The End... to be continued!

Lu Cheng stops before the cemetery and runs inside. He reaches Jing's tombstone anxiously and his heart sank.

She didn't come here?

He steps back devastated and about to return. He frowns looking something. He walked towards a tree and sees her sitting burying her face between her knees.

She was wailing as she couldn't find Jing's tombstone. Her legs were sour in cold and couldn't walk anymore!

Lu Cheng clutches his fist and holds her shoulder. She shivers feeling his warm hand and looks at him.

He gasps "Why are you sitting here?" .

She jerks his hand away and yells " I can't find my Jing!".

She didn't wish to see his face but all she wants is.. to see Jing now!!

He gets emotional and pulls her "Come with me".

She walks with him silently to the tombstone and sees the name imprinted 'Tang Jing'.

Her heart was suffering a large pain and says in a hoarse voice "I do not belong to Tang anymore...give him your clan name..".

She grits her teeth to control her tears and says "Leave".

Lu Cheng turns and walks away leaving her alone.

She kneels down tired and asks choking "Baby...Will you forgive me? Mommy was soo dumb....I didn't know from start..I am sorry for allowing them... to take you away from me...please forgive me...Mommy won't believe anyone....can you come back? Please....I am....alone here without you...".

She holds her stomach and stops herself from crying...she looks back at Lu Cheng who was standing far away.

She gets scared of him.

What if he finds about my pregnancy? Will he let me to leave? No! I don't want to see him, even as an excuse of this child!.

Does anyone know about my pregnancy?

She gets nervous and thinking of ways. She stands determinantly. She walks past Lu Cheng but stopped for few seconds.

She doesn't know why she felt to yell at him! Or even slap!

But recalling his schemes against Jing, she walks further without any further thoughts.

Lu Cheng looks at her.

Its better we part away...Even if I want you ...I don't have any reason to stop you make you stay with me anymore....Seems I really don't deserve you...

Tang Xi drives and looks at his fading image via rear view.

Few years back...I never thought I would end up regretting meeting you that day! .....I thought I would regret saving you... That day..I saved your child from your enemies..

Today I am going to save my child from... you....
