Bathtub incident

"Young Master, we've discovered that the person who bought the mysterious pill and the one who sold the beast blood are one and the same."

"I expected as much. Do you have any information about that person? Is he a cultivator?"

"This…we could not find much information about him. But he sat with Ms. Anya Cordon. He is also not a cultivator."

"The daughter of General Shire?"

"Yes, Young Master."

"Also we have discovered that Ms. Cordon has been demoted and suspended for 6 months. The person of interest is likely involved in this as we have found that this person will be sent to the Kong Sect as a new disciple by the General and he is to start as a captured disciple."

Zhang Ming frowned hearing about captured disciples. This was an old way of recruitment from the beginning of the apocalypse where sects would kidnap random people and try to assimilate them forcefully. These additions would not be given any resources and would instead have to work as slaves. It was a better way of just calling them slaves.

"The most startling information that we've obtained is his age. He looks to be only 9 years old."

Zhang Ming perked up. How was a 9 year old able to procure gold beast blood? It is to be known that one could not get pure beast blood if one used modern weapons or cultivation strength. But this child had obtained so much pure golden blood. Also no information could be found about him. The Zhang family was most famous for their information gathering capabilities. But even they could not discover any details on him. But even so, he didn't seem to be anyone who would be able to harm him. Zhang Ming had even gotten some precious gold beast blood from him. So there wasn't really any need to trouble him.

"He shouldn't be too important. Don't dig around about him anymore."


"Here is your item, Sir." Said the lady at the counter handing over a crystalline bottle with a shiny purple ball with various unknown symbols covering it.

The boy received it and turned toward Anya who was still happily counting money with bright eyes. "Let's go."

He then dragged Anya with him outside the auction hall. The auction hall looked very grand from the outside. It was a circular shape with a dome on top. Its walls were not concrete but made of a gold colored metal which even Anya didn't know. There were patterns inscribed on it which seemed to produce a formation. Formations became common knowledge in the last ten years but they weren't cost effective or easily mobile so they had limited use compared to technology.

Anya put away the stack of money when they were outside. The currency of the human territories were the same everywhere. There were gold and silver notes and copper coins. The notes were special pieces of paper which was difficult to damage. It would have a fixed value and work like paper money from the old era. The value of the money was written in black color. The money was not actually made from gold, silver or copper. The gold and silver were only gold and silver colored paper while copper was a new metal which was the same color as copper. A gold was equal to 100 silver and a silver was equal to 100 copper. Copper was almost obsolete nowadays with the increase of standard of life. Of course there was digital money as well. But technology would not work everywhere and digital currency could not be used to trade with other races or cultivators. That was only possible by barter and physical currency.

Anya and the boy walked back to the military base. When they had gone to the auction they had taken a taxi to get there in time. But they walked back. On the way they saw tall buildings everywhere. The city seemed prosperous with people walking hurriedly to reach their destinations. Children's voices could be heard from a small playground next to a school. There were also cars on the roads. These vehicles were different from those of the old era and didn't pollute the environment by burning toxic fuel. Instead they used a cleaner source of energy. Anya said that there were also vehicles which could fly like the flying sword that he had obtained. But it was illegal to fly in the city. Only government leaders and top military personal were given that right. Even for powerful clans like the Qin and Zhang clans, only the patriarch was given the right.

By the time they had reached the camp, it was already evening. Anya took them to her personal quarters. It had a bed room, a living room and a bathroom with a toilet. The living room has a sofa set, a table and a large television. The bed room had a medium sized bed with pink sheets and a pillow. Next to the bed was a dresser and wardrobe. An air-conditioner was placed on a wall.

Giving the boy a change of clothes and a towel, Anya told him to bathe and change. The bathroom was connected to the bedroom.

Inside the bathroom, the boy stood inside a pink tiled room with a tub with a shower, a basin and a toilet. The tub and shower were inside a chamber made of frosted glass. He went inside after putting the clothes on a rack and was stumped. 'How does someone bathe here?' The boy looked at the complicated dials and knobs on the wall of the bath.

