Baby! I thought you are considerate!

Tang Xi mumbles 'No wonder! Everyone are scheming against him!'


She coughs in shock hearing the baby's crying sound and starts coaxing " why are you crying suddenly? Are you hungry?".

She picks some milk and keeps the nibble of milk feeder near his mouth. But the baby kicks it aside.

She pouts her mouth wronged "Why are you bullying me? If you are not hungry, then why are you crying now?!".

"Waah waaaaaah...!".

Tang Xi rubs her forehead helplessly "Ah! Baby, please don't cry! Ssshh ssh...".

Tang Xi smells something and frowns 'Why is it stinking suddenly?'.

She bursts into laughter suddenly realizing that she should change his diaper "Baby!! You ...actually...pooped! Ha...Ha!".

She carries the child and changes his diaper. She makes him drink his milk and starts coaxing "Baby boy! Don't worry. I promise. I will take care of you in future".

The baby instantly tightens his grip over her finger.

Tang Xi gets stunned "Is he saying okay?"

'What? Crazy! How can he understand anything I say?'.

She places him again in the passenger seat and sees the time. Soon she drives to City A's most secluded harbor.

'Thank god. No one would be here. At least till I board'.

She boards in the ship in which she booked the tickets from her bank account. She sees only few passengers departing in the ship and sighs in relief.

She gets into her room and makes the baby sleep comfortably in bed. She soon washes herself and hears a knock sound at the door.

Tang Xi gets nervous and tosses the towel aside "Did anyone find about the kid?".

She asks in alert tone "Who is it?".

"Mam. Your dinner"

A servant's voice came from outside in a polite way.

Tang Xi sighs relaxed and gets the food. She closes the door and keeps the food on table.

Tang Xi's mind only now filled with full of thoughts. Thinking about the events happens today, she lost her appetite long ago.

In midst of her thoughts, she sees the kid sleeping peacefully. Something made her heart be at ease. A strange warmth filled her heart!

'Have I got a family?? Damn!! What am I thinking!? This baby belongs to his family!!'

She recalls the man again and gets sad. She gets exhausted and sleeps in the chair for whole night.

Next day, she wakes up lazily and sees the baby cracking some laughter.

She pouts her mouth "Baby! you really are laughing at me, aren't you? You almost killed me last night you know that?".

She thought the baby slept peacefully until he started crying suddenly last night making her mind go frenzy.

She looks at the table with the dirty diapers, baby formula mixes experiments thrown all over and sighs frowning in deep thought.

'This kid..I thought he was considerate. Seems raising a baby needs lots and lots of physical and mental strength'.

She yawns tiredly after discovering this ground breaking theory and takes the baby for a bath.