You better not flirt with my wife!!

Lu Cheng sees the doctor injecting her and she already passed out due to the pain.

The doctor stands after treating her and says worriedly "She should take rest till she cures completely.She needs a complete rest and don't allow her to step out!! If this happens again it would lead to worst" and shook his head wonders "What did she do to stress her ribs again?".

Lu Cheng about to say hears the door opened and his eyes turned dark seeing Feng Nie.

Feng ignores him and asks the doctor "What happened to her?".

He says worried "She stressed herself...she is still healing from the previous injury".

Feng Nie stares at Lu Cheng and waits for him till he returns sending the doctor.

Lu Cheng enters the room and asks nonchalantly "Are you planning to stay in My room?".

Feng fumes "Why did you do this to her?".

Lu Cheng looks at him and asks "And why are you asking? Who are you to her? Husband?" and smirks.

Feng clutches his fist and warns "You are really going to destroy her Cheng!! Just leave her to live!!".

Lu Cheng's eyes turned dark "You better not flirt with my wife!!".

Feng laughs coldly "Wife? Where were you,when she was kidnapped? You were waiting for her to die in there!! We know each other very well Cheng!! This is just a contract marriage! So step away and stop hurting her!! If you stay with her, then she would never live happily!!".

Lu Cheng's rage made him mad.My best friend is fighting with me for my wife?

Lu Cheng smirks "Didn't you want me to say her everything before? Let me tell her-".

Feng interrupts "No!! You can't say anything!! Are you really heartless?! She would loose her hope of living!!".

Lu Cheng smiles "Why do I feel you know my wife well than me?".

Feng Nie couldn't continue this says "Don't say her..Just-".

Lu Cheng creased his eyebrows. "Then get out!!".

Feng Nie grits his teeth and storms out.


Tang Xi opens her eyes and realizes herself lying in Lu Cheng's room?.

She sits up immediately recalling last night and cries in low voice."Ahh..This pain?". again?

She grits her teeth and steps out fast to leave this room immediately at any cost.She ignores her pain and walks holding her hip by one hand. She didn't change her straight position as it was the only position that could give her no pain.Its all that she learnt for past week.

She reaches the door and stops hearing a voice."Where do you think you are going?"