Turning one, he was greeted with a spray of freezing cold which assaulted his rear causing him to yelp before he turned it back.

Turning another, he was greeted by hot water to his face. Quickly turning it off. He called out to Anya.

Anya answered back, "Do you need any help?"

"How do you use this thing!?"

"Just turn the knob in the middle. After a shower, you can plug the hole in the tub to block the water and relax. Don't forget to turn off the water when the tub fills."

Following her instruction, the boy was greeted with warm water from the shower head. He lied down and closed his eyes after plugging the tub. A feeling of relaxation he had never felt before greeted him as he slumbered off.

20 minutes later, he was woken by a shrill shout


He woke up to find the entire bathroom flooded and the water had even leaked out to the rest of the house. He hurried to get up and turn off the water. He unplugged the tub and looked around to see the disaster he had caused. He saw that the water level had risen to a foot

He got out of the tub and opened the bathroom door. This brought a lot of water out with him. He saw Anya who had slipped and fallen on the wet floor. She was dripping wet and got up with a bump on the back of the head. She stared at the boy with rage and asked angrily, "What did I tell you to do after the tub as full?"

The naked boy looked away and said, "Turn off water."

"Yes, I told you to turn off the water. I thought that this might happen. So I told that to you specifically." Her voice lost a lot of its anger. "I fell and got hurt when I came to the bedroom. Help me get rid of this water. But before that, dry yourself and wear some clothes. With that, Anya left the bedroom. The boy went back inside the bathroom. There was a small drain that drained the water. But the amount of water was too much. He took the towel to dry himself before wearing the clothes. Anya had bought them on their way home and had not given him any choice on the clothing. It was blue pajamas. Wearing the clothes, the boy felt that it was the softest thing he had ever felt. He folded the legs so that they don't become wet.

Coming outside, he saw Anya using a long stick which had pieces of fabric connected to one end to absorb the water before emptying it into a bucket. He identified this tool as a mop which Anya had told him about.

"What are you standing there for? Help me!" Anya said and pointed at another mop leaning on the wall beside her.

The boy slightly shook his head, "This is too inefficient."

Saying this, he closed his eyes and released his aura.

Angrily, "What do you mean 'too inefficient'!?" Anya said before she felt the pressure of the boy's aura. She then remained silent and looked at him waiting to see what he would do.

The water all gathered together into a ball after two minutes. The boy's forehead was sweaty and he looked tired. He lifted his hands and directed them at the bucket before dropping them. The water ball followed his command and fell into the bucket. There was no trace of moisture on the floor anymore. The boy looked up and gave a slight smile before passing out.

Anya rushed to catch him. There was no anger on her face anymore. Only amazement and guilt.


The next morning, the boy woke up to find himself in the embrace of Anya on the bed. She had slept while holding him. Though he had lived with Anya for some time in the forest, they had never actually slept in the same place. The boy felt a soft sensation under his cheeks and that his face was in her bosom. Suddenly his body started to feel hot and he felt a tingling sensation from the lower part of his body. His penis had stiffened for some reason. He had felt something similar to this before. He sat up.

When a poisonous insect had bitten him in the past, he had the same symptoms. He knew that it was a dangerous venom which increased his heart rate and made a person dizzy slowly. The victim would see illusions that would make them confused and sleepy. When they fall asleep, the venom would kill them. He had discovered this by testing on a weaker beast. It would have killed him if he had not found and eaten the insect before it spread. The blood of strong beasts act as a repellent. That is another reason he didn't try to remove the blood form his body in the past. Before Anya came, he had already destroyed all the nests of this kind of insect and exterminated them from the forest. That is why he didn't mind bathing when Anya shot water at him the first time.

'Have I been poisoned? How? There should not be any insect of that sort in the city. What about Anya?' As his thoughts went in that direction, his erection began to calm down before flaring up again as he looked at Anya's body which was covered only by thin pink lingerie which barely covered her body. His heart rate increased and his erection started to throb as he stared at her. Subconsciously his hand reached towards her.