What have I done for him?!

City A.

Lu Cheng is sitting in his car and staring before him with creased eyebrows. He grunts "Did you say she is in the Painting Exhibition?!".

Bran answers "Yep! I just caught a glimpse of them. But I doubt the footages are getting tampered. I don't know how he is doing that in City Z!".

Lu Cheng holds the steering tight. His face is getting tensed and says simply "Try to find her". He ends the call and calls Feng immediately.

Feng asks "Where are you? Its getting late for the appointment! Are you guys on your way?".

Lu Cheng says "She is in City Z".

Feng Nie gets stunned "What!? Why?! How?".

Lu Cheng grits his teeth viciously and says "She is attending the Painting Exhibition now!".

Feng Nie went silent for a minute and sighs muttering "I think your life is really f******* you ever since she spoiled that accident plan! Nothing ends good till now!".

Lu Cheng orders "Send Tianxian to City Z personally. Ask him to search Tang Xi soon and get her here fast!".

Feng asks "What about you? Aren't you going to-".

Lu Cheng cuts him off "I have something to handle" and ends the call abruptly.


Feng looks at his mobile worriedly "I hope things would end in a better way..." and sighs frustrated "Why is everything getting so messed up!? Why in the world Tang Xi went to the exhibition!??".

He calls Tianxian and instructs him as Lu Cheng told.


City Z.

Tang Xi tries to see the girl whom she met before. But she doesn't find her yet.

Su Ran asks worriedly "Mam? Why are you searching her now? Are you really not done with your argument before?".

Tang Xi shakes her head "I have seen her somewhere..But I couldn't remember..".

Su Ran smiles awkwardly "Mam..May be you are confused her with someone else?! And how can you be so sure that you have seen her? Did you meet her before?".

Tang Xi mutters thinking "No...but having a good memory is a curse too..sometimes..".

Su Ran rubs her temples "Mam.. Shall we go? Before Chief fires me?".

Tang Xi nods and says "Help me collect that girl's information later. May be I have seen her in US!?".

Su Ran nods saying "You can be rest assured..I will give you her complete details this evening".

Tang Xi gets in the car and asks surprised "This evening? How can you find so soon? We are in City Z!".

Su Ran smiles proudly "I remember some of my friends here..I just have to dial their numbers and have some sweet talks..then they would end up serving me!!".

Tang Xi looks at her suspiciously and mocks "Serving you? Why do I feel you are more than you show yourself sometimes?".

Su Ran giggles and says blushing "I just have good friends here..Official friends from our Tang Corps?".

Tang Xi nods pretending serious "Then I will just pretend you are saying the truth!".

Su Ran starts laughing "Alright! I confess! I have my boyfriend here. He would literally do anything for me! This simple details is just a matter for him!".


Tang Xi pinches her cheek and mocks "Good friends? Official friends? From Tang Corps?!".

Su Ran rubs her cheeks "It hurts!!".

Tang Xi laughs heartily and asks "Where are we going next?".

Su Ran whispers with a naughty expression "Chief instructed to take you to an aquarium..but..Shall we go to a mall?!".

Tang Xi says tired "Your wish...However.. wherever we go and whatever we do it would be boring for me finally!".

Su Ran gets happy and suggests "Mam..I am going to buy a gift for my boyfriend! How about you too buy something for Mr.Lu?!". She starts the engine and drives her car.

Tang Xi's light smile instantly fell. But this time it is not due to her anger on Lu Cheng.

Instead she is disappointed on herself. 'Till now I didn't bought anything for him! In fact we never presented each other! I agree he had done a lot for me! To keep me his side..what have I done for him?!'.

However She just ignores Su Ran's last question and her heart is beating fast in nervousness now. 'What should I buy for him? What would he like? I have no idea about his preferences!'.

She remembers something and asks Su Ran "Give me the mobile!".

Su Ran hands her the mobile and looks out for a good mall while driving. She notices two cars following them since morning and smiles "Chief is really cautious this time!" and pouts angrily "But He couldn't save my apartment! Humph! How disappointing!!".

Tang Xi is eagerly typing something in the mobile and puts on the earphones hurriedly.

Su Ran looks at her blankly and asks "Mam..what are -".

Tang Xi ushers her "Sshhh..don't disturb me!".

Su Ran shrugs and drives silently.

Tang Xi listens to something eagerly holding the earphones. After few minutes she throws the earphones frustrated "Forget it!! I can't do this!!". 'I have no idea !!'.

Su Ran already parked the car near a mall and puzzled by Tang Xi's sudden change in behaviour.

She asks concerned "Mam are you alright?".

Tang Xi gets irritated and steps out saying "Just buy something fast. I will just accompany you".

Su Ran runs taking the mobile and chases Tang Xi "Mam! What happened!?".

Tang Xi's face is completely filled with disappointment as if she lost her chance to win something so important.

Su Ran senses something was off and searches the mobile mumbling "What happened suddenly?".

Su Ran frowns looking at some weird spellings and looks at Tang Xi suspiciously. She starts surfing the browsing history and laughs understanding "So you heard some song to get an idea? To buy a gift !?".

Tang Xi already walked far enough, so she didn't hear Su Ran. Su Ran gets eager to know the meaning of the song and starts searching the details.

She looks at the lyrics translations and bites her lip controlling her laughter "So this is it!? The song was actually from a Male lead's point of view!? Nice try to gift Mr.Lu ..but got twisted in the end ! After all the song is about the Male lead wondering what to gift the Female lead while confessing his love!".