This man...How much money he has?

Mu Hao taps the table lightly staring at his phone for a long time. He leans forward to call Tang Xi but decides to wait for her sometime.

'It should be traffic outside in the New Year's Eve. Normally it would take at least 45 minutes from her Tang Villa to my house'.

His lips reveal a devilish smile "Where will you go? I will have you and everything of yours today. I have waited for a long time to reach this day".

After an hour still she didn't reach his house. The party is already at its peak. He frowns in anger and goes out fetching his phone.

He dials her number but she didn't pick up the call. He slams his hand on the table "Damn it! I have been preparing for years to have her!! Where is she gone now?!".

He again dials her number and growls "Her phone is switched off?!".


When Tang Xi saw Mu Hao's call.

She talks to herself "The persons searching for the baby are very powerful in the country. How can Hao help me? What if they found him?".

She swallows in fear "No no no...I can't risk his life...Two lives are already lost in front of me...I can't afford to lose Mu Hao too!".

She switches her phone off and takes Lu Cheng's phone. She books a ticket from his account and steps out of the car.

Tang Xi walks around and is about to pick the baby. She sees the men who were searching randomly before now running towards the immigration counter of US.

She stands dumbfounded "Crap!! Are they even following his account?!".

She again gets in her driver seat and bites her lips. She looks around nervously. After some minutes she smiles thinking of a plan.

She now drives away from the airport. She again takes Lu Cheng's phone and books tickets for 5 different countries and in different time slots and by various means of transport. She didn't forget to reserve many rooms in some star hotels with high security.

Tang Xi frowns "This much money does he has?!".

She open his account details and jumps in shock.

'Man! I was a businesswoman! Still these figures are choking my throat!'.