In every possibility there will be nothing good will happen to her!!

Ananya's mind was just blank. She never thought they would actually discuss about him. Few weeks before she said in a confident thought that they would talk about this once he appears.

But who would have thought he would actually show up now!!.

Ananya really unable to process her mind. She doesn't want to send Tang Xi back to China. Because she would be all alone there if she returns.

But the decision is Tang Xi's. If she decides to go, then she can't stop her. She could only support her with her decision.

Tang Xi now stopped crying and smiles emotionally "I have to tell Jing!!".

She stands immediately and goes out.

Ananya stops her "Relax!! Xi..he is in class have to wait !!".

Tang Xi realises and nods still remains dazed.

She sat down but still anxious 'The man from 3 years back..The man she met in life or death situation..Whom she left ..without actually alive!! Jing's dad is alive!!!'.

Ananya folded her hands and is just watching Tang Xi's expression finally talks " decided to give Jing to him?".

Tang Xi stares her blankly and couldn't speak anything.

Ananya asks concerned "Are you going to give Jing? just like that?".

Tang Xi shakes head "I will request him for partial custody ..".

Ananya laughs mocking points out the details at laptop screen asks "Did you see how rich he is? Do you really believe he would give the custody?".

She holds Tang Xi's both hands "Tang Xi!! Wake up!! He is the only young master of his company and he is powerful in A City!! And he got only one son!! Even a kid too will understand what would be his decision!! ".

Tang Xi tries to reply her "But..he will not..".

Ananya cuts her words off "Xi!! Why don't you understand!!?? He was in danger! So he used you!! If you give him Jing he would never sign any custody!! He would just abandon your conditions!! If he really wants to thank you then he would just throw some money on your face!! And I won't allow that to happen!!".

Ananya fumes and looks away. She almost cried while saying last sentence. She read many Chinese novels and thought of many possibilities of response from him. In every possibility there will be nothing good will happen to her!!.

Tang Xi holds her hand and says "I will handle it! Trust me?".

Ananya is reluctant and didn't say anything.

Tang Xi takes the invitation and says " Its in two days!".