Rebirth & Survival

The glowing water was a cocktail of colors. A swirl of red, green, yellow, blue and violet with hints of white, brown and black could be seen turning and twisting, splitting and merging. Some merged and others repelled. The rainbow colored water hid the traces of motion of various aquatic organisms.

The current carried with it a white, rugged large piece of flesh. It floated along the current when suddenly, it was swallowed by a jaw filled with rows of steel like gleaming sharp teeth. The black jaws made a contrast to the surrounding water as it was about to sink down to the bottom of the sea, when it paused. The mouth seemed to expand along with the rest of its body which was a gigantic mutated beast of some sort. It had black sleek slimy skin as if made of crude oil. The 20 foot length of the beast was also lined with sharp thorns. The thorns glowed with a disturbing purple. The monster did not seem to have any eyes, snout, gills or fins. It only had a large spikey tail.

The pausing of the beast, along with its expansion brought its entire body up to sea level. Its black skin started to leak a white substance which looked as if it were devouring it from the inside. Soon, there were cracks in its skin from which leaked a glowing green liquid which served as its blood. The fresh blood attracted new predators to compete for its remaining carcass. Several smaller shadows pounced at it and stared to tear the monster apart. The water around the fish seemed to be even greener than the surrounding water.

In the distance, the white colored fleshy organism could once again be seen floating on the ocean surface going on its way without hindrance. But if one were to look at the path it took, one would be able to see multiple patches of water where the color of the water seemed to contain a bit more of one color before mixing with the rest.


Two years after the destruction of Divum, the fleshy organism which used to be the wolf yin carrying its master within it arrived at the African coast. The white sandy beach where they touched contrasted the bloody multicolored water they'd been traveling which glowed even in the day. A day after they had arrived, there had been no commotion yet.

The fleshy organism crawled slowly up land where it started shrinking. But, it wasn't shrinking, instead it was seeping into the body of the child inside it. When all the white substance had entered, the naked body of the child could be seen. The seemingly dead boy whose skin was as soft and fair as a white lotus had long black hair and a toned build. He looked to be only about five years old.

The eyelids of the boy trembled and seemed as if it were about to open. Even after a few seconds, they didn't open. Instead, the fingers and toes started to twitch. The muscles in his body started to shiver. All this stopped again after a few more seconds. Ten minutes later, the chest of the child slowly started to rise and fall as the sound of a heart beat started to echo in the quiet night. The deep breaths of strong lungs started to follow suit.

After a while, the eyelids of the figure started to tremble again. His body started to shiver and spasm until it all stopped again. Then the eyes snapped open to reveal a pair of onyx black eyes which shined with intelligence. The figure moved his arms and legs and rolled over. He began to arduously crawl towards the water.

Satisfying his thirst with the colorful glowing liquid, the boy felt a sharp pain in his stomach which made him retch. He retched and retched until he vomited a ball of colorful semiliquid. The substance which fell on the white sand squirmed as if it were alive. It quickly crawled into the water.

The child pushed his arms down and tried to get up. His arms collapsed and he fell again. He tried one more time and with a painful groan, he finally managed to sit up. Exhausted, he took a few breaths before trying to stand. He stood up unsteadily and for the first time looked around him.

He was on a white sandy beach which met a body of colorful dimly glowing water. A bit further the ground was filled with purple grass and small grey shrubs. He could see thick trees with a brown bark and spotted blue and green leaves. There was only one kind of tree, which was peculiar.

He staggered towards the plant life feeling a burning empty sensation in his stomach.

Walking under the canopy of leaves, the area was eerily silent. Mouth stained with blue, purple and green juices, the boy kept walking without any destination or objective. In his right hand, he held a small and thin broken branch he had broken from a tree. He found that the branches of the tree became very hard and strong after breaking them off.

The boy saw a rustling in the shrubs in front of himself. His body tensed as it was the first motion he saw in this forest of trees, shrubs and grass. He cautiously approached and saw a brown furred small animal about the height of his knees, eating the purple grass. The thing had small silver eyes and a back full of purple spikes. It also had long ears which drooped by its side and stood on all six of its clawed feet. Looking at its mouth which munched on the grass, the boy saw the jaws lined with black serrated teeth which seemed to be made to tear apart flesh and grind bones.

Seeing these, the boy became come cautious and tip toed towards the being tightly holding his stick. As he closed in, he felt an urge to eat. His heart rate increased as he approached closer and closer behind the animal.

When he was a step behind it, he closed his eyes and raised his stick high. The ears of the animal rose up sharply and it looked behind it to see a long brown stick coming at it before it blacked out.

The boy opened his eyes to see the splattered head of the small animal oozing copper colored blood. He looked at his stick which was covered in the blood and threw in away before he backed away from the carcass. He looked down to see himself covered in the same blood. He curled up into a ball and started trembling.

After a while, he calmed down and got up. He approached the animal and holding its head, tore it off and blood drained out even faster. He instinctively pulled at the skin under its belly tearing it off in the process. Then he bit into the meat. Getting the first taste, he savagely started to tear at the meat and gulped it down. He kept tearing at the skin and eating its meat and drinking its blood. When he found its organs, he ate them too. As he was eating, he was accidentally pierced by the thorns on the back of the creature.

This caused him to be paralyzed. He could not move and felt dizzy. He collapsed and frothed his mouth. His eyes turned bloodshot and slowly pain assaulted his whole body. He started to uncontrollably spasm before going still.


Fifteen minutes later, the boy woke up and felt a head ache. But, more than that, he was surprised and startled to see a pair of red eyes looking at him. He stiffened as he saw the being staring at him. It was a blue skinned creature with tusks. The animal was a bit smaller than the one he had hunted and was guarding him as another one of its kind dragged the carcass away. As it saw him open his eyes, it squealed loudly to alert the other as the both of them fled very fast.

The boy sat up and looked at the spot he had been pierced before. The place on his thigh was swollen and had turned red. He ignored it as he felt no pain anymore. With his stomach full, he had regained some strength and could think clearly after his head ache stopped from the scare he got upon seeing the two unknown creatures.

He thought back to what happened and approached the carcass and carefully touched the needle like spikes so that they wouldn't pierce him. The spikes were long and thin about 2 inches. The comparatively base of the spike was brown and merged with the skin of the animal. The color got darker as he looked up the spike until it was dark purple at the tip. There were countless very small holes in the purple area of the spike. The number decreased as one went down until there were none at the base.

The child tore the skin off the back of the creature and saw the spikes origin. The spikes grew out from the bones of the creature. He ate the remaining meat off of the bones of the animal until it became a skeleton with no flesh. Afterwards, he carefully broke off a spike from the backbone. There was still a sticky purple liquid in the bone. He broke off eleven poison spikes and tried to stick them to his stick only to find it too hard. He got up and pulled a long branch of medium thickness similar to his own and stabbed the base of the spikes into its end. He broke the branch and it promptly hardened making the spikes stuck there tightly.

By this time, the swelling of his thigh had healed. He separated the poisonous backbone from the cartilage connecting it to the others and closed the parts he broke off with leaves before tying them tightly with a few pieces of grass.

Now, carrying the poison bone in one hand and armed with his new spiky poison staff, the boy went to look for more prey to eat before he gets hungry or thirsty again.