Chapter 08 - The Morning After


During our dinner, Regan was the one who was attending our daughter's needs. He told her nanny to go eat her dinner first. I was just sitting there eating while looking at the two of them. He was feeding Scarlet like she was a baby.

"She know how to eat by herself. She is already a big girl now." I told him. I felt his gaze on me but I didn't look at his direction and meet his gaze. I just concentrated on eating.

"I know she can but I want to experience doing these things to my daughter because I never had the chance to do so." He said bitterly like he was blaming me.

I didn't response to him knowing that it would again lead to an argument about the past. I didn't want to remember it because honestly I was so tired about it. It's been years that I constantly remembering about it and it was tiring.

After dinner, he helped Scarlet cleaned herself and dressed her in her pyjamas. He even tucked her to the bed and read her a story. I felt a little jealous because before I was the one who was doing all those things to her but now I needed to share her and her affection with Regan. When Scarlet fell asleep, he went to the living room and watched a movie. I followed him.

"Where's my room? I need to takeva bath." I asked him while standing infront of him. He raised his feet and put them atop the coffee table.

"I already told you where." He said simply and picked up the remote control and increase the volume of the speaker. I felt my temper risen.

"I told you I don't want to share a room with you! If you don't want to give me another room, I will just share Scarlet's room." I said and was about to leave when he stood up and reached for my hand, preventing me from leaving.

"No. She's already sleeping and besides how can you sleep there when the bed is just for a kid?" He said mockingly and I pulled my hand from his grip.

"Better to sleep there than sharing a room with you." I said angrily and stormed upstairs. I went to his room to get my things but I couldn't see my suitcase. I looked everywhere but it was nowhere to be found. I checked inside the walk-in closet and found all my stuffs neatly placed inside the drawers. I swore under my breath and went to Scarlet's room.

I discreetly walked inside just to see my daughter sleeping diagonally on the bed. I tried to fix her position so that I could get a place to lay down but she stirred like she's about to wake up so I stopped immediately. I almost jumped in surprise when someone talked behind me.

"You're making this hard kitten. Just go to our room." Regan said while smirking. He was on the doorway. I walked pass him and went to find another room for myself. I tried the first room I saw and it was locked. Then I tried the others, it was the same. I huffed in frustration when I heard him laughing at me.

"Just give up. I will continue the movie I was watching downstairs." He said with the same smirk on his face and turned his back on me. I saw a grandfather's clock at the hallway and its already 10.30pm. I felt tired, sleepy and the need to freshen up. I gave up and went to his room. I didn't have the energy to be stubborn. 'Tomorrow, I will talk to him again.'

After shower, I got dressed to my pyjamas and was about to lay down on the bed when I noticed the big sofa at the corner of the room. I took two pillows and a blanket then lay down on the sofa. I smirked to myself. I will not give him the satisfaction of surrendering to his demands. Because I was tired, I soon fell asleep after a few minutes.


I woke up because I felt someone moved next to me. Then first thing that caught my attention when I opened my eyes was the white sofa. I frowned confusedly when I realized I was on the bed and someone's sleeping beside me. Not just that, his arms was possessively snaked around my waist, his head was on my neck. I tilt my hand to see who it was and I gasped when I saw Regan still sleeping soundly. We were in a spooning position. I tried to wiggle gently out of his embrace but he moaned in protest.

"Don't moved kitten." He breathed and my body went still. The position was familiar. Until now he never failed to make me feel uncomfortable around him, especially when I was in his arms like this. I couldn't help remembering the times when we were still together before, his warm embrace when I woke up every morning. I shook my head and attempted to get out of his arms again, this time with more force. I succeeded and to my surprised, he didn't wake up. As I was about to get out of the bed when I felt his strong arm grabbed my waist and pull me back into his embrace. I shrieked and tried to unwrap his arms around me but he didn't let go.

"What are you doing?" I hissed but he chuckled and smelled my hair.

"I missed you." He whispered which make my heart skipped a beat but then I remembered the past and anger started to flow inside me.

"Don't! Just don't say these rubbish things. I wouldn't believe you again." I said through gritted teeth. I tried my hardest to get away from him when we heard a gentle knock on.the door.

"Come in." Regan shouted and then a happy Scarlet rushed to us and joined us on the bed. She was with her nanny Fiona and Regan ordered her to leave us alone.

"Good morning Mommy, Daddy." She greeted us cheerfully and lay herself between us.

"Good morning baby. Did you sleep well?" I asked tenderly and kissed her cheek.

