Ananya...You are the best!!

[4 PM. City Hospital]

Tang Xi frowns seeing the text "Idiot! Why is he sounding like a Robot!?" and pouts sadly "I lost my enthusiasm to text him!".

She tosses the mobile on bed and goes to freshen herself.

While she looks for her clothes, she looks at Lu Cheng's clothes and smacks her head 'I almost forgot to send his clothes measurements!".

She calls Tianxian but his mobile was off. She bites her lips and sends a text. She takes the ring from the drawer and checks it out.

She sighs determinantly "Mine would be the best!". 'All I have to do is to prepare some lovely words to imprint in it...But I have no idea what to write!'. She chuckles weirdly 'Imprinting..become my family's compulsory custom now!'.

She looks at the divorce and custody papers in the cupboard. She subconsciously recalls Ananya. 'I wish you are here ...if you were here..I would've got the lines already ...If you were here, you would have helped me even before I ask..'.

She caresses her stomach and chuckles " Babies! I have to see her shocked face while seeing us!". 'Wouldn't she have gone mad already!?'.

She is about to call Ananya but stops remembering something 'How would she react hearing about Jing? How would I say...the kid we raised with our heart..the kid who always made us proud and not with us now'.

She wipes her tears and shakes her head "No...I can't do this...". 'I couldn't save my son...I can't handle her now...I wish I could see him once again..'.


Lu Head Office.

Tianxian looks at the door while Lu Cheng was talking with some men. He looks at a file in his hand and thinks nervously "Why is Chief talking with the doctors again? Is everything fine?".

He sees the meeting ended and waits for Lu Cheng's arrival.

Lu Cheng comes out with a very good mood and asks "Did you text her?".

Tianxian nods "Yes Chief" and hands him the mobile. 'Man! You came out just now! Yet you search for your wife first! She is not even around!'

Lu Cheng frowns looking at no reply. He calls her but she doesn't attend the call. He frowns and calls the landline. He is rest assured as she wouldn't be gone out. If so Bran would've informed him.


Lu Cheng asks "Where is Tang Xi?".

Aunt Song answers "Miss is busy in the study room. She told not to disturb her unless there is anything important..Young Master? Shall I give over the phone to her?".

Lu Cheng rejects curtly "No..Aunt Song..I will call her later". He looks at the medical reports in his hands and smiles "I have to wait until I confirm everything!".

He rubs his forehead and smiles nervously 'Damn! I couldn't control myself!'.

Tianxian speaks hesitating "Chief. I have something to ask..".

Lu Cheng nods surprisingly smiling "What is it!?".

Tianxian replies "Tang Xi asked about your details".

Lu Cheng raises his eyebrow surprised 'Finally....'. He smiles meaningfully "Then why are you asking me? Do that right away".

Tianxian nods "Yes Chief!".

Lu Cheng stops him "Wait! Did she ask this morning?". 'Sure she would have planned to cheer me for signing the divorce'.

Tianxian answers blankly "Last night..while returning".

Lu Cheng "..." 'So..She wasn't angry! That ******* used this chance to blackmail me! I signed the divorce out of anger?! Damn!'.

His eyes turned dark and walks into the cabin. Yet his mind was subconsciously thinking 'Why did she ask the details? Is she planning something?'.

He recalls his birthday would be in a month and after a long time he gets excited about it. He never remembered his birthday until someone greets him. It would be Feng or Grandpa who always remember.

His smile froze remembering something 'Han Rouxi too sent me the presents regularly..Even after I rejected them..'.

He sighs sadly and diverts himself in reading some project files.


Lu Residence.

Tang Xi holds her head frustrated "Why are these quotes lengthy!? How could I ask then to imprint!? Even I made it imprint, how could he see without a magnifier!?" and mumbles "Seems I have to ask Ananya..".

She texts her instead of calling.

[Can you come up with some poetic lines? I have to confess him]

Tang Xi waits for Ananya's reply as she would always reply her instantly...Moreover, Tang Xi even mentioned about confessing. 'But why doesn't she reply? Strange...'.

Tang Xi rubs her temples worriedly and calls Tianxian again. This time the call kept on ringing but no one replied...

Tang Xi gets texts from Tianxian. She blinks astonished seeing strings of files and curses "Why is sending ..everything?".

She cheers herself 'Alright..I have to know everything about him to guess what he would like..'.

She looks at the files and rubs her temple. 'Where should I start from?'.


Tang Xi looks at the table full of books and starts to 'arrange' it so that no one could find them odd.

She opens the door to see Aunt Song worried and frowns "Aunt Song ..Why do you look-".

Before she could finish a scream from behind made both Aunt Song and Tang Xi to startle.


Tang Xi opens her eyes wide "You?". 'Impossible !! I ...just texted few minutes back! How could she be here!?'.

Ananya walks infront of Tang Xi and waves something in her hand proudly. She scoffs "Guess what? I am getting mar-".

She stops suddenly before completing her sentence and her face turned shocked to hell seeing Tang Xi.

Ananya points at Tang Xi in disbelief and stood dumbstruck "This.... How..". She whines disappointed "Why are you always ahead of me!? I thought to surprise you by giving my wedding invitation! But I got surprised instead!".

Ananya warns "Don't tell me you are pregnant by more than 5 months!".

Tang Xi hugs Ananya suddenly startling Ananya and Aunt Song now. She cries emotionally "I am sorry..".

Ananya "..." 'Why is she apologizing? Doesn't she know me that I would be always over reacting over things? She should have mocked me..But why is she crying?'.

Ananya blankly pats Tang Xi and wonders what to say "Huh...Xi..I have no idea why you are crying...But ..I am sure...I can cheer you this time too... Did he bully you? Tell me I will sue him!".

Tang Xi chuckles while crying hearing her words and gasps "Ananya...You are the best!!".