Join me if you still want to

Private Villa.

Feng gets angry and grunts "Han Rouxi!! Stop dreaming! You could never get him back because he is already married!".

Han Rouxi gets shocked and looks at Feng desolately.

Feng declares in anger "Yes! You heard right!".

Han Rouxi shakes her head in disbelief and gets emotional "How...It can't be ...".

Feng Nie looks at her and says "The kid...A girl saved him 3 years back...Not only that..she even saved Cheng too informing us Cheng's location.....before few months she brought the kid back to Lu Cheng".

Han Rouxi gets mad "So what she saved him? How could this change our relationship?!".

Feng glares at her "Things changed before years! Still you refuse to admit!".

She gets silent guiltily.

Feng continues "After that girl entered his life..He started liking her -".

She fumes in disbelief "Feng! How can he do this to me?! You know I was scared!".

Feng says persuading her "Xi! I understand but You let him down in his difficult situation! You know him well and you guys were engaged! But you still refused.. just because you are scared!?".

He scoffs "Do you know something? The girl not only saved the kid ..even she raised him for 3 years as her own kid! Did you say you got scared just hearing the assassin's attack? She almost lost her life while saving the kid!".

Han Rouxi chuckles mockingly "Did you come here to praise her? Why didn't you ask him to let me die then ..instead of saving me?!".

Feng smirks "You are still stubborn, aren't you?..I thought to help you..but you still keep on blaming Cheng for everything? I am leaving..".

He stops at the door and says "The conference is in a week..After that you can live freely in City Z".

He walks out closing the door.

Han Rouxi wipes her tears "A week? Its good then!".


Last night.

Su Ran turns instantly facing Tang Yuhan as if he said something impossible. She gasps "What?!". Is he kidding me?!

Tang Yuhan calls someone before hearing her. He smiles "Alright! in 2 minutes! I am in safe distance!".

Su Ran gasps worriedly "No!". 2 minutes ? for what?

Tang Yuhan turns back to see her in horror and chuckles "Pretend as if you heard nothing or you can't handle the consequences!".

Su Ran pleads anxiously "Chief..please don't do this..people will die ".

He shrugs casually "Its not my problem" and sits in a seat.

Su Ran gets silent hearing his reply 'I just got 2 minutes to persuade him or call the police!'.

She looks at her mobile in the floor and him alternatively. She contemplates 'whether to take it or try to talk with make him drop the plan? Forget it! He would rather mock me for that too!'.

She bents to take the mobile but before she could take, Tang Yuhan reaches hands to it.


She curses audibly and purses her lips.

Tang Yuhan hides his smile 'Don't tell me...' and hands her mobile darkly "You are really something! You are making your boss do your work for you...". 'I will see what would you do even after getting the mobile back'.

Su Ran gets her mobile triumphantly and turns immediately to call the police.

However, the call wasn't connected 'Strange!'. She tries several times hurriedly as she got just 2 minutes.

Tang Yuhan clears his throat "Are you not going to answer my question..? Or do you expect me to repeat it?". He takes a quick glance at an electronic device jammer in his hand.

Su Ran froze and mutters nervously "Weren't you teasing me?".

She felt as if she was stuck in a weirdest situation ever in her life! 'He is actually proposing a date while planning a bomb blast somewhere!? Is he a human first of all!? Such a Weirdooo!!'.

She curses herself for boarding with him in train and instantly gulps recalling 'What if I didn't? I would have been waiting there to die!'.

She rubs her forehead tiredly as she felt exhausted 'mentally' and asks "Chief? Can't you stop playing around!? Please stop the blast! I beg you...Its really too much for a simple deal!".

'The call is not connecting...What other things she could do other than begging him? How could she let people least she could try persuading him..Otherwise my guilty conscience would haunt me...'.

Tang Yuhan frowns "Weren't you trying to get help?".

Su Ran twitches her lips and smacks her forehead 'I was caught? already!?'.

Tang Yuhan smiles visibly now and coughs "Answer my question! I will think about it..".

Su Ran instantly blurts "Yes! Its yes! Please stop this!".

Tang Yuhan stands smirking "I just said that I would think about it!" and walks towards her.

Su Ran looks at him in disbelief "You!". 'He is a rogue! **************' ..I couldn't find any suitable words for him to fit him in..'.

However, she subconsciously steps back in horror.

He stares her for a second and sees the train stopped in a station. He says seriously "I can't stop my plan at last minute for anyone...Not even for you".

He tucks his hand in his pant pocket and walks out of the train leisurely after saying "Neither I would be waiting for you nor forcing you... Join me if you still want to".

Su Ran looks at him in a daze and sees the train's door closed.


She holds her palm on the transparent glass door and leaves seeing his fading image.

'What does he mean? he said he can't stop the plan?! I literally begged him!! He....' and chuckles coldly 'Join him?! Hell with this freaking gangster!!'.

She folds her hands and sits in a seat angrily. She mumbles "At least he let me go...." and sighs contently.


City A.

Tang Xi wakes up from sleep and blinks looking around. She gets thinking "Just now I heard his voice.. Where did he go?".


She hears some noise downstairs and smiles "What is he doing?". She gets out from the bed hurriedly and walks out earnestly.

As soon as she saw the person in the kitchen, her wide smile turned into a smallone. She gasps "Aunt Song..". 'I thought...'.

Aunt Song smiles awkwardly "Miss...Young Master told me to stay here again. Elder Master has gone to meet with his old friend".

Tang Xi nods and leaves to their room hurriedly. She takes her mobile to call him but she stops seeing a text from him.