Why are you dying to run to him!!??

Ananya sulks "Just..Why are you dying to run to him!!?? Can't you stay!?".

Tang Xi hugs her "I know what you are thinking!! But its for Jing!!" and pats her back "I can't be selfish..".

Ananya hates to cry always but she now tried hard to control her tears but in vain.

Tang Xi looks her and laughs "Are you crying!!??".

Ananya turns away wiping her eyes "No!!".

Tang Xi runs to her front and laughs hard "Yes you are!!".

Ananya gets angry "Yes I am!!" and pouts her mouth.

Tang Xi breaths heavily in nervousness and says "I am booking tickets".

Ananya gets silent and sighs "Your wish!!".


Tang Xi gets relieved from her job and went home soon to pack her things.

She took just an hour to pack her things as she didn't took everything.

She just packed some clothes and toys of Jing.

She waits for Ananya to bring Jing from school.

Jing jumps from Ananya's embrace and cries happily "Mommy!!? Dad is back??!!".

Tang Xi smiles brightly and nods.

He hugs her neck almost strangling her and yelps jumping "Mommy!! Really!!?? When will he come!?".

Tang Xi says "He doesn't know where we are right? So we are going to meet him!".

Jing smiles and sees everything was packed asks "Mommy ? Are we leaving today?".

Tang Xi kisses his cheek "Yes!!".

Jing now got too excited and kisses her.

Tang Xi looks at Ananya sighs sadly and says "Lets go for shopping!".

Ananya raises her eyebrow "Are you comforting me?".

Tang Xi laughs "No..I am comforting myself!".

Trio went out for shopping.

In three hours they were standing in airport.

Ananya warns "No matter what..if he bullies you..just pack everything and come to me! Okay?".

Tang Xi nods "Okay!".