Chapter Seven

When I awoke Arthur was leaning over me. He was a lot taller then me because of the two year gap but he still wasn't tall enough to be taller then the armrest.

"Hey it's time for lunch, are you hungry?" He seemed reluctant to ask, but I instantly agreed and he seemed irritated that he couldn't leave me there. I followed him as he led me down the stairs and we met the King on the stairs.

"Oh Rose your awake! And Arthur your with her?" The curious tone the King had taken was obvious as to why. He had been a little prick when I had met him last. Now he was leading me down the stairs, although it was obvious he didn't want to.

"I made her rest earlier, and I was going to make sure she ate too." He turned his head, probably to hide the scowl on his face. Before I could react the king swept both of us into his arms, on the staircase, and started to dart down the stairs. The place where we had been exploded in flames a second later, and the King thrust us behind him and got into a defensive position. Another ball of flames came from above us, but it was obvious the king wouldn't be able to cast a shield fast enough, and time slowed down for me. I instantly started to cast a shield spell.

"O' shield of water come!" Time restored to it's normal passage and the water shield barely formed in time to block the blow. I had to pool most of my Mana into blocking one blow, and I went down to my knees in exhaustion. The prince's hands outstretched towards me as if wanting to help, but not understanding how. The king had enough time in that span to retaliate with a ball of wind. The ball ripped the man in half, and he fell to the floor from a story up, three feet from us. I just sat there and stared at the body, and then was suddenly lifted up by the king, and he carried me with his son following him into the throne room where we sat until everything was properly secured. The Queen arrived with the other two prince's less the five minutes after that, and my mom appeared too. In total there was fifteen elite guards. The king had passed me to my mother at some point and she worriedly stroked my head as we sat. I fell asleep quickly because of all the Mana I had drawn out.


I woke up the next day to birds tweeting at my window, and I drowsily rolled over and got dressed. I walked out of my room and started towards the kitchen where I usually ate. I never ate with the Royal family as it wasn't appropriate, although they had tried to get us to many times. So I sat with the maids and ate breakfast before heading off towards the library.


"Ah Rose your here?" The librarian asked. She was a small plump brunnette with a kind face, and she often talked to me when I was here. I didn't understand the confusion though.

"Yeah, why?" I looked up at her, leaning my head all the way back because of my height.

"Well, we all assumed the king would make you stay in the castle until you have a personal guard." Personal guard, what? Why would I need a guard?

"But why would I need a guard?" I asked and her face went complicated.

"Did they not tell you? Rose you were one of the assassin's targets! If he couldn't capture you he was to kill you!" Kill me? Capture me? Why? WHAT DID I DO?

"Why?" She sighed heavily before patting my head.

"Rose there was a leak, someone told them about your abilities. You already surpass royal linages abilities, and it's still unknown if you can do more than fire and water. Rose you are a danger to there plans, they want you gone." Plans? Oh the Anti-Monarch faction? They were the ones behind my father's death, and had done multiple attempts on the Kings life, along with his family. But surpassing the royal lineage? No way...

"Surpassing the royal lineage?" She nodded slowly, and I frowned and spoke again, "I need to go, see you later!" I gave her my best smile before darting towards the castle for some explanations beyond what the librarian said.

I know what the librarian said was correct, and didn't doubt it. The reason why is that she is the Kings younger sister, she works here when she isn't at her home. Apparently she also serves as an advisor but perfer's the library. I didn't blame her though, being a royal advisor full time sounds like a lot of work! I hastened the speed at which I ran to the castle. When I got close I stopped running, and walk slowly to regain my breath. I ran back everyday so I was used to it now, so I regained my breath within a few moments and was fine when I walked through the doors.

I wonder where the king is?