I want to end everything..but how?

Bran was sitting worried and hears notification sound. He is flabbergasted to see the location and calls Tianxian "Got his location!!".

Tianxian reaches the location with his team and sees everything was abandoned. He storms into a room and sees Lu Cheng was tied.

He frees him and asks nervously "Where is she?We couldn't find her! Did something happen to her?".

Lu Cheng sprinted towards the door and smiles bitterly "What would happen to Knight's sister?".

He instructs his team to search for her around the place and stops thinking 'Where she would have gone? She won't go to my home..Tang Villa? ...".

He drives to the Tang Villa and again stops feeling uncomfortable..'Would she really go there..? After knowing..Sh** she has no home to go now! Where she would have gone?'.

He searches for his phone to call Bran and curses as he couldn't find it. He recalls her asking Knight to never cross his path too...

He felt suffocated to breath and gets out from the car. He kicks the car in frustration and slams hard 'Now she would never return to me!!' And he laughs at himself "How could she believe this devil anymore? She only had him-".

He froze thinking and gets into the car.


Before rescue of Lu Cheng.

As soon as Tang Xi came out running, her eyes turned red and tears fell without stopping.

She stops suddenly and holds her stomach. She stood lost in thoughts for a while and wipes her tears.

She looks at some men stood with guns and purses her lips. She walks towards a car.

One of them gasps shocked seeing her "You!? How did you get out!?".

She stares at him coldly "I can't drive. Drop me somewhere!".

The man almost choked to death.

You! woman! Do you wanna die? You were kidnapped by us! Now you are asking us to drop somewhere!? You are insane!!

She fumes in anger "Why aren't you leaving? Are you waiting for you boss's command? Then wait" and pulls his Bluetooth from his ear "Are you listening?".

Tang Yuhan was pinching his nosebridge and yells hearing her via his bluetooth"Just do what she says!!".

Everyone in their team was stunned.

Soon the man runs as if he was running for his life and opens the door for her.

She gets in and closes her eyes after saying him the place.

She stares at the window and recalls everything happened since she came back to City A.

Mu Hao....Dinesh...Yuhan...Lu Cheng

You guys have been pretending to me!

She wipes her tears and sighs "I want to end everything..but how?".

The car stops and she steps out.

She looks at the Cemetery and choked with sobs. She didn't visited Jing after she fainted that day.

She turns back to see the man and asks in a hoarse voice "Do you have a torch?".

He twitches his lips 'Is she asking an assassin for a torch? How embarrassing!!'.

However he hands her one from his car.

She sniffs sadly and says "You can go. Just leave me the car here".

The man looks at her "You..will you be okay? You are..alone".

You ordered my boss to drop here! What if you faint by fear?.

She smiles bitterly 'I have been alone for a long time ....I just didn't realize it before' and says "Leave".

The man walks away after hesitating for a while.

She walks into the cemetery and her heart was burdened heavily. She starts walking and searches for Jing's tombstone.
