder.

"No, don't." He whispered and tucked some strands of my hair behind my ear. He was staring at me while his nose was slightly touching mine. I had the difficultly of breathing because of the closeness he was to me.

"I missed you so much." He whispered again and claimed my lips. I tried to get away from him but he held my head to keep me still. I gasped again as his kiss became wild, searching and encouraging me to kiss him back. I groaned in pleasure as I let myself drowned into his kiss. It felt the same. I missed this so much, his kiss, his touch, his embrace and most of all, him, all of him. I was now kissing him willingly. It felt like we were in a desert and the only way to quench our thirst was each other. He bit my bottom lip and sucked on it. I couldn't take it anymore, I opened my lips and let him in. I felt his hand gently caressing my arm, up and down. Then he stopped and rested his forehead against my forehead.

"I love you kitten. All these years, I still love you." He said. My throat tightened. I pulled away from him and looked outside the window but there was nothing there aside the endless clouds.

"Don't say that. I don't wanna hear it." I said bitterly as I felt my throat tightened.

"Why?" He asked. I looked at him angrily.

"You dare asking me why. Seriously Regan?" He clenched his jaw and looked at me.

"I love you! I love you!" He said repeatedly and I covered my ears, not wanting to hear his lies again. I shook my head to him as he continued to tell me how much he loved me. Soon I felt my cheeks dampen because of my tears. I wasn't even aware that I was crying. Then the next thing I know was that he was comforting me in his arms. I thought I was over with my old self who was naive, innocent and weak but no, just the mere touch of him made me forgot how much I have hated him.


We were in his car on the way to God knows where. Nobody was talking except for Scarlet who was oblivious about what happened to us, her parents.

Then the car came to a halt infront if a huge mansion I'hv never seen before. I looked at Regan confusingly.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"Welcome to my house, our house from now on." He said as the car entered the huge gate.

"Are you crazy?! You brought us to your house?!" I asked him angrily.

"It's not just my house, it's our house from now on." He just said and got out of the car and picked up Scarlet from her seat. I followed them as he entered the big double doors. Soon maids came out to assist us with our stuffs. The stared at me and Scarlet curiously but greeted us politely.

"Regan, this is not funny. What will your wife say if we stay here?" I asked him worriedly. I didn't want to have more complications. He has done enough.

"I don't have a wife. We got divorced almost four years ago." He said loooking at me intently, as if waiting to see what my reaction would be. I tried to talk but didn't know what to say. When I didn't say anything, he continued.

"Let's go inside." He said and went inside still carrying Scarlet in his arms. I followed them just to be surprised when we reached at the living. There were numerous pictures of mine on the wall, not just me but there were also pictures of us together which were all taken four years ago. My heart pained as I remembered our happy memories together. It was so unfair, life was unfair. It let me experienced how to live happily but then took it back just like that. I turned my back at him when I felt my tears threatened to come out and discreetly wiped them off.

"Are you okay?" I heard him asked with concern but I just nodded without looking at him.

"Why do you have these pictures here?" I asked him trying to sound okay, still not turning around to face him.

"Because I never forgot about you, about us. I knew you'd come back to me one day and our daughter was an added bonus." He said with mixed emotions evidence in his voice. Again, I didn't know what to say. He was about to say something when Scarlet purred in his arms. She's woken up.

"Where are we daddy, mommy? She asked as she began to turn her head curiously around her.

"We're in our house princess." Regan said and that made me turned around, facing them. 'Our house? Is he serious?'

"What are you talking about this being our house?" I inquired but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"You heard it right kitten." I was about to oppose again when Scarlet interrupted.

"Why don't I have a picture daddy? It was just you and mommy." She questioned while her eyes were eyeing all the pictures. Regan chuckled at his daughter and pinched her cheek affectionately.

"That's because daddy didn't know about you but don't worry, we will take lots of pictures together and we'll put them there. Sounds good?"

"Yes, daddy! I love taking pictures." She said excitedly. Ever since Scarlet met her father, she became happier and more active than before. She was always smiling and giggling. Not that she wasn't happy before but the presence of Regan made her more cheerful than ever.

"Let go upstairs and check out your room." He said and held Scarlet's hand. When I didn't budge from my position Scarlet called out for me.