"Yes Mommy. Why are you in the same room with Daddy? Is he your husband again?". She asked curiously which made Regan giggled. I was about to answer her innocent question when Regan interrupted me.

"Not yet princess but soon it will be." He said and I glared at him but he just ignore me.

"Mommy, please marry Daddy. I don't want him to leave us again." She asked me with puppy dog eyed.

"Princess, I never left you and mommy." He hugged Scarlet while kissing her forehead.

"Mommy, hug me too. You and Daddy." She requested and Regan smirked at me.

"Baby, I will hug you after Daddy okay?! I said to her, hoping she would agree because I didn't want to even touch him.

"No Mommy, I want it right now. Both you and Daddy." She said as she extended her arms for my hugs. I surrendered and hugged her, trying my best not to touch Regan but it was impossible since Scarlet is so little. I felt Regan's arms wrapped around my waist and I was about to remove it when I heard Scarlet giggled with happiness. She was really happy as she kissed the both of us. For some reason, I felt like I was about to cry. If things between Regan and me were different then, maybe we would have a happy family right now.



I went to the office even if I didn't want to because I needed to fix things there before I take a vacation. I felt like I needed to spend more times with my daughter and Carina. I felt like we'hv wasted so much time. It was almost 5.00pm when my secretary who was getting ready to go home told me that Christine, my cousin was here.

"Send her in." I told her and after a few seconds, she was infront of me. She was pregnant with her first child.

"What's up? You didn't inform me that you're going to drop by."

"Well, I just missed you. We have not seen each other for two months now." She said while rubbing her tummy.

"You should have called me instead of coming here by yourself. Remember that you're pregnant." I said and she smiled at me.

"It's fine. I needed the exercise too." I rolled my eyes and continued arranging my stuff on the table.

"So, is there any news about her?" She asked me which made me stopped at what I was doing. I stared at her and sighed. I forgot to mention about Carina to her.

"I found her Chris." I said and her eyes widened in surprise then smiled.

"Where is she? How is she? Did she talk to you? When did you find her?" I laughed at her questions.

I managed to bring her back here in the US." She creased her brows at me.

"What? She was here? So where did you find her?"

"I found her in the UK while I was there. At first, she didn't want to come home with me but I managed to convince her."

"So where is she now? Can I see her?" She asked expectantly. I knew how much she missed her best friend and how guilty she was about the past. She helped me searched for Carina all these years too.

"They're at home. You can visit her if you want." Upon hearing what I'hv said, her expression change and became sad as she shook her head no.

"I don't know if I could face her after what happened, I know for sure that she's angry with me." She said as tears started to pool down her cheeks. I stood up and went over and comfort her.

"It's okay. You know her better than anyone else. She is your best friend and I believe that everything could be sorted out with a proper talk. Go and visit her when you're ready." She nodded her head and then rested her head on my stomach.


I tried coaxing Chris to come with me and visit best friend but she said she wasn't ready yet. I agreed because it's already night time and I didn't want to tired her.

When I finished parking my car, I walked towards the house just to see Scarlet's happy face, waiting for me at the doorway.

"Welcome home Daddy!" She said excitedlly. I picked her up onto my arms and kissed her cheek. Suddenly, my fatigue faded just like that by seeing her.

"How's your day princess?" I asked her as I walked us inside the house.

"Mommy and I watched cartoons and Then we swam in the pool."

"Really? Didn't you get bored staying in the house the whole day?" She shook her head no and smiled.

"No because I was with Mommy." Before I could say anything, I caught a glimpse of someone in the kitchen. It was Carina. My heart skipped a beat as our memories in the kitchen came back to me. I put Scarlet back on her feet and she ran to her mother. She still had no idea I was just.behind her.

"Hello there sweetheart. Do you need anything?" She asked Scarlet while busy cutting vegetables.

"No Mommy. I just want to help you." Scarlet said while tip toeing, wanted to see what her mother was doing.

"When you get bigger sweetheart. You're still a baby so you can't handle sharp objects such as knives. Now be a good girl and continue colouring at the table." She said tenderly. I was enjoying her explaining things to Scarlet. She really is a mother now.

My eyes went to her sexy legs. She was wearing a short shorts, a sleeveless shirt and an apron while her hair was tied in a messy bun. Even though she had already gave birth to our daughter, she still maintained her sexy figure. I suddenly had the urge to embrace her from behind like I used to do before but I stopped myself. I kept on observing every move she made before I cleared my throat to get her attention.