Xi..You've got me! Okay?

Dinesh lifts Lu Yei and places near Jing on the sick bed. He says "Jing is fine. You can give him what you bought".

Tang Xi looks at Dinesh "President? How ..". She recalls he had a conference today. 'Now he is here to visit Jing?'.

Dinesh smiles "I was responsible for his swimming classes. How could I not be here when he got problem?".

Tang Xi nods "He is fine now. Its not your problem. You did a good thing but.."

He asks looking at her deeply "You didn't know about his allergy?".

She shakes her head lightly "No..This is the first time something happened like this".

Dinesh nods and gets thinking.

Lu Yei gives Jing a cotton candy "Jing ! I asked Uncle. You can eat this".

Jing smiles and satisfied seeing her. He tastes the candy and exclaims "Mommy its really good!!".

Tang Xi nods and pinches Lu Yei's cheek "Xiao Yei is really a considerate child".

Dinesh coughs seeing them "Well!! Just think she is considerate for very few people...not everyone" and pats Lu Yei's head lovingly.

Tang Xi wonders noticing his words "I don't understand President".

He raises his eyebrow "President?".

She recalls that he asked her to call him by his name and smiles "Mr.Dinesh..What do you mean by that..she is really a good kid!".

He shakes his head and smiles "Nothing". 'You should have seen her stubbornness. I wonder what they did to her that she become a pet to this Mother and son pair!?'.


In Night.

Ananya holds Tang Xi's shoulder "Xi..What are you thinking about?" and gets worried seeing her she is lost in thoughts for a long time.

Tang Xi says still in a daze "I was very confident before Ananya. At first, I thought I just want to save Jing. Then.... I started raising him and still thought I can hand over him to his father".

She gets tears in her eyes and looks at Ananya painfully "But..today...After seeing him almost leaving me..I realized...I have been lying to myself...that I could give him away...Now I really think..I..I could not live without him".

Tang Xi cries helplessly "What should I do? What if his father really comes... and asks for Jing? How can I live without him?".

Ananya hugs her but she too couldn't answer her questions. She just pats her back.

She comforts her "Why are you thinking so much?".

Tang Xi shakes her head and gets released from the hug "No!! Its the reality!! Ananya...Its the bitter truth of my entire life..I still don't have a family..I am really afraid to lose Jing now!!".

Ananya sighs "Xi..You've got me! Okay? Don't you dare say that you don't have a family!! And as for Jing..Let's think about it after his father appears!! Who knows? May be he died after the accident!". .