While I ask him to 'marry' me!

City Z.

Su Ran purses her lips and chases Tang Xi who is already inside the mall.

She holds Tang Xi's hand "Mam ! Lets go to The Destiny! City Z's popular ring shop!".

Tang Xi just follows Su Ran and looks at her ring finger in a daze. 'We didn't even exchanged rings!'.

Tang Xi clutches her fist tight and walks ahead. Su Ran seems used to the places here and takes her to the shop straight.

A sales representative greets them with a pleasant smile "Welcome Mam!".

Su Ran just walks to the wedding rings section and sits with Tang Xi.

Tang Xi chuckles seeing Su Ran's eagerness "Are you getting married? Didn't you say you are just buying a gift? Why are we here?".

Su Ran giggles "I like to update my choices regularly mam! See.. the rings I liked few months back, is so outdated now!".

Tang Xi helplessly rolls her eyes at her "Whatever!". She looks around the shop and gets impressed with the collections.

She stands and walks scrutinising the designs for some flaws like repeated patterns.. Usual hearty designs...Too extravagant rings (Seems they are flaws for her!).

Tang Xi stops at a place and blinks interested as if something got her interest. Her eyes lit and forwards her hand to touch a couple rings.

The sales girl apologizes "I am sorry to interrupt you mam. But these rings are reserved for a couple already!".

Tang Xi purses her lips awkwardly and nods "That's..that's ok...I didn't thought to buy it anyway...".

The sales girl goes bowing. But Tang Xi looks at the couple rings and mumbles pouting "But I liked them..it is so simple and.. The words imprinted on them...".

She sighs "Its already taken anyway!".

"You are mine!!? Aw! Those words on the rings are so touchy!!".

Su Ran cries out of nowhere suddenly making Tang Xi to jump in fear.

Tang Xi holds her chest "Su Ran! Stop scaring me!".

Su Ran holds Tang Xi "I...I am sorry..mam..are you alright? Did I scared the little ones too?".

Su Ran looks at Tang Xi's stomach worriedly.

Tang Xi lets out a deep breath and asks "Are you done?".

Su Ran says timidly "Just 2 minutes? I will take a look at last collections!".

Tang Xi nods and Su Ran is already ran to her previous place where she was looking the rings.

Tang Xi bites her lip sneakily and goes to the reception. Su Ran watches Tang Xi seriously speaking to the receptionist and wonders "What are they talking about?".


Su Ran looks at her mobile and gets startled "Chief!?".

She gathers her courage 'Mam is here to save me...Why am I scared?!' and picks the call.

"Do you wanna die!?" Tang Yuhan's cold voice instantly made her shiver and Su Ran bites her nails in fear.

Su Ran curses herself for her stupidity and stammers "Chief..".

Tang Yuhan grunts "If you fail to obey my orders next time, I will show you what a real murder is!".

Su Ran almost shivered and runs towards Tang Xi. Her saviour!

Tang Xi hands something to the receptionist and sees Su Ran panicking "What happened?". 'Why is she in horror?! Did she see some ghost instead of ring?!'.

Su Ran hands the phone to Tang Xi.

Tang Xi's frown disappeared seeing the ID and asks chuckling "Why are you scaring her?! You should have seen her face now!".

Tang Yuhan smirks "..." I am already watching her now...

Tang Yuhan waves the man before him to take the laptop away and asks sarcastically "What are you doing in The Destiny? Did you decide to marry him right after he signed the divorce?".

As soon as Tang Xi heard him, she gets surprised and cries "Wow! Yuhan! You are the best!!". 'Not bad! This Brother of mine is useful too... at sometimes!'.

Tang Yuhan "..." What did I do?

Su Ran "...." Did he fire me? But why is mam happy? She is in delight for firing me?! Humph! This Brother and Sister pair is gambling at my job and life! She was after my job while we first met...Now Her brother is after my life!!

Tang Xi smiles broadly but frowns suspiciously "Wait! Aren't we here for a break? Why are you disturbing us? Now stop scaring her and take us back home!".

Tang Yuhan grunts "Xi! You were there for just few hours! Just relax yourself till tomorrow. I would bring you home after finishing some matters here".

Tang Xi nods "Okay!" and smiles triumphantly 'I just can't wait to see his face while I ask him to 'marry' me!'.

Tang Xi felt her heart is blooming with overwhelming excitement and looks at her stomach. 'Lets surprise your dad and see what would his face will look like while I say..that I forgave him already!'.

Su Ran nudges Tang Xi "Mam? Am I fired?".

Tang Xi is in different world now and is going crazy in this weird happiness. She wants to do something..for him.

Tang Xi ignores Su Ran's sullen expression and drags her out "Help me to find some shops with good clothing!".

Su Ran ".." What happened to her suddenly? Didn't she said this would be boring for her? She got interest suddenly?!

Su Ran creases her eyebrows worriedly and asks "Are you going to fire me after presenting a gift?!".

Tang Xi stands irritated and scoffs "No one's going to fire you until I am one of the heirs of Tang Corps alright? Happy?".

Su Ran stares at Tang Xi with a big smile and shows her thumps up happily.

Tang Xi shakes her head and pulls Su Ran "Come on! Now show me some shops! For..men clothing".

Su Ran gets completely into her new 'task' now and takes her to a boutique.


City A.

Lu Cheng stood leaning over a bar counter and takes a sip of wine.

"Did you realize your fault now? So you sent your men to take me here in a private flight?"

Lu Cheng without even turning replies "I hope you remember our deal! And It was never my fault!".

The girl walks slowly and sits beside Lu Cheng. She holds her both hands clutched together and says avoiding seeing him "I didn't forget our deal...".

Lu Cheng nods formally "That's good. Now stay in Private Villa till my further instructions".

The girl looks at Lu Cheng's back view and asks "Did you forgive me? Or caging me again?".

Lu Cheng turns and sees her sad face. He walks out of the bar without even looking back at her.

The girl gets tears in her eyes "Why don't you forgive me?! Can't you lie at least..That you forgave me?".
