You are drunk!! Don't act mad Lu Cheng!!

"Why are you leaving silently?" Lu Cheng speaks in low tone "Don't you have anything to ask?".

Tang Xi stunned to hear his low voice.But she felt this sound too dangerous than his yelling. She clutches her skirt tight and asks "What are you talking about ?".

He stands slowly and paces towards her.Tang Xi is now getting a bad premonition of his stare and is thinking of a way to not making him mad.

He looks at her and chuckles "Are you impatient to get a divorce?".

He was already mad at her for not denying Feng and her way of ignoring this marriage made him uncomfortable.And for the god sake he too doesn't know why?!. She doesn't want to be my wife? She said she will think?!

She smiles nervously seeing his eyes turned darker. She says "I don't know what are you talking ab-".

Tang Xi opens her eyes wide and felt her lips sealed by his. Her mind was already in a mess but she could only feel her breathing got heavy now and his too!!.

She tries to push him but his hands already reached her waist and started touching her bare skin.

She shivers by his sudden touch and bites his lip which made him release her lips.

His eyes are in rage and whispers in her ears "Didn't you say it was okay?".

Tang Xi stunned to hear him and her body got goosebumps. She gets this chance to push him away. Crap!! I told you to reduce your guilt!!No way !! I didn't say that to you to take advantage.

She realizes its vain to talk him now as he is drunk already and runs upstairs.

Tang Xi reached the door and twists the doorknob to open. However she was pulled and pinned against the wall by him.

She felt his grip in her waist tightened and cries "Let me go!!".

Lu Cheng ignores her and moves his face to her neck.She felt his hot breaths in her neck and froze.What is he doing? He gets mad when he is drunk!! I swear I would never come out if he is drunk.

She shudders "You are drunk!! Don't act mad Lu Cheng!!".

He chuckles and bites her neck.Tang Xi was almost collapsed by his sudden bite and cries.She now pushes him by gathering her complete strength.

Lu Cheng gets angry at her continuous denials and slams her hard against the wall.


She hugs herself and slides down screaming.

Lu Cheng looks at her confused and a sudden hit of reality made him look at her blankly.She was injured before a week!!

He looks at her sobbing and curling herself. He felt frustrated and carries her into his room. He walks out to call the doctor.
