Don't tell me you loved him!

Tang Xi cries in low tone "No!! He shouldn't have died!! The situation was indeed very dangerous but..".

Ananya looks into her eyes "Xi..Stop assuming yourself!! You saw him dragged by those men from the car...right?".

Tang Xi nods sniffing and pouting "Mm".

Ananya sighs helplessly "Then how can you be so sure that he would be still alive?".

Tang Xi gets uneasy as she doesn't know how to answer.

Ananya warns "Don't tell me you loved him!!".

Tang Xi screams in disbelief "What!!??".

Ananya sulks "Then Why are you still stubborn to believe a lie?!".

Tang Xi is silent and gets thinking.

Ananya holds her chin "Be patient..We would talk about this when your Lu Cheng appears!! Okay?".

Tang Xi nods and sees Jing who is sleeping soundly.

Ananya adds "And don't tell this to My Brother! Be aware of him..He is a honesty freak!! If he knows I helped you in registering Jing as your own kid illegally..He will sure bring Police by himself personally and will even get me arrested".

Tang Xi smiles and nods "Don't worry! I will seal this in my heart.And It would never known to anyone.I will take this to grave!".

Ananya laughs "Xi!! You are really crazy!! You just hide this from Dinesh!! And I am afraid of no one!! You do not need to carry this to grave!!".

From that day everything went fine!.

In weekdays they were busy with their regular schedule and planned to go to beach in weekends.


In Saturday evening.

In the month of November in India its already winter. The unique features are it will be too cold in nights and to the contrast the day will be too hot.

But still due to some unpredicted conditions it will be raining sometimes.

So we clearly can't predict the climate..But it would be too refreshing to walk in the beaches in evening time.

The beaches will always be crowded as the people will walk regularly in pavements which were specifically made for people loved to walk along the beaches.

And the bus services provided all along the beaches of Chennai, The capital city of Tamil Nadu which is one of the States in Country India.

Now only way to enjoy in beach is to find a least crowded one because children could miss their path and even get themselves missed while playing.

So Ananya carefully thought about it and asked Tang Xi and Jing to come over to Elliot's Beach in Besant Nagar.

She too went to pick Lu Yei from Dinesh's home and she couldn't stand Lu Yei's enthusiastic questions anymore. So she drove fast so that she can reach Tang Xi and let her play with Jing.