"Mommy! Come on, let's go." She said and reached up her other hand, waiting for me to hold it.

When we were on our way upstairs, I took the opportunity to study the house. Yes, it was screening of luxury.


There were numerous rooms that we saw before we went inside a room.

"This is your room princess. I hope you like the arrangement." Scarlet jumped excitedly on the pink bed at the center of the big room. At the right side of the bed were different types of stuffed toys. At the other side of the room was a life size doll house.

"Yes daddy, I love it!" She said as down from the bed and checked the big doll housr. She was so happy that she immediately went inside. Then there's a knock at the door, the maid open the door, caught our attention.

"Sir, the new nanny arrived." The maid announced and I looked at Regan confusedly.

"You got a nanny for Scarlet?"

"Yes." He said simply.

"But we don't need a nanny. I am on my vacation so I can take care of my daughter." I opposed

"Are we going to argue about this now Carina? I am not saying that you will not take care of her. You can if you want to but I just hired a nanny so that in case if we go somewhere, there will be someone looking after her.

"But I'm not going anywhere without my daughter." I argued again and he raked his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"Kitten, the nanny is already here. Just let her do her duty." He said snd walked out of the room. When he came back, he was with the woman who looked like in her 40s.

"This is Fiona, Scarlet's new nanny." He introduced and I didn't say anything other than greeting her. He also called Scarlet to introduce Fiona to her. She seemed to be a nice woman.

"Kitten come, I will show you your room. Leave Scarlet here with Fiona for a while." He said and tugged my hand. I looked at Scarlet who went back inside the doll house and was busy playing some toys. I tried freeing my hand from his grip but he didn't let me. I sighed and gave up.

The room was just next to Scarlet's room but slightly bigger. The theme was blue and white, like a guy's room. I looked around and frowned when I saw some things indicating that someone was occupying this room.

"Regan, is this my room?" I asked him and he smirked closing the door behind us.

"Correction kitten, our room." He said and sat on the bed. I looked at him stunned.

"Are you crazy? Why would I share a room with you?" I said through gritted teeth while looking at him like he'd gone insane.

"What's the problem about that? We used to do it before so why not now? Remember, we didn't have official breakup so technically you're still my girlfriend."

"Dream on! We're over from the day I left you! I'm just here for the sake of my daughter!" I spat at him but he didn't even flinch. He just smirked at me and my eyes widened when I noticed him sauntering towards me. I began stepping backwards but the back of my legs hit something hard, preventing me from getting away from him. I turned my head around to see what it was and I saw the kingsize bed behind me. I swallowed hard nervously, my eyes searching for a way to get away from him.

"Really? As far as I remember it correctly, you never broke up with me. Not before, not now and never will in the future. I and yours and YOU ARE MINE." He said with a serious face and emphasizing the last three words like he was making a promise. My legs felt like they lost their strength so I had no choice but sit on the edge of the bed.

"Please don't say these crazy things. You told me you want to be with your daughter and I am fine with it but don't ever say things you don't mean. I don't want to hear it." I said bitterly. He was already standing so close to me that I suddenly felt nervous. I was about to stand up to get away from him when he pushed me back down on the bed, my body was lying flat on the bed while my feet still touching the floor.

"What do yo think you're doing?" I said almost yelling at him. He just smirked at my tone and bended over, caging me with both his arms on both of my sides, his face was so close to mine that I almost forgot breathe. My palms landed on his chest and tried to push him away but he was like a wall, he didn't even budge.

"I know I still have an effect on you. I can see it clearly in your eyes, you still love me." He said confidently that made my blood boiled. I didn't know what came over me, the next thing I knew was my hand landed on his right cheek. He was stunned while his hand touched his now reddish cheek. I saw the hurt in his eyes not physical but emotionally. I instantly felt guilty but my pride and anger didn't allow me to act apologetically, instead I began lashing at him with words.

"How dare you say that to me?! You didn't know what I'hv gone through because of what you did to me! Do you think you can just come back into my life just like that? No, I won't allow it! I don't want you to hurt me again like before! I hate you!" Tears threatened to fall down my eyes but I blinked it back, trying my hardest not to breakdown infront of him. He looked into my eyes as if he was a state of shock before he straightened his body and walked out of the room without saying a word. After he left, I let my tears fell. I hate him but I hate myself